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Subject: Police arrest 8-year-old after tantrum
Written By: GWBush2004 on 03/05/05 at 7:14 am
James City County Police arrested an eight-year-old boy who allegedly had a violent outburst in school.
Authorities say he head-butted his teacher and kicked an assistant principal when he was told he couldn't go outside to play with other students.
The four-foot pupil was led away from Williamsburg's Rawls Byrd Elementary School in handcuffs Tuesday and charged with disorderly conduct and assault and battery.
Major Stan Stout says the student began tossing chairs and turning over desks after a teacher - and later the assistant principal - tried to stop him from joining his classmates.
The child was later released to his parents.
Subject: Re: Police arrest 8-year-old after tantrum
Written By: saver on 03/05/05 at 4:26 pm
Does Mick Jagger have a kid in school in this town?? ;D
Subject: Re: Police arrest 8-year-old after tantrum
Written By: Apricot on 03/05/05 at 5:25 pm
What the Hell, man? Whatever happened to IN SCHOOL punishment? Arrest? Bull-fudgein'-sheesh.
Subject: Re: Police arrest 8-year-old after tantrum
Written By: ElDuderino on 03/05/05 at 6:08 pm
lmao i was doing that stuff when i was 8 that it the most fu(ked up thing i have ever heard well i was 8 back in 1996 what has his contrey come to lol they just sent me to anouther school
anouther..contrey..dear god, they most certainly sent you to the wrong school.
Subject: Re: Police arrest 8-year-old after tantrum
Written By: Apricot on 03/05/05 at 6:20 pm
anouther..contrey..dear god, they most certainly sent you to the wrong school.
Don't start, dude. Don't.
Subject: Re: Police arrest 8-year-old after tantrum
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 03/05/05 at 6:32 pm
Does Mick Jagger have a kid in school in this town?? ;D
:D :P :D
I seem to remember a little boy named Eli who would rage out of contol like that. One time he ran out to the school parking lot and started hurling rocks at anyone within range.
You know what? He got his britches dusted...and nobody complained. Thing is, this is about the most softie-liberal education there is Waldorf. Yeah, I went to a Waldorf School in elementary. That was the '70s. I can't say I'm in favor of corporal punishment, but when you've got an 8-year-old rage-aholic on your hands...sometimes it happens!
I'd say this could deserved a time out with the local constabulary!
Subject: Re: Police arrest 8-year-old after tantrum
Written By: ElDuderino on 03/05/05 at 6:44 pm
Don't start, dude. Don't.
What?? :P
Subject: Re: Police arrest 8-year-old after tantrum
Written By: Dagwood on 03/05/05 at 7:46 pm
I think the police did the right thing. He needs to see what this kind of behavior leads to if you are an adult. Sometimes nothing else will solve a problem like this. If it continues, I would hate to see this kid as an adult.
Subject: Re: Police arrest 8-year-old after tantrum
Written By: Tony20fan4ever on 03/06/05 at 1:05 am
I think the police did the right thing. He needs to see what this kind of behavior leads to if you are an adult. Sometimes nothing else will solve a problem like this. If it continues, I would hate to see this kid as an adult.
I would have gotten my a** whooped if I pulled that crap when I was that age...
Subject: Re: Police arrest 8-year-old after tantrum
Written By: jaytee on 03/06/05 at 4:44 am
Ha - I'm going to show my 8 year old son that story. Should get a bit of mileage out of it for a few weeks. ;) ;D
Subject: Re: Police arrest 8-year-old after tantrum
Written By: Dagwood on 03/06/05 at 4:04 pm
I would have gotten my a** whooped if I pulled that crap when I was that age...
Me too.
Subject: Re: Police arrest 8-year-old after tantrum
Written By: Apricot on 03/06/05 at 4:05 pm
Hell, I'd STILL get my ass whooped.
Subject: Re: Police arrest 8-year-old after tantrum
Written By: Kyle on 06/07/05 at 2:11 pm
James City County Police arrested an eight-year-old boy who allegedly had a violent outburst in school.
Authorities say he head-butted his teacher and kicked an assistant principal when he was told he couldn't go outside to play with other students.
The four-foot pupil was led away from Williamsburg's Rawls Byrd Elementary School in handcuffs Tuesday and charged with disorderly conduct and assault and battery.
Major Stan Stout says the student began tossing chairs and turning over desks after a teacher - and later the assistant principal - tried to stop him from joining his classmates.
The child was later released to his parents.
Now were talking serious. In fact, that happened to me too and all I have to do is community service.
:D I think that person should at least have some criminal justice for doing this type of crime, even if it's cleaning desks after school. GWB had signed a law related to this subject a few years ago.
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