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Subject: I love the early '90s

Written By: Todd Pettingzoo on 03/12/16 at 6:07 am

Mainstream music was all over the place in a good way
Ninja Turtles mania
Pro wrestling was pretty awesome
Home Alone movies
Problem Child movies

Subject: Re: I love the early '90s

Written By: Baltimoreian on 03/12/16 at 10:16 am

I guess you'll have no problem with The Early 90's Guy.

Subject: Re: I love the early '90s

Written By: TheEarly90sFan on 03/25/16 at 8:40 pm

Mainstream music was all over the place in a good way
Ninja Turtles mania
Pro wrestling was pretty awesome
Home Alone movies
Problem Child movies

The early '90s were so bad (bad meaning good, of course)!  :)


The unforgettable hairstyles - rat tails, lines cut into the hair, hair carvings, side ponytails, crimped hair, mall bangs, hair highlights, gumby haircuts, hi top fades

Batmania of '89 into '90

The other superhero and fairy tale movies of that time: Dick Tracy, Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves, Hook, and The Rocketeer

The early Urkel slapstick moments

Fruit Scented Pop-A-Point pencils, Japanese pencil cases, mini pianos, Bubble Tape, and Topps baseball cards from that time

The slang: rad, wicked, cowabunga, mondo, hottie, not, psych, sweet, hella, hype, totally uncool, no doy, babe, studmuffin, bogus, peace in the Middle East, and like

The new trends at the time: rollerblades, slap wraps (slap bracelets), Bart Simpson shirts, black sneakers, cross colors, baggy pants, troll dolls, Ren and Stimpy shirts, large neon clicker clackers, yoyos

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles pudding pies by Hostess

Recording singles from '86 to '89 off the radio

Running into Paula Abdul lookalikes at the mall

The frozen yogurt craze

These brands and names: Z. Cavaricci, Gitano, UMEN, Get Used by Elie, I.O.U., Pepe Jeans, Boss Jeans, Big Dogs, Duck Head, Starter, Camp Beverly Hills, Benetton, Billabong, Body Glove, ProWings, Adidas, British Knights, Guess Jeans, Michael Hoban, Panama Jack, Gotcha, Quiksilver, Mossimo, Generra, Stussy, Local Motion, Jimmy Z, Oshkosh B'Gosh, Ocean Pacific, Rude Dog, Bad Boy Club,and Levi

The Super Soaker battles (The Super Soaker 100 was the best water gun to have in those days)

The United States Presidential Election of 1992

Staying up late and rooting for Al Bundy on Married with Children

"Vanilla Ice is forever!"

The Exclamation perfume commercials

Carrying around stereos for the last time

Getting a Game Boy or Discman for Christmas

Watching MTV (when it meant Music Television) and mocking glam metal bands like Poison and Warrant for fun

Renting Beetlejuice, Killer Klowns from Outer Space, and Child's Play

Reebok Pumps sneakers

Those were the days!

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