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Subject: Women driving 'casual game' boom
Written By: ChuckyG on 08/24/07 at 3:23 pm
Subject: Re: Women driving 'casual game' boom
Written By: Red Ant on 08/24/07 at 3:50 pm
Looks like you need to be registered to view that article.
Subject: Re: Women driving 'casual game' boom
Written By: ChuckyG on 08/24/07 at 4:07 pm
Looks like you need to be registered to view that article.
strange, I wasn't registered the first time I viewed it.
BugMeNot works fine on that site though.
brief summary of article:
You might think the face of one of the hottest areas in gaming right now is a young male in his 20s who owns the latest supercharged gaming system from Microsoft or Sony - or both.
But you'd be wrong.
Instead, the epitome of the new-era gamer is a woman in her late 30s or early 40s who plays on an average PC.
Yes, the video game industry seems to have been turned on its head
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