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Subject: Am I alone in viewing the 1990s as the best time in American history?

Written By: 90s Guy on 05/30/18 at 3:41 pm

I feel like you had all the perks of modern day pop culture without any of the negatives (such as smartphones and whatnot). I mean before this thread I strained to think of what I would be missing from this current era and the only thing I could think of were Marvel movies.

You had had by 1999:

-Cell phones and DVDs

-Awesome 2D animated cartoons (Gargoyles, Simpsons, Family Guy, King of the Hill, Animaniacs, Beavis & Butthead, etc)

-Rudimentary internet (useful enough to find out info and chat with people, but not pervasive enough to become addicted)

-Awesome video game consoles (Genesis, Saturn, SNES, Playstation, N64) with classic games on each system.

-High age of PC gaming (Doom, Myst, King's Quest, Space Quest, Wolfenstein, Duke Nukem, Quake, Baldur's Gate, Diablo, Warcraft, Monkey Island)

-Awesome music genres with amazing artists in each (Hard Rock, Grunge, Industrial, Techno, Rap)

-Awesome subcultures with great diversity corresponding to each of those music genres

-Great movies like Silence of the Lambs, Shawshank Redemption, Lion King, Crying Game, Dracula, Interview with a Vampire, Armageddon, Last Action Hero, Pulp Fiction, New Jack City, Clear and Present Danger, Independence Day and many others

-Wayne's World

-McDonalds and Burger King being HUGE and selling movies as well as AWESOME movie tie-in toys

-No War on Terror going on endlessly

-School shootings were only isolated incidents, not weekly occurrances

-Crime was falling and Heroin addiction wasn't as bad as it is today

-Easier to buy houses, living in urban areas was more affordable

-Technology was better, but at the same time, face to face interaction still was needed.

Having lived through the decade, I can honestly say that I think the 90s were the greatest time in American history to date. The 2000s are a closes second. Whereas I feel the 2010s are one of the worst times to be living in.

Subject: Re: Am I alone in viewing the 1990s as the best time in American history?

Written By: Wobo on 05/30/18 at 3:48 pm

No i think the 1990s are the one of the best times in american history and to live in the US but i don't think the 2010s is the worst time to live in the US.

Subject: Re: Am I alone in viewing the 1990s as the best time in American history?

Written By: 90s Guy on 05/30/18 at 3:56 pm

No i think the 1990s are the one of the best times in american history and to live in the US but i don't think the 2010s is the worst time to live in the US.

All the division, all the bland music, the heroin deaths, people's attitudes today, Donald Trump as President...Send me back to 1995.

Subject: Re: Am I alone in viewing the 1990s as the best time in American history?

Written By: Wobo on 05/30/18 at 4:05 pm

All the division, all the bland music, the heroin deaths, people's attitudes today, Donald Trump as President...Send me back to 1995.

>Bland Music
Quit being biased.

Subject: Re: Am I alone in viewing the 1990s as the best time in American history?

Written By: Rainbowz on 05/30/18 at 4:14 pm

Whereas I feel the 2010s are one of the worst times to be living in.

No offense, but people really need to stop exaggerating and saying this. Be lucky we don't live in the 1940's with World War II and racial segregation being big. There's a lot of terrible decades in the past that make the 2010's look like a great time to be living in.

Subject: Re: Am I alone in viewing the 1990s as the best time in American history?

Written By: 90s Guy on 05/30/18 at 4:22 pm

No offense, but people really need to stop exaggerating and saying this. Be lucky we don't live in the 1940's with World War II and racial segregation being big. There's a lot of terrible decades in the past that make the 2010's look like a great time to be living in.

Okay, to put it better, I think that the 2010s have, especially since 2016, been on the whole the worst period to live in since 1968. Not the worst ever, but far from the best as well. So, the worst period within the last 50 years.

Subject: Re: Am I alone in viewing the 1990s as the best time in American history?

Written By: Wobo on 05/30/18 at 4:23 pm

Okay, to put it better, I think that the 2010s have, especially since 2016, been on the whole the worst period to live in since 1968. Not the worst ever, but far from the best as well. So, the worst period within the last 50 years.

I disagree.

Subject: Re: Am I alone in viewing the 1990s as the best time in American history?

Written By: kingofthetemple on 05/30/18 at 7:44 pm

So true the 70s were good to but to much war,80s were good as well but could very cheesy sometimes and the 2000s were only good until like 05 and the 2010s are just bland altogether with the plus only being the technology so yeah the 90s were the best decade because it was so diverse and have most the stuff we have now just not as advanced and the 90s had good pop culture to go with it i mean 90s pop culture is so good somethings seem still modern and the music was great something for everyone in the mainstream so yeah that's how I see it and yeah like bones said the 2010s to me as well are very chessy and not that interesting and will probably be remebred as a poor mans 80s. :)

Subject: Re: Am I alone in viewing the 1990s as the best time in American history?

Written By: 90s Guy on 05/30/18 at 8:20 pm

So true the 70s were good to but to much war,80s were good as well but could very cheesy sometimes and the 2000s were only good until like 05 and the 2010s are just bland altogether with the plus only being the technology so yeah the 90s were the best decade because it was so diverse and have most the stuff we have now just not as advanced and the 90s had good pop culture to go with it i mean 90s pop culture is so good somethings seem still modern and the music was great something for everyone in the mainstream so yeah that's how I see it and yeah like bones said the 2010s to me as well are very chessy and not that interesting and will probably be remebred as a poor mans 80s. :)

100% agreed.

Subject: Re: Am I alone in viewing the 1990s as the best time in American history?

Written By: Wobo on 05/30/18 at 8:24 pm

I personally think the 1950's was the best time in American history.

Not for minorities.

Subject: Re: Am I alone in viewing the 1990s as the best time in American history?

Written By: Jaydawg89 on 05/30/18 at 9:10 pm

I can agree with this, especially the period between 1997 - 2001ish by then, crime and drug rates were very low, technology was advancing very quickly, Pop Culture was quite decent, the economy was booming and everything was quite peaceful though, it wasn't 100% perfect.

Subject: Re: Am I alone in viewing the 1990s as the best time in American history?

Written By: mwalker1996 on 05/30/18 at 10:10 pm

So true the 70s were good to but to much war,80s were good as well but could very cheesy sometimes and the 2000s were only good until like 05 and the 2010s are just bland altogether with the plus only being the technology so yeah the 90s were the best decade because it was so diverse and have most the stuff we have now just not as advanced and the 90s had good pop culture to go with it i mean 90s pop culture is so good somethings seem still modern and the music was great something for everyone in the mainstream so yeah that's how I see it and yeah like bones said the 2010s to me as well are very chessy and not that interesting and will probably be remebred as a poor mans 80s. :)
And the war on drugs was big during the late 70s-mid 90s which made cities like New York and LA very dangerous.

Subject: Re: Am I alone in viewing the 1990s as the best time in American history?

Written By: Wobo on 05/30/18 at 10:19 pm

And the war on drugs was big during the late 70s-mid 90s which made cities like New York and LA very dangerous.

It actually began in the early 1970s but yeah.

Subject: Re: Am I alone in viewing the 1990s as the best time in American history?

Written By: mqg96 on 05/31/18 at 4:52 pm

No offense, but people really need to stop exaggerating and saying this. Be lucky we don't live in the 1940's with World War II and racial segregation being big. There's a lot of terrible decades in the past that make the 2010's look like a great time to be living in.

I disagree.

Hmmmm.... y'all two's defense for the 2010's decade speaks volumes for me (no offense, you two are find). No matter what happens in this decade or the previous decades there will always be complaints about what we missed from before or what we really enjoy now based off the atmosphere. The 2000's were abused heavily when I was around y'all age and we were tired of those who grew up in the 90's always finding the negative about the 2000's as well. Age plays a huge roll in this, especially for you Wobo considering you don't remember the 2000's like we do. This is interesting tho, and I will take notice of this.

Subject: Re: Am I alone in viewing the 1990s as the best time in American history?

Written By: Wobo on 05/31/18 at 5:30 pm

Hmmmm.... y'all two's defense for the 2010's decade speaks volumes for me (no offense, you two are find). No matter what happens in this decade or the previous decades there will always be complaints about what we missed from before or what we really enjoy now based off the atmosphere. The 2000's were abused heavily when I was around y'all age and we were tired of those who grew up in the 90's always finding the negative about the 2000's as well. Age plays a huge roll in this, especially for you Wobo considering you don't remember the 2000's like we do. This is interesting tho, and I will take notice of this.

I don't have to remember the 2000s in the same way you did just to understand why decades get bashed on for specific reasons and how age plays roll in it. It's based off extreme nostalgia and people being stuck in it.

And actually sometimes age does not always play a roll there are kids my age who wish or try to be 2000s kid and pretend most of their childhood wasn't in the 2010s which is pathetic in my opinion.

Subject: Re: Am I alone in viewing the 1990s as the best time in American history?

Written By: mwalker1996 on 05/31/18 at 6:51 pm

Hmmmm.... y'all two's defense for the 2010's decade speaks volumes for me (no offense, you two are find). No matter what happens in this decade or the previous decades there will always be complaints about what we missed from before or what we really enjoy now based off the atmosphere. The 2000's were abused heavily when I was around y'all age and we were tired of those who grew up in the 90's always finding the negative about the 2000's as well. Age plays a huge roll in this, especially for you Wobo considering you don't remember the 2000's like we do. This is interesting tho, and I will take notice of this.
Very true, nobody was defending the 2000s 10 years ago like people here are defending the 10s in 2018. It is going to be intresting in a few years when 2000s nostagla comes in full-swing and how 10s kids are gonna react.

Subject: Re: Am I alone in viewing the 1990s as the best time in American history?

Written By: mwalker1996 on 05/31/18 at 6:57 pm

I don't think you're the only one who feels that way because a lot of people feel that the 90s was when America was at it's peak especially Millennials  and even Gen Xers since they were the young people of that decade.  A lot of people under 40 look towards the 90s as the last decade before technology took over, when kids respected their parents and when music was still good. I know in the Black community the 90s is held at high regard because of Black Sitcoms, Hip-Hop and Rnb being at it's peak and when Clinton was president (frist unoffical black president) because he played the saxaphone and smoked weed.

Subject: Re: Am I alone in viewing the 1990s as the best time in American history?

Written By: mqg96 on 05/31/18 at 7:20 pm

I don't have to remember the 2000s in the same way you did just to understand why decades get bashed on for specific reasons and how age plays roll in it. It's based off extreme nostalgia and people being stuck in it.

And actually sometimes age does not always play a roll there are kids my age who wish or try to be 2000s kid and pretend most of their childhood wasn't in the 2010s which is pathetic in my opinion.

I'm not saying you have to remember the 2000's in the same way I did to understand why decades get bashed (all ages understand this), but age does play a huge role in how much you'll like a decade compared to disliking it depending on WHEN you grew up. You will learn this one day coming from someone who's been on internet forums and social media regularly for a decade now. If I was your age I'd probably be defending the 2010's a lot more than just staying neutral about it or complaining about how terrible this decade is. If you really love this current decade, then that's okay, nothing wrong with that. IMO the 2010's have established a bigger identity than the 2000's anyway, and I enjoyed the first half of the decade a lot (2010-2014). I was just pointing this out from you and Rainbowz which is good. Had I been 10-20 years older I'd probably hate the 2000's a lot more and reminisce the pop culture from the 80's or 90's. It's a generational cycle. Kids claiming to be a kid of a decade they didn't grew up in has nothing to do with this conversation, because they didn't experience it at all.

Subject: Re: Am I alone in viewing the 1990s as the best time in American history?

Written By: Wobo on 05/31/18 at 7:23 pm

I'm not saying you have to remember the 2000's in the same way I did to understand why decades get bashed (all ages understand this), but age does play a huge role in how much you'll like a decade compared to disliking it depending on WHEN you grew up. You will learn this one day coming from someone who's been on internet forums and social media regularly for a decade now. If I was your age I'd probably be defending the 2010's a lot more than just staying neutral about it or complaining about how terrible this decade is. If you really love this current decade, then that's okay, nothing wrong with that. IMO the 2010's have established a bigger identity than the 2000's anyway, and I enjoyed the first half of the decade a lot (2010-2014). I was just pointing this out from you and Rainbowz which is good. Had I been 10-20 years older I'd probably hate the 2000's a lot more and reminisce the pop culture from the 80's or 90's. It's a generational cycle. Kids claiming to be a kid of a decade they didn't grew up in has nothing to do with this conversation, because they didn't experience it at all.

You said most kids my age would usually defend the decades they are expiriencing and that's very unlikely for the 2010s since people like to exaggerate sh!t with this decade calling it the worse decade since the 1930s-1940s and how everyone is one there phones all the time and how everything is just hipster and feminist and how nothing is good in the 2010s and then all of a sudden people wanna come back to dick suck the 2000s after constantly hating it also sorry for my language but this is true and i know the cycle will continue but this cycle is retarded and just dumb.

Subject: Re: Am I alone in viewing the 1990s as the best time in American history?

Written By: mqg96 on 05/31/18 at 7:38 pm

You said most kids my age would usually defend the decades they are expiriencing and that's very unlikely for the 2010s since people like to exaggerate sh!t with this decade calling it the worse decade since the 1930s-1940s and how everyone is one there phones all the time and how everything is just hipster and feminist and how nothing is good in the 2010s but nooooo people wanna come back to dick suck the 2000s sorry for my language but this is true.

and 2000's kids had it worse, MUCH WORSE, trust me. You have no idea how much kids of the 90's abused us. The pop culture they would brag about that 2000's kids missed out on and what 2000's kids couldn't do compared to the 90's. Even when Gen X makes fun of millennials TODAY it's the teens and young adults of the 90's making fun of those who were teens and young adults of the core 2000's and later on. We're still getting abused now technically when it comes to the generations, which is why I try to avoid discussing about it.

Subject: Re: Am I alone in viewing the 1990s as the best time in American history?

Written By: Wobo on 05/31/18 at 7:44 pm

and 2000's kids had it worse, MUCH WORSE, trust me. You have no idea how much kids of the 90's abused us. The pop culture they would brag about that 2000's kids missed out on and what 2000's kids couldn't do compared to the 90's. Even when Gen X makes fun of millennials TODAY it's the teens and young adults of the 90's making fun of those who were teens and young adults of the core 2000's and later on. We're still getting abused now technically when it comes to the generations, which is why I try to avoid discussing about it.

It's now mostly the "i feel bad that you didn't get to expirience the 1990s or 2000s" term.

Subject: Re: Am I alone in viewing the 1990s as the best time in American history?

Written By: Wobo on 05/31/18 at 7:46 pm

Honestly i can go far as to say that the 2010s are better than the 1990s if i wanted to and no i don't think the 2010s are better than the 1990s but it isn't worse than the 1990s either.

Subject: Re: Am I alone in viewing the 1990s as the best time in American history?

Written By: mwalker1996 on 05/31/18 at 7:55 pm

and 2000's kids had it worse, MUCH WORSE, trust me. You have no idea how much kids of the 90's abused us. The pop culture they would brag about that 2000's kids missed out on and what 2000's kids couldn't do compared to the 90's. Even when Gen X makes fun of millennials TODAY it's the teens and young adults of the 90's making fun of those who were teens and young adults of the core 2000's and later on. We're still getting abused now technically when it comes to the generations, which is why I try to avoid discussing about it.
Facts, I remember hearing youtubers saying how 2000s kids didn't have a real childhood and all we do text and be on social media. By the time 2010s arrived I already felt like we was in a new decade because of how big Facebook and Twitter was, Youtube was in it's prime and Smartphones becoming more common. The 2000s didn't really stand on it's own till about 2002.

Subject: Re: Am I alone in viewing the 1990s as the best time in American history?

Written By: TheReignMan99 on 05/31/18 at 8:39 pm

Did the OP not go on online in the early '10s?

Plenty of people were in love with the 1990s and said it was the "best decade ever".

However, most of the problems we have now were worse in the '90s.

Subject: Re: Am I alone in viewing the 1990s as the best time in American history?

Written By: DesiredUsernameWasTaken on 05/31/18 at 8:57 pm

However, most of the problems we have now were worse in the '90s.

Such as?

Subject: Re: Am I alone in viewing the 1990s as the best time in American history?

Written By: Wobo on 05/31/18 at 9:00 pm

Such as?

Shootings n shieeet and Donald Trump is president so dat makes it worse shieeet.

Subject: Re: Am I alone in viewing the 1990s as the best time in American history?

Written By: TheReignMan99 on 05/31/18 at 9:14 pm

Such as?

From a U.S. perspective, in the 1990s:

*Crime rates were higher
*Teen pregnancy rate was higher
*Much higher drug related deaths
*Domestic terrorist attacks was as big of a problem back then as it is now
*Abortion rates were higher
*HIV/AIDS deaths were higher
*Racial tensions were just as high

From a non-US perspective, in the 1990s:

*Genocides were common (Rwanda & Bosnia)
*Famines were just as if not more common
*Just as many conflicts and wars as today
*Overall, countries were poorer than they are now.
*Some countries that existed in the '90s, no longer exist
*Some countries that did not exist in the '90s, now exist.

Subject: Re: Am I alone in viewing the 1990s as the best time in American history?

Written By: mqg96 on 05/31/18 at 9:30 pm

Facts, I remember hearing youtubers saying how 2000s kids didn't have a real childhood and all we do text and be on social media. By the time 2010s arrived I already felt like we was in a new decade because of how big Facebook and Twitter was, Youtube was in it's prime and Smartphones becoming more common. The 2000s didn't really stand on it's own till about 2002.

2001 IMO. 2003 for the core.

Subject: Re: Am I alone in viewing the 1990s as the best time in American history?

Written By: mwalker1996 on 06/01/18 at 12:44 am

2001 IMO. 2003 for the core.
2002 was the frist year to full year after 9/11.

Subject: Re: Am I alone in viewing the 1990s as the best time in American history?

Written By: piecesof93 on 06/01/18 at 1:52 am

You said most kids my age would usually defend the decades they are expiriencing and that's very unlikely for the 2010s since people like to exaggerate sh!t with this decade calling it the worse decade since the 1930s-1940s and how everyone is one there phones all the time and how everything is just hipster and feminist and how nothing is good in the 2010s and then all of a sudden people wanna come back to dick suck the 2000s after constantly hating it also sorry for my language but this is true and i know the cycle will continue but this cycle is retarded and just dumb.

I really think you should let this thing go. People are going to hate on every decade. Nothing you can do about and you're most likely not going to change anyone's mind.  In all honesty, when you spend so much energy trying to defend a decade (which is an insignificant subject anyway), it evokes unnecessary emotions. We've all gone through this.

Subject: Re: Am I alone in viewing the 1990s as the best time in American history?

Written By: 90s Guy on 06/01/18 at 3:45 am

From a U.S. perspective, in the 1990s:

*Crime rates were higher
*Teen pregnancy rate was higher
*Much higher drug related deaths
*Domestic terrorist attacks was as big of a problem back then as it is now
*Abortion rates were higher
*HIV/AIDS deaths were higher
*Racial tensions were just as high

The only two things on that list that I would say are objectively bad are higher crime rates, higher drug deaths (I would have to check this one out to see if it is higher overall, or higher in terms of the 1990s population vs. now, or what; because the drug problem we have now seems far worse in both young and old) and AIDs deaths. Teen pregnancy is sad but I can't really condemn it. If not for teen pregnancy, quite a few of my relatives would not be alive. The main issue with teen pregnancy is that there isn't as much government assistance to keep those young mothers from struggling as there is for other groups, and we both know the reason why. Abortion rates being higher - this isn't a problem to me so much as it is a personal choice. Younger people were having more sex in the 1990s - now, whether that is due to a lack of concern, a lack of knowledge, or simply that teenagers and young adults in the 1990s were hornier than today - I don't know. Lots of articles have been written about Millenials' lack of sex drive and child birth compared to earlier generations at the same age, so there is that.

As far as racial tensions being "just as" high, you could argue that in 1990-1992 they were just as high with ease due to the events of the period, Rodney King and the L.A. Riots as well as the marches by Al Sharpton in 1991, but later on in the 90s things were pretty chill. The big, and I mean BIG difference, between now and then is that while there were radical racist elements, they didn't have the massive soap box that is the Internet; Social media didn't exist to fan the flames of any racial divide; White supremacists didn't have a President in office in the 1990s who made them feel like they could come out of the woodwork without repercussions; they were confined mostly to listening to listening/watching Rush Limbaugh or being in their little militia groups. They existed but they weren't encouraged as they are now. They are mainstream now, which I would say hasn't been the case since George Wallace was a serious Presidential candidate.

So far I've lived through three decades and out of those three, personally, if I had a choice, the 1990s is simply the time I would personally go back to if I could, specifically, any time after January of 1993. Every period is imperfect, but for me the 1990s - in particular the mid 1990s - come as close to being perfect as possible. None of the tragedy of the 1960s, none of the malaise of the 1970s, AIDs wasn't the massive epidemic it was in the 80s. Crime rates were higher than today, but declining, and weren't as high as the late 1960s-1980s peak. Here in NYC, crime rates peaked in 1990 and then began to drop rapidly, even before Giuliani.

Subject: Re: Am I alone in viewing the 1990s as the best time in American history?

Written By: Jaydawg89 on 06/01/18 at 5:03 am

From a U.S. perspective, in the 1990s:

*Crime rates were higher
*Teen pregnancy rate was higher
*Much higher drug related deaths
*Domestic terrorist attacks was as big of a problem back then as it is now
*Abortion rates were higher
*HIV/AIDS deaths were higher
*Racial tensions were just as high

From a non-US perspective, in the 1990s:

*Genocides were common (Rwanda & Bosnia)
*Famines were just as if not more common
*Just as many conflicts and wars as today
*Overall, countries were poorer than they are now.
*Some countries that existed in the '90s, no longer exist
*Some countries that did not exist in the '90s, now exist.

Yes, that's overall true but, all of the ones in the US perspective (except for the domestic terrorism) was decreasing quite drastically as the decade progressed, by the end of the 90s, all of those were nearly just as low as they were in the 2000s.

Subject: Re: Am I alone in viewing the 1990s as the best time in American history?

Written By: Howard on 06/01/18 at 7:19 am

-Technology was better, but at the same time, face to face interaction still was needed.

compared to today's technology where people are just face down in their smartphones. ::)

Subject: Re: Am I alone in viewing the 1990s as the best time in American history?

Written By: TheReignMan99 on 06/01/18 at 10:07 am

Yes, that's overall true but, all of the ones in the US perspective (except for the domestic terrorism) was decreasing quite drastically as the decade progressed, by the end of the 90s, all of those were nearly just as low as they were in the 2000s.

True. However, crime is overall lower now than in the 1990s & 2000s.

Subject: Re: Am I alone in viewing the 1990s as the best time in American history?

Written By: TheReignMan99 on 06/01/18 at 10:12 am

The only two things on that list that I would say are objectively bad are higher crime rates, higher drug deaths (I would have to check this one out to see if it is higher overall, or higher in terms of the 1990s population vs. now, or what; because the drug problem we have now seems far worse in both young and old) and AIDs deaths. Teen pregnancy is sad but I can't really condemn it. If not for teen pregnancy, quite a few of my relatives would not be alive. The main issue with teen pregnancy is that there isn't as much government assistance to keep those young mothers from struggling as there is for other groups, and we both know the reason why. Abortion rates being higher - this isn't a problem to me so much as it is a personal choice. Younger people were having more sex in the 1990s - now, whether that is due to a lack of concern, a lack of knowledge, or simply that teenagers and young adults in the 1990s were hornier than today - I don't know. Lots of articles have been written about Millenials' lack of sex drive and child birth compared to earlier generations at the same age, so there is that.

As far as racial tensions being "just as" high, you could argue that in 1990-1992 they were just as high with ease due to the events of the period, Rodney King and the L.A. Riots as well as the marches by Al Sharpton in 1991, but later on in the 90s things were pretty chill. The big, and I mean BIG difference, between now and then is that while there were radical racist elements, they didn't have the massive soap box that is the Internet; Social media didn't exist to fan the flames of any racial divide; White supremacists didn't have a President in office in the 1990s who made them feel like they could come out of the woodwork without repercussions; they were confined mostly to listening to listening/watching Rush Limbaugh or being in their little militia groups. They existed but they weren't encouraged as they are now. They are mainstream now, which I would say hasn't been the case since George Wallace was a serious Presidential candidate.

So far I've lived through three decades and out of those three, personally, if I had a choice, the 1990s is simply the time I would personally go back to if I could, specifically, any time after January of 1993. Every period is imperfect, but for me the 1990s - in particular the mid 1990s - come as close to being perfect as possible. None of the tragedy of the 1960s, none of the malaise of the 1970s, AIDs wasn't the massive epidemic it was in the 80s. Crime rates were higher than today, but declining, and weren't as high as the late 1960s-1980s peak. Here in NYC, crime rates peaked in 1990 and then began to drop rapidly, even before Giuliani.

Most of what you're saying is true.

However, racial tensions were just as high in the mid 90s with the OJ Trial.

Also, all of the others thing may not be so bad to you but they are still objectively bad.

My point was that not everything should be viewed woth rose tinted glasses. I love the time period from 1987-1997 but I know that time wasn't perfect or flawless by any means.

Subject: Re: Am I alone in viewing the 1990s as the best time in American history?

Written By: mqg96 on 06/01/18 at 10:31 am

2002 was the frist year to full year after 9/11.

I understand that, but the event still happened in 2001 though. Even though 9/11 was huge the total change in the pop culture was not all determined by that ONE event. There's so much other pop culture that made 2001 the first year of 2000's culture. Just look at the movies that came out throughout 2001, the start of 6th gen gaming, the year being Bush's first year in office, the music, and so forth. Pop culturally 2001 and 2002 weren't much different. 2003 on the other hand was very different, it being the first year of the core 2000's and it was transitional at the same time along with early 2004. 2001 and 2003 were more changing years than 2002 alone. 2002 felt the same throughout the whole year, and it was the quintessential year of the early 2000's IMO. Some people even say 2001 was the quintessential early 2000's year. So that really makes 2001 and 2002 very similar with the exception of parts being pre-9/11 or post-9/11. Spring and Summer 2001 were pre-9/11. Fall 2001 and all of 2002 were post-9/11. The rest of the pop culture felt the same.

Subject: Re: Am I alone in viewing the 1990s as the best time in American history?

Written By: mwalker1996 on 06/01/18 at 1:06 pm

I understand that, but the event still happened in 2001 though. Even though 9/11 was huge the total change in the pop culture was not all determined by that ONE event. There's so much other pop culture that made 2001 the first year of 2000's culture. Just look at the movies that came out throughout 2001, the start of 6th gen gaming, the year being Bush's first year in office, the music, and so forth. Pop culturally 2001 and 2002 weren't much different. 2003 on the other hand was very different, it being the first year of the core 2000's and it was transitional at the same time along with early 2004. 2001 and 2003 were more changing years than 2002 alone. 2002 felt the same throughout the whole year, and it was the quintessential year of the early 2000's IMO. Some people even say 2001 was the quintessential early 2000's year. So that really makes 2001 and 2002 very similar with the exception of parts being pre-9/11 or post-9/11. Spring and Summer 2001 were pre-9/11. Fall 2001 and all of 2002 were post-9/11. The rest of the pop culture felt the same.
2002 had some defining moments as well. it was the last year of Nsync, last year wwe was wwf, The Gamecube and Xbox may have came out in late 01, it was 2002 that when the ps2 came into full force since 2001 it was still hard to find a ps2 in stores.

Subject: Re: Am I alone in viewing the 1990s as the best time in American history?

Written By: mqg96 on 06/01/18 at 1:16 pm

2002 had some defining moments as well. it was the last year of Nsync, last year wwe was wwf, The Gamecube and Xbox may have came out in late 01, it was 2002 that when the ps2 came into full force since 2001 it was still hard to find a ps2 in stores.

WWF Attitude Era was on its way out and ended in May 2002, so 2002 was all about the WWE Ruthless Aggression Era. Everybody was still playing 5th gen games until 2003 while there were solid 6th gen games coming out throughout 2001 and 2002. 2004 was the absolute peak year for 6th gen gaming. I look at 2001-2003 as the main early 2000's years culturally with 2002 being the peak. It was a whole transitional period into the core 2000's (which was complete by Fall 2003 IMO). While 1999 and 2000 were the peak of the millennial/Y2K era (hybrid between late 90's and early 2000's). Late 1996-1998 were the main late 90's years culturally. The 90's was only the best time in American history for those who were kids, teens, and young adults early 20's at the time from what I've noticed.

Subject: Re: Am I alone in viewing the 1990s as the best time in American history?

Written By: Howard on 06/01/18 at 2:32 pm

WWF Attitude Era was on its way out and ended in May 2002, so 2002 was all about the WWE Ruthless Aggression Era. Everybody was still playing 5th gen games until 2003 while there were solid 6th gen games coming out throughout 2001 and 2002. 2004 was the absolute peak year for 6th gen gaming. I look at 2001-2003 as the main early 2000's years culturally with 2002 being the peak. It was a whole transitional period into the core 2000's (which was complete by Fall 2003 IMO). While 1999 and 2000 were the peak of the millennial/Y2K era (hybrid between late 90's and early 2000's). Late 1996-1998 were the main late 90's years culturally. The 90's was only the best time in American history for those who were kids, teens, and young adults early 20's at the time from what I've noticed.

and that year John Cena made his debut.

Subject: Re: Am I alone in viewing the 1990s as the best time in American history?

Written By: 2001 on 06/01/18 at 4:22 pm

According to science, you are not alone.

Subject: Re: Am I alone in viewing the 1990s as the best time in American history?

Written By: TheReignMan99 on 06/01/18 at 5:12 pm

According to science, you are not alone.


Subject: Re: Am I alone in viewing the 1990s as the best time in American history?

Written By: 90s Guy on 06/01/18 at 7:05 pm

Or, you know, a lot of people could have the same opinion without it being mass delusion.

Subject: Re: Am I alone in viewing the 1990s as the best time in American history?

Written By: 2001 on 06/01/18 at 8:02 pm

Or, you know, a lot of people could have the same opinion without it being mass delusion.

Is that what you got out of it? All human beings are susceptible to rosy retrospection, that is what makes it a cognitive bias. However, only a few are self-aware enough to realize the bias and correct for it. First step is awareness.

Subject: Re: Am I alone in viewing the 1990s as the best time in American history?

Written By: TheReignMan99 on 06/01/18 at 9:35 pm

The 90's would've been a great time to be a teen/young adult.

It was great time for America. The economy was growing and we didn't look at are smart phones all day.

This is the epitome of looking at the '90s through rose tinted glasses.

Subject: Re: Am I alone in viewing the 1990s as the best time in American history?

Written By: DesiredUsernameWasTaken on 06/01/18 at 9:44 pm

This is the epitome of looking at the '90s through rose tinted glasses.

I've noticed people do this a lot with the 50's as well.

Subject: Re: Am I alone in viewing the 1990s as the best time in American history?

Written By: TheReignMan99 on 06/01/18 at 9:46 pm

I've noticed people do this a lot with the 50's as well.

Yeah, I agree.

Subject: Re: Am I alone in viewing the 1990s as the best time in American history?

Written By: 90s Guy on 06/02/18 at 1:06 am

It could simply just have been a great time. Not everything has to be read into. Not everything is the case of 'rose-tinted glasses.' Some people just prefer things as they were. They were a better time. I was there.

Subject: Re: Am I alone in viewing the 1990s as the best time in American history?

Written By: TheReignMan99 on 06/02/18 at 9:31 am

It could simply just have been a great time. Not everything has to be read into. Not everything is the case of 'rose-tinted glasses.' Some people just prefer things as they were. They were a better time. I was there.

Hey listen I don't know what your problem is but I want you to know a few things:

*I'm not a "know-it-all".

*You're an extremely condescending person. You always want to talk down to others but especially me.

*You're an extremely ageist person. I don't know why you figure to always bring up my age. You remind me of a lot of your obnoxious fellow 1990 borns who thought the 90s was "the best decade ever and if you're a '00s kid, you suck" back in the early 2010s online.

*You had no reason to smite me. However, for being such a whiny crybaby, I smited you back.

*Also, "I was there" is not really valid because you were only a kid in the '90s. Of course, a person would mostly likely be fond of the decade they grew up in but that's the epitome of rose tinting.

*Dr. Incognito was born in 2002 but yet I don't see you bringing up his age. Also, why is his feelings about the '90s more valid than mines?

Subject: Re: Am I alone in viewing the 1990s as the best time in American history?

Written By: 90s Guy on 06/02/18 at 10:31 am

Anyway back on topic.

Subject: Re: Am I alone in viewing the 1990s as the best time in American history?

Written By: 90s Guy on 06/02/18 at 10:59 am

I've noticed people do this a lot with the 50's as well.

Thing is people who tend to do that with the 50s tend to overlook some of that time's problems. In a lot of ways the 50s were very very cool IMO: The cars, the way men and women dressed, early Rock N' Roll and Doo Wop, the fact that it was very easy to get a job, that college education wasn't a requirement to have a nice lifestyle, America's products were virtually unchallenged, a roaring economy for most of the decade, things like the Jukebox, the Drive-In and whatnot are happy novelties. Overlooked is the segregation and Jim Crow laws, the poverty the elderly faced, the fact that for as much as America was ahead, the Soviet Union managed to get the first satellite into space, the economy went into a recession from 1958-1959.

With the 90s, I recognize there were imperfections. The early part of the decade is pretty dark in some ways. There was a recession from 1990-1992 which is a big reason why Clinton was elected. People were unhappy with the current direction of the country. AIDs wouldn't beaten back until around 1992, by which time we lost some amazing people to it. Crime rates were falling, but still a little higher than today's.

But with every period there are imperfections, just as there are plenty now. History's forward march is not always one of each decade being better than the rest. I feel that the history of America, when it is gone, will read that the seeds of our decline as a country begin with 9/11. Obama's era was only a relief from the decline. Out of the available periods of modern American history, I simply feel that the 1990s (extending up to 9/11/2001) were the best.

Subject: Re: Am I alone in viewing the 1990s as the best time in American history?

Written By: ofkx on 06/02/18 at 5:55 pm

I'm pretty sure that the '90s would be the least talked-about decade if it weren't for those obnoxious '90s kids. I honestly don't see what's so special about it ???.

Subject: Re: Am I alone in viewing the 1990s as the best time in American history?

Written By: Rainbowz on 06/02/18 at 5:58 pm

I'm pretty sure that the '90s would be the least talked-about decade if it weren't for those obnoxious '90s kids. I honestly don't see what's so special about it ???.

Honestly, even if it weren't for the 90's kids, I still feel as if it would be talked about a lot, due to it being the very last full decade of the 20th century and the last decade that begins with "1".

Subject: Re: Am I alone in viewing the 1990s as the best time in American history?

Written By: piecesof93 on 06/02/18 at 6:13 pm

Honestly, even if it weren't for the 90's kids, I still feel as if it would be talked about a lot, due to it being the very last full decade of the 20th century and the last decade that begins with "1".

This and also being that it was just a great decade overall.

Subject: Re: Am I alone in viewing the 1990s as the best time in American history?

Written By: 90s Guy on 06/03/18 at 2:52 am

I'm pretty sure that the '90s would be the least talked-about decade if it weren't for those obnoxious '90s kids. I honestly don't see what's so special about it ???.

-great music in every genre
-great movies in every genre
-awesome animated shows and movies
-awesome video games
-economic prosperity in America
-last era before college education was an absolute must to survive
-no school shootings every single week
-great tv shows
-awesome toys if you were a kid
-some of the best comics ever came out then
-non-white supremacist administration in power
-Easy E
-Last era before terrorism was a number one concern. Isolated incidents, but no 9/11, no ISIS
-no unending state of war. Isolated conflicts we took part in but nothing like Iraq and Afghanistan.
-peace between the Israelis and Palestinians seemed more possible than ever
-Nelson Mandella took power and began to end apartheid
-Morgan Freeman was a great actor and not known as a sexual predator
-Bill Cosby was an inspiration for a generation of Americans and not known as a sexual predator
-Better actors and actresses in terms of quality
-Good mix of modern technology while at the same time human interaction was still a big thing. You have no idea how fun it was to go to your corner video store every week and rent a movie. It was special. Or go to Sears and have a family portrait taken every couple years. Or go to K-Mart and be trying on clothes and buying them in person. Or going to a diner with jukeboxes in the boothes. Or going to a mall with a photo booth.

Subject: Re: Am I alone in viewing the 1990s as the best time in American history?

Written By: 90s Guy on 06/03/18 at 2:55 am

-Pluto was still a planet (and always will be to me)

Subject: Re: Am I alone in viewing the 1990s as the best time in American history?

Written By: Philip Eno on 06/03/18 at 3:57 am

-Pluto was still a planet (and always will be to me)
Pluto for me, will always be a dog.

Subject: Re: Am I alone in viewing the 1990s as the best time in American history?

Written By: ofkx on 06/03/18 at 10:38 am

-great music in every genre
-great movies in every genre
-awesome animated shows and movies
-awesome video games
-economic prosperity in America
-last era before college education was an absolute must to survive
-no school shootings every single week
-great tv shows
-awesome toys if you were a kid
-some of the best comics ever came out then
-non-white supremacist administration in power
-Easy E
-Last era before terrorism was a number one concern. Isolated incidents, but no 9/11, no ISIS
-no unending state of war. Isolated conflicts we took part in but nothing like Iraq and Afghanistan.
-peace between the Israelis and Palestinians seemed more possible than ever
-Nelson Mandella took power and began to end apartheid
-Morgan Freeman was a great actor and not known as a sexual predator
-Bill Cosby was an inspiration for a generation of Americans and not known as a sexual predator
-Better actors and actresses in terms of quality
-Good mix of modern technology while at the same time human interaction was still a big thing. You have no idea how fun it was to go to your corner video store every week and rent a movie. It was special. Or go to Sears and have a family portrait taken every couple years. Or go to K-Mart and be trying on clothes and buying them in person. Or going to a diner with jukeboxes in the boothes. Or going to a mall with a photo booth.

Damn... nvm ;D. But there's no denying that nostalgia plays a huge part in why people view it as they do (but then again that could be said about all decades :P)

Subject: Re: Am I alone in viewing the 1990s as the best time in American history?

Written By: ZeldaFan20 on 06/03/18 at 10:17 pm

Ehhhh.... I'd disagree. The 1990s are a very popular decade. This listicle is an epitome of that:

Subject: Re: Am I alone in viewing the 1990s as the best time in American history?

Written By: Howard on 06/04/18 at 5:19 am

-great music in every genre
-great movies in every genre
-awesome animated shows and movies
-awesome video games
-economic prosperity in America
-last era before college education was an absolute must to survive
-no school shootings every single week
-great tv shows
-awesome toys if you were a kid
-some of the best comics ever came out then
-non-white supremacist administration in power
-Easy E
-Last era before terrorism was a number one concern. Isolated incidents, but no 9/11, no ISIS
-no unending state of war. Isolated conflicts we took part in but nothing like Iraq and Afghanistan.
-peace between the Israelis and Palestinians seemed more possible than ever
-Nelson Mandella took power and began to end apartheid
-Morgan Freeman was a great actor and not known as a sexual predator
-Bill Cosby was an inspiration for a generation of Americans and not known as a sexual predator
-Better actors and actresses in terms of quality
-Good mix of modern technology while at the same time human interaction was still a big thing. You have no idea how fun it was to go to your corner video store every week and rent a movie. It was special. Or go to Sears and have a family portrait taken every couple years. Or go to K-Mart and be trying on clothes and buying them in person. Or going to a diner with jukeboxes in the boothes. Or going to a mall with a photo booth.

That was a fun time to rent a film, just pop into your video store and before that you had a slice of pizza then top it off for dessert, ice cream.

Subject: Re: Am I alone in viewing the 1990s as the best time in American history?

Written By: 90s Guy on 06/04/18 at 10:13 am

That was a fun time to rent a film, just pop into your video store and before that you had a slice of pizza then top it off for dessert, ice cream.

Where I lived the video store and pizza place were literally next door, so it was often just that way.

Subject: Re: Am I alone in viewing the 1990s as the best time in American history?

Written By: Howard on 06/05/18 at 7:11 am

Where I lived the video store and pizza place were literally next door, so it was often just that way.

the pizza place, video rental store and ice cream store were doors away from each other.

Subject: Re: Am I alone in viewing the 1990s as the best time in American history?

Written By: 2001 on 06/06/18 at 10:28 pm

Ooo, the pizza place and video store were next to each other at my place too, just across the street! :D

Subject: Re: Am I alone in viewing the 1990s as the best time in American history?

Written By: Howard on 06/07/18 at 5:14 am

Ooo, the pizza place and video store were next to each other at my place too, just across the street! :D

Where I lived in my neighborhood, after having slices of pizza, My Brother and I would go to the video store and rent a video then have ice cream later. It became something to do on a Friday night.

Subject: Re: Am I alone in viewing the 1990s as the best time in American history?

Written By: Dundee on 06/07/18 at 8:25 am

The 90's would've been a great time to be a teen/young adult.

It was great time for America. The economy was growing and we didn't look at are smart phones all day.
Nope, people back then complained about being on tv all day much, and the young being videogaming all day, how the times have changed ::).

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