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Subject: '90s Nostalgia...yes <3

Written By: violet_shy on 06/18/16 at 9:16 pm

It is hard to pick a specific date for my nostalgia story, so I chose to go back 22 years.

....As 1994 began, I was just 13 years old and in Middle school. It was really a good point in my life, I was young, I was a shy, quiet girl but I was very friendly. I had four obsessions at that time: God, my hair, music and gaming! I didn't care much for school, but knew I had to attend or else. Just want to add, that I was a good student. Good grades, and I attended gifted art class, which was an special art program for kids to spend time at College. We painted, made sculptures and sketched. For a 13 year old, it was an accomplishment! And in 1994 there weren't many artists, so it was different. It was also kind of sad because none of my friends attended the art class with me. I didn't have many, I could count them on one hand. But the friends I did have were awesome of course. Every morning before leaving for school, I took special care of my long locks. And of course I sported the latest hair trends for teens at the time. My daily hair routine took a long time, and what I did was use:

About 1 small container full of LA Looks hair gel. One huge container of hairspray. About three huge pony holders, and a hair brush. The idea was to make a high ponytail tight on top of the head with the three pony holders...yes all THREE of them. Let the hair fall down around the face, and the leave the rest of the hair down. No bangs. Thankfully, I had the longest hair in school and in the neighborhood, and I didn't let anyone forget it. How could I not let anyone forget it, my hair would cover my body :o So it was pretty obvious!

After the hair routine I then left for school at 7:15 AM and got there by 7:30 AM, when everyone gathered in the cafeteria. I was always, always thankful that my bully from 7th grade wasn't there to ruin my life. ::) But I always looked around me just to be sure. The cafeteria gatherings were a special occasion....because we could do whatever we wanted. Everyone would bring in their Walkmans only to later hide them in their lockers. And eventually get caught for even bringing them to school. After that it was homeroom at 8:00 AM and the day began. My favorite days ever were our half days! When something would come up during the day and we were all sent home early in the afternoon. We didn't have many of those, but when we did I took advantage of time and did what everyone did: go home to gaming or the computer, or go to a friend's house, and listen to what were the best radio stations at the time. We had ProFM and Kix 106 FM. They played the most listened to genres which were House, Dance, Alternative, Hip Hop, and RnB. I was addicted to the radio and to VH1. Most of the time we would visit a friend if they had a gaming system. Two that were popular during that time were the Super Nintendo, and Sega Genesis. Fortunately for me we got our Super Nintendo gaming system in December on Christmas. By that time I was already in High school. We often remember how I so laughed many many times playing Super Mario All Stars, trying to finish the game and losing, and attempting to finish it over and over again. All that could be heard was me laughing and mom trying to figure out what was funny.  ;D I'll always have a special place in my heart for gaming and those silly Mario Brother's games!

Subject: Re: '90s Nostalgia...yes <3

Written By: violet_shy on 07/04/16 at 7:49 pm

This is so corny, hahaha lol.

Ok, seriously, here are songs from the '90s that made me feel nostalgic this morning...




Subject: Re: '90s Nostalgia...yes <3

Written By: violet_shy on 07/04/16 at 10:08 pm

This is so corny, hahaha lol.

Ok, seriously, here are songs from the '90s that made me feel nostalgic this morning...


"...Until I learned to love myself I was never ever loving anybody else."  :-[

Subject: Re: '90s Nostalgia...yes <3

Written By: Ripley on 07/04/16 at 10:54 pm

This is awesome! I loved hearing childhood stories!

Subject: Re: '90s Nostalgia...yes <3

Written By: aja675 on 07/07/16 at 10:00 am


They used to play this at Shakey's Pizza when I was 2. (I think this was the only song they played there. I guess it was always on loop.)

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