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Subject: Johnny Bravo Sensitivity song
Written By: 2001 on 07/07/18 at 1:16 pm
The Internet ruined my childhood innocence!
Subject: Re: Johnny Bravo Sensitivity song
Written By: mqg96 on 07/07/18 at 1:42 pm
I remember seeing this Johnny Bravo episode multiple times on Cartoon Network (& Bommerang) and even throughout the early 2000's Cartoon Network would play this as part of their Groovies or prime cuts during the commercial break before the next show came on. This episode of Johnny Bravo was a classic and a Schoolhouse Rock parody. The Scooby-Doo crossover came along with this episode too. Season 1 of Johnny Bravo was the best and was definitely most mature part of the show with jokes you could only understand if you were much older. Seasons 2 & 3 were enjoyable as a kid but looking back those were kinda watered down and the jokes were a lot more kiddy. Season 4 episodes (which premiered throughout 2004) the original creator Van Partible returned to the show and tried to revive it back to the season 1 style but it was too little too late by then.
Subject: Re: Johnny Bravo Sensitivity song
Written By: Dundee on 07/07/18 at 9:09 pm
Can I mention that as a kid I loved this part despite how cheesy this is, or will a 90s kid be offended that I dared to claim this as my childhood :p? (I dunno I just don't like this section lol)
Subject: Re: Johnny Bravo Sensitivity song
Written By: mqg96 on 07/09/18 at 8:17 am
Can I mention that as a kid I loved this part despite how cheesy this is, or will a 90s kid be offended that I dared to claim this as my childhood :p? (I dunno I just don't like this section lol)
I remember watching Johnny Bravo on CN a lot from 2002-2004. Johnny Bravo is a 90's cartoon but it's safe to say 90's and 00's kids watched it because it lasted well through 2004. Johnny Bravo's last season premiered throughout 2004 along with reruns of previous episodes being played throughout that year as well. I even remember the Valentines special that premiered in 2003 a few days after my 7th birthday and that was over a year before the 4th season premiered.
Subject: Re: Johnny Bravo Sensitivity song
Written By: HazelBlue99 on 07/09/18 at 8:43 am
I remember that! I watched Johnny Bravo as a kid and I even owned the 1st season on DVD.
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