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Subject: Surreality Check

Written By: Tia on 09/04/07 at 10:46 am

kinda a little fast and loose with the rules, this is more an editorial about how weird news is nowadays. but i was struck by it when i was reading on the metro this morning.

"Welcome back.

While you were on vacation and, of course, brooding about your life, your job and your relationships (Why? What for? What does it all mean?), I compiled a list of major news events that you might have missed and which now, as a public service, I present to you in abbreviated form:

President Bush likened the war in Iraq to World War II, the Korean War, Vietnam and, it seems, all previous wars with the possible exception of the War of Jenkins' Ear (1739-41), which was an odd conflict but lacking, you should know, any monumentally dumb statements by Don Rumsfeld.

Fred Thompson lost his fourth key campaign aide even before having an official campaign. He promised stability in the White House.

John Edwards vowed he would sell his mansion in North Carolina and his financial investments in child-labor funds and would live forevermore in a hovel. He donated his comb to the Smithsonian.


Subject: Re: Surreality Check

Written By: thereshegoes on 09/04/07 at 4:30 pm

"George W. Bush is still president.


I cannot believe that :o

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