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Subject: Favorite Mighty Morphin Power Rangers season?
Written By: bchris02 on 04/24/17 at 10:20 am
What MMPR season was your favorite? When did you stop watching the show?
I watched the show from the beginning until Turbo. I think some of the best individual episodes came in the first season, specifically the Green With Evil miniseries and the Green Candle series. However, my overall favorite season was Season 3, which was more serialized than previous years and had more in depth storytelling and character development. Early season 3 was when the show was at peak popularity, right around the time the movie came out. I think Zeo was quite underrated as well and that remains one of my favorites, despite the fact that King Mondo and the Machine Empire were inferior villains compared to Rita and Lord Zedd.
The show completely fell apart when they switched to Turbo (for various reasons) and I stopped watching it never to watch it again. In the short of it, by 1997 the kids who had been watching since season 1 were becoming older (which was reflected in the deeper storylines of season 3 and Zeo) and ratings were declining as its audience was slowly aging out. They wanted to switch things up to try to bring in a new younger fanbase, but what they did in Turbo pushed away much of the fanbase they originally had and didn't revive interest among younger children. The result was a debacle that nearly killed the show and in fact did in my own book.
A lot of people say "In Space" was one of the best seasons and it did in fact save the show, but I never watched it.
Subject: Re: Favorite Mighty Morphin Power Rangers season?
Written By: 80sfan on 04/24/17 at 10:30 am
What MMPR season was your favorite? When did you stop watching the show?
I watched the show from the beginning until Turbo. I think some of the best individual episodes came in the first season, specifically the Green With Evil miniseries and the Green Candle series. However, my overall favorite season was Season 3, which was more serialized than previous years and had more in depth storytelling and character development. Early season 3 was when the show was at peak popularity, right around the time the movie came out. I think Zeo was quite underrated as well and that remains one of my favorites, despite the fact that King Mondo and the Machine Empire were inferior villains compared to Rita and Lord Zedd.
The show completely fell apart when they switched to Turbo (for various reasons) and I stopped watching it never to watch it again. In the short of it, by 1997 the kids who had been watching since season 1 were becoming older (which was reflected in the deeper storylines of season 3 and Zeo) and ratings were declining as its audience was slowly aging out. They wanted to switch things up to try to bring in a new younger fanbase, but what they did in Turbo pushed away much of the fanbase they originally had and didn't revive interest among younger children. The result was a debacle that nearly killed the show and in fact did in my own book.
A lot of people say "In Space" was one of the best seasons and it did in fact save the show, but I never watched it.
Me and my brother always made this joke with each other, together, "Once you go Turbo, you can never go back!" ;D ;D ;D
Yeah, it 'jumped the shark' once they got that 11 year old kid ( ;D) to be on their Turbo team.
Subject: Re: Favorite Mighty Morphin Power Rangers season?
Written By: annimal on 04/24/17 at 10:33 am
good lord
Subject: Re: Favorite Mighty Morphin Power Rangers season?
Written By: 2001 on 04/24/17 at 10:42 am
I loved In Space and Lost Galaxy. The space theme was just cool to me (and Leo the Red Ranger was super hot). It has the best crossover movie too.
I got into the series with Zeo and I agree that it's underrated. I personally really liked it.
Also, though it came long after the Power Rangers peak, I loved Dino Thunder (2004). The special effects at some points were just great. It felt like it had a much higher budget than the previous Power Rangers. It was the last Saturday morning show I cared to wake up for.
Subject: Re: Favorite Mighty Morphin Power Rangers season?
Written By: bchris02 on 04/24/17 at 11:47 am
I loved In Space and Lost Galaxy. The space theme was just cool to me (and Leo the Red Ranger was super hot). It has the best crossover movie too.
I got into the series with Zeo and I agree that it's underrated. I personally really liked it.
Also, though it came long after the Power Rangers peak, I loved Dino Thunder (2004). The special effects at some points were just great. It felt like it had a much higher budget than the previous Power Rangers. It was the last Saturday morning show I cared to wake up for.
I am really surprised the show lasted through the '00s. Was it still widely popular then? I guess since it mostly consists of Super Sentai footage, it's extremely low budget and that has enabled it to stay on.
The original show and storyline ended at the end of "In Space" as far as I know. After that, each season had a complete cast and storyline change and each season was standalone and unrelated to events of previous seasons. That's probably for the best, as it solves the problem of each new set of powers and zords being more powerful than the last, something that began to detract from the show around Turbo.
Subject: Re: Favorite Mighty Morphin Power Rangers season?
Written By: mxcrashxm on 04/24/17 at 12:00 pm
I don't have one since I watched the series regardless of the season, but I will say that I recall seeing it up until 2000. After that, I haven't seen much of it since aside from the past few years. I'm even surprised that it even lasted along because I don't remember seeing it on Disney in the 00s. :o
Subject: Re: Favorite Mighty Morphin Power Rangers season?
Written By: bchris02 on 04/24/17 at 12:05 pm
Me and my brother always made this joke with each other, together, "Once you go Turbo, you can never go back!" ;D ;D ;D
Yeah, it 'jumped the shark' once they got that 11 year old kid ( ;D) to be on their Turbo team.
Yeah...everything about Turbo sucked. I really can't think of one redeeming thing about that season. I think most of us "first generation" fans feel the same way. Young people who may have discovered the show later probably feel differently.
-Replacing Rocky with the 11-year old kid (which was done primarily to bring back younger fans but backfired)
-Switching out the Zeo powers and zords (which had tons of lore built up surrounding them for two seasons) with cars
-Divatox - huge, huge step down from Zedd and Rita or even the Machine Empire.
-Replacing Zordon and Alpha 5 with Dmitria and Alpha 6
-The Sentai adapted for Turbo was a parody season in Japan and did not mesh well with the more serious status quo that was set up in Zeo.
-Lieutenant Stone now runs the Juice Bar. Really? He goes from running his own detective office to running the Juice Bar?
-Bulk and Skull as chimps
Subject: Re: Favorite Mighty Morphin Power Rangers season?
Written By: mach!ne_he@d on 04/24/17 at 12:48 pm
Even though the first season of MMPR is arguably the worst of the entire series (repetitive episodes, ridiculous enemies, negative continuity, etc.) it still remains my favorite. Jason, Zack, Kimberly, Trini, Billy and Jason are still the most iconic Ranger team, and the Dinosaur Megazord is still the most iconic megazord. When you say "Power Rangers", the first season cast and zords are what most people will remember.
Also, I think the season with the Thunderzords (1994-95), was really awesome, too. I'll never forget watching that episode on Fox Kids where Zordon first reveals that there are actually zords even more powerful than the Dinozords, and the Thunderzords are unveiled. That was one of my five biggest childhood moments right there. The episode where Tommy first becomes the White Ranger kicked ass, too. From a nostalgia standpoint, this was probably when I was at my absolute height of rushing out of school everyday to watch Power Rangers.
I'll also join the chorus of those that hated the Turbo season. It sucked. Honestly, I was, like 10-11 years old by that point and starting to lose interest in Power Rangers so I stopped watching during that season.
Subject: Re: Favorite Mighty Morphin Power Rangers season?
Written By: bchris02 on 04/24/17 at 1:55 pm
Even though the first season of MMPR is arguably the worst of the entire series (repetitive episodes, ridiculous enemies, negative continuity, etc.) it still remains my favorite. Jason, Zack, Kimberly, Trini, Billy and Jason are still the most iconic Ranger team, and the Dinosaur Megazord is still the most iconic megazord. When you say "Power Rangers", the first season cast and zords are what most people will remember.
Also, I think the season with the Thunderzords (1994-95), was really awesome, too. I'll never forget watching that episode on Fox Kids where Zordon first reveals that there are actually zords even more powerful than the Dinozords, and the Thunderzords are unveiled. That was one of my five biggest childhood moments right there. The episode where Tommy first becomes the White Ranger kicked ass, too. From a nostalgia standpoint, this was probably when I was at my absolute height of rushing out of school everyday to watch Power Rangers.
I'll also join the chorus of those that hated the Turbo season. It sucked. Honestly, I was, like 10-11 years old by that point and starting to lose interest in Power Rangers so I stopped watching during that season.
I agree with all of this. The first season definitely is the most iconic despite having some of the most ridiculous episodes. The Green Ranger miniseries is perhaps the most remembered part of the show to this day. The highlight of Season 2 was the end of the Green Ranger powers and Tommy returning as the White Ranger. I also liked Lord Zedd prior to the return of Rita, before they made him more comic (I've heard this was to appease parents who thought Lord Zedd was too evil). To me, the height of my interest in the show was the beginning of Season 3, especially the "Ninja Quest" miniseries. I remember watching the Thunderzords be trashed by Rito Revolto and them literally falling apart. That was probably one of the most memorable parts of the show. I always preferred the original megazord and the Ninjazords over the Thunderzords however. Another memorable part of the show was the Gold Ranger saga during Zeo.
I think Turbo would have been better had they swapped out the cast at the beginning instead of halfway through the season. The Sentai just wasn't a good fit for trying to pick up where Zeo left off.
Subject: Re: Favorite Mighty Morphin Power Rangers season?
Written By: mach!ne_he@d on 04/24/17 at 2:29 pm
I agree with all of this. The first season definitely is the most iconic despite having some of the most ridiculous episodes. The Green Ranger miniseries is perhaps the most remembered part of the show to this day. The highlight of Season 2 was the end of the Green Ranger powers and Tommy returning as the White Ranger. I also liked Lord Zedd prior to the return of Rita, before they made him more comic (I've heard this was to appease parents who thought Lord Zedd was too evil). To me, the height of my interest in the show was the beginning of Season 3, especially the "Ninja Quest" miniseries. I remember watching the Thunderzords be trashed by Rito Revolto and them literally falling apart. That was probably one of the most memorable parts of the show. I always preferred the original megazord and the Ninjazords over the Thunderzords however. Another memorable part of the show was the Gold Ranger saga during Zeo.
I think Turbo would have been better had they swapped out the cast at the beginning instead of halfway through the season. The Sentai just wasn't a good fit for trying to pick up where Zeo left off.
Oh yeah, the Green Ranger thing was massive. I remember when they came out with all 5 parts of "Green With Evil" on VHS. The tapes were sold separately, so every time we went to K-Mart I used to beg my parents to buy my the next part. It took me like a year to get all 5.
Zedd was actually pretty badass when he first debuted on the show. As a kid he seemed so much more intimidating than Rita was. I mean, he literally looked like a walking brain or something. I loved the Ninjazord season too. Remember Ninjor, that blue dude with the funny voice? I always liked that character for some reason.
Subject: Re: Favorite Mighty Morphin Power Rangers season?
Written By: mqg96 on 04/24/17 at 2:53 pm
Dino Thunder
Subject: Re: Favorite Mighty Morphin Power Rangers season?
Written By: ZeldaFan20 on 04/24/17 at 3:09 pm
My favorites had to have been Time Force, Ninja Storm, & Dino Thunder, this is all early 00's era Power Rangers (well past OP's time). Didn't watch much of it after Dino Thunder
Subject: Re: Favorite Mighty Morphin Power Rangers season?
Written By: 2001 on 04/24/17 at 3:25 pm
I am really surprised the show lasted through the '00s. Was it still widely popular then? I guess since it mostly consists of Super Sentai footage, it's extremely low budget and that has enabled it to stay on.
The original show and storyline ended at the end of "In Space" as far as I know. After that, each season had a complete cast and storyline change and each season was standalone and unrelated to events of previous seasons. That's probably for the best, as it solves the problem of each new set of powers and zords being more powerful than the last, something that began to detract from the show around Turbo.
Yes, In Space is the last one with Zordon, Rita and crew. But there were crossover episodes where the Lost Galaxy rangers met the In Space rangers, and they teamed up to take down the Psycho Rangers (evil mirror of the Power Rangers). So Lost Galaxy still has a loose tie in with the Zordon era.
It wasn't as popular in the early 2000s as in the 1990s, from what I remember. It was a Saturday morning show, and those always took a backseat to the Monday to Thursday after-school shows. But most the kids in my neighbour continued to watch it.
Subject: Re: Favorite Mighty Morphin Power Rangers season?
Written By: 80sfan on 04/24/17 at 4:07 pm
Yes, In Space is the last one with Zordon, Rita and crew. But there were crossover episodes where the Lost Galaxy rangers met the In Space rangers, and they teamed up to take down the Psycho Rangers (evil mirror of the Power Rangers). So Lost Galaxy still has a loose tie in with the Zordon era.
It wasn't as popular in the early 2000s as in the 1990s, from what I remember. It was a Saturday morning show, and those always took a backseat to the Monday to Thursday after-school shows. But most the kids in my neighbour continued to watch it.
I didn't see Lost Galaxy's appeal. It didn't serve my selfish needs! :.ducks:.
Subject: Re: Favorite Mighty Morphin Power Rangers season?
Written By: 2001 on 04/24/17 at 7:52 pm
I didn't see Lost Galaxy's appeal. It didn't serve my selfish needs! :.ducks:.
Are you joking? Your selfish needs?
They had him in chains and tortured him! It was intro to BDSM for children.
I couldn't stop playing this episode on VHS. The sadistic part at 3:30 is hawt. And then at 5:25 he takes his shirt off!!
Subject: Re: Favorite Mighty Morphin Power Rangers season?
Written By: annimal on 04/24/17 at 8:07 pm
Subject: Re: Favorite Mighty Morphin Power Rangers season?
Written By: TheReignMan99 on 04/24/17 at 8:18 pm
I have none since I was born in 1999 and didn't watch Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers growing up (it aired from 1993-1995). I also was never a huge fan of Power Rangers like a lot of kids have been since 1993. I'm more a "casual" fan, that being said:
The Power Rangers series that I liked growing up were...
Power Rangers Dino Thunder (2004)
Power Rangers S.P.D. (2005)
Power Rangers Mystic Force (2006)
Power Rangers Operation Overdrive (2007)
Subject: Re: Favorite Mighty Morphin Power Rangers season?
Written By: Ripley on 04/24/17 at 9:29 pm
The very first one from the original series! I've watched bits and pieces from the other series but the only one I've seen in full is the original. And my favorite character was Kimberly (the Pink ranger) ovcourse. 😛
Subject: Re: Favorite Mighty Morphin Power Rangers season?
Written By: Eazy-EMAN1995 on 04/24/17 at 10:39 pm
Time Force and In Space.
Subject: Re: Favorite Mighty Morphin Power Rangers season?
Written By: 80sfan on 04/24/17 at 11:27 pm
Are you joking? Your selfish needs?
They had him in chains and tortured him! It was intro to BDSM for children.
I couldn't stop playing this episode on VHS. The sadistic part at 3:30 is hawt. And then at 5:25 he takes his shirt off!!
;D ;D
Subject: Re: Favorite Mighty Morphin Power Rangers season?
Written By: Rosequartz2000 on 01/07/18 at 10:19 am
Mighty Morphin', In Space, and I also stopped after Turbo. I saw the movie too.
Subject: Re: Favorite Mighty Morphin Power Rangers season?
Written By: annimal on 01/07/18 at 11:03 am
none never
Subject: Re: Favorite Mighty Morphin Power Rangers season?
Written By: Nadnerb on 02/04/18 at 9:08 pm
If you’re talking Power Rangers in general, not limited to Mighty Morphin, then it would all the seasons in the Saban era (Mighty Morphin-Wild Force). I know most fans will disagree with me but Turbo was not that bad. I thought Megaforce was far worse.
Subject: Re: Favorite Mighty Morphin Power Rangers season?
Written By: bchris02 on 02/05/18 at 6:31 pm
If you’re talking Power Rangers in general, not limited to Mighty Morphin, then it would all the seasons in the Saban era (Mighty Morphin-Wild Force). I know most fans will disagree with me but Turbo was not that bad. I thought Megaforce was far worse.
I think Turbo was when a lot of the original fans stopped watching and there is good reason for that. By the time Turbo came out, those who would have been prime age when Season 1 first aired would be ageing out of the show's target audience. This is especially important when it comes to Turbo because the season took on a more lighthearted, childish tone as opposed to the more complex, darker tone that Zeo and even MMP3 Season 3 had.
Subject: Re: Favorite Mighty Morphin Power Rangers season?
Written By: Kid of the 2000s on 02/06/18 at 1:05 pm
Well since my earliest memories are from late 1994/early 1995, naturally I'm going to have to say the last season of.mmpr ;D , no but seriously the other kids at my nursery we would all be practising our moves at playtime so many 4 and even 3 year olds were crazy about it in fact mom was worried about me copying the moves as so many kids were getting injured playing poweranges so she kept on throwing away the tapes my dad bought me in 1995-1997 :\'(, but Yh kids my age we stopped caring in 1997 when I was starting compulsory schooling it was obviously not as populer,
Subject: Re: Favorite Mighty Morphin Power Rangers season?
Written By: popguru85 on 02/13/18 at 12:25 am
I watched the original run every day after school until Turbo. By the time Turbo came out, I was growing out of Power Rangers and got into pro wrestling around this point. My favorite ranger was Jason the red Ranger. I was so happy when I met him and Billy, Zach and Tommy at NY Comic con a few years ago
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