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Subject: Most Ridiculous Lawsuits
Written By: eightiesfan on 12/15/04 at 8:40 am
The topic that I read about in this section just now about the man suing Wal-Mart over a CD that he bought there for his daughter gave me the idea to start this thread. Here's a few examples of some crazy lawsuits I've read about over the years:
A college student was standing by his dormitory window mooning his friends and he fell out the window. I don't think he was seriously injured, but his parents turned around and sued the school.
An inmate sued the prison he was held in because his rice pudding didn't have any raisins. ::)
Of course, there's also that infamous case where a lady sued McDonald's after she bought coffee there, then set it between her legs while riding in her grandson's sports car, thus spilling the coffee and burning herself.
Anyone else know any crazy lawsuit stories they'd like to share?
Subject: Re: Most Ridiculous Lawsuits
Written By: Alchoholica on 12/15/04 at 1:36 pm
A chap in Prison tried to play the system. He sued himself for the emotional damage he recieved from himself getting himself put in Prison. Of course if... he that was sueing he had won the State would have had to pay.. pretty smart really. (He didn't win it was thrown out of court)
Subject: Re: Most Ridiculous Lawsuits
Written By: JamieMcBain on 12/17/04 at 10:14 am
The McDonald's lawsuit. ::)
Written By: Dude111 on 12/22/10 at 5:25 am
A college student was standing by his dormitory window mooning his friends and he fell out the window.
What a stupid moron!!!!
He probably told his parents someone pushed him out the window so they wouldnt be mad @ him for acting like a total idiot! (People sue for ANYTHING just for $$$ and its sad)
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