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Subject: 'Pretty' officers hand out roses

Written By: Philip Eno on 11/28/10 at 5:45 am

Attractive women police officers are handing out roses to drivers guilty of minor motoring offences to remind them to abide by the laws of the road.

Police in Dazhou city, on south-west China's Sichuan province, came up with the idea of asking "beautiful officers" to ask motorists to drive safely.

Female officers aged between 25 and 45 have been selected to take part in the campaign.

"The idea is to let drivers feel more eased and relaxed so they take our message on board," said a spokesman.

"We think drivers might respond better to roses from a pretty girl than to a speeding ticket."

The campaign, organised by the local public security office and the women's association, aims to hand out 100,000 roses and 100,000 pendants before the end of December.

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