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Subject: Why are 90's decadologists just as boring as 00's decadologists?
Written By: gibbo on 12/31/15 at 1:47 am
There must be a really interesting answer. Please, please, please tell me all your thoughts on this important matter!
Subject: Re: Why are 90's decadologists just as boring as 00's decadologists?
Written By: #Infinity on 12/31/15 at 1:54 am
I thought we already just had this discussion about the d-word? Insulting all of the board members here isn't going to change anything.
If the veterans of this thread are going to continue to treat anybody with an interest in cultural eras condescendingly without end, then I'm officially leaving this board because I won't stand for this intolerance of free speech any longer.
Subject: Re: Why are 90's decadologists just as boring as 00's decadologists?
Written By: gibbo on 12/31/15 at 2:54 am
I thought we already just had this discussion about the d-word? Insulting all of the board members here isn't going to change anything.
If the veterans of this thread are going to continue to treat anybody with an interest in cultural eras condescendingly without end, then I'm officially leaving this board because I won't stand for this intolerance of free speech any longer.
Don't you think you're being a little thin skinned? I am only messing about here. However, if you truly are upset by all these words ... Then, I apologise.
Fact is... You contribute far more to these boards than I ever have. I' d rather be the one to delete my account than drive a valued member away.
Subject: Re: Why are 90's decadologists just as boring as 00's decadologists?
Written By: JordanK1982 on 12/31/15 at 4:09 am
Decadeology is a serious and groundbreaking discovery in the recent sciences that will benefit the modern man and push us further in our quest for knowledge. >:( I suggest you "ged hip wid it" or get out, homie. Word. :P
Subject: Re: Why are 90's decadologists just as boring as 00's decadologists?
Written By: Baltimoreian on 01/02/16 at 12:13 pm
Most of us are just '00s kids talking about decadeology. I don't see any 90s kid, except for Millennium Mansion 07 talking about it. I know it seems really repetitive, but why are you obsessed with the 2000s subforum plagued about the topic?
Subject: Re: Why are 90's decadologists just as boring as 00's decadologists?
Written By: mqg96 on 01/02/16 at 12:58 pm
I had to take deep breaths reading this post and calm down. One person shouldn't be the reason all of us have to suffer the consequences when we're just clearly having discussions about certain eras that we desire to debate about and share our opinions and experiences. I swear I'm reporting you OP if these jokes don't stop. It's not funny anymore and again, you're making it much worse for everybody else who's innocent on here.
The whole "decadeology" controversy started with a member from several years back who would post 10+ new threads a day asking if 1985 was like 1966 or 1972 was like 1996, or if 1990 was more of a 1980's or 1990's year, or if the 1990's began in 1991 or 1992, or other stuff like that, all the while acting like he had made some groundbreaking scientific discovery. (He's the one who came up with the term "decadeology.") And it wasn't a big deal at first but he just kept bombing the sh*t out of this site with inane and redundant threads which irritated the hell out of the regulars. And we'd call him on it and I think he got to the point where he posted more and more inane and redundant threads just to irritate us even more, until he ended up getting banned.
However, again I don't consider you newer members to be "decadeologists," and the reason I say that is that I don't believe that you're starting all these threads for the sole purpose of annoying people. It's more of a generational thing than anything else.
Nailed it with this post. Unfortunately, not everybody believes this.
If I can weigh in...I wasn't around when the decadeology spam was running wild. The description I got of it was from the sticky attatchment reminders. What irritates me is when people throw the word troll around. Decadeologist is maybe more lighthearted, but unlike that guy you speak of, these people partaking in nostalgic discussions are not trolls and do not intend to make pests of themselves with it. I've partaken in alot of those discussions myself and it's easy to jump in on them because no where else really gets into heavy discussions about childhood, teenage years and all that stuff you miss vs the way things are now. It's always good to focus on the current events too, which I see no lack of, because that's what's going on and everyone has an opinion.
If these discussions are that bothersome, here's an idea: have there be one big sticky topic for a nostalgia free for all in the 90's and 2000's sectors of the board to contain it all. If anyone thinks it might cut down on some of it?
What a breath of fresh air ;)
Subject: Re: Why are 90's decadologists just as boring as 00's decadologists?
Written By: mqg96 on 01/02/16 at 1:02 pm
I thought we already just had this discussion about the d-word? Insulting all of the board members here isn't going to change anything.
If the veterans of this thread are going to continue to treat anybody with an interest in cultural eras condescendingly without end, then I'm officially leaving this board because I won't stand for this intolerance of free speech any longer.
Please don't leave this site I love your debates and opinions on here! :\'(
Subject: Re: Why are 90's decadologists just as boring as 00's decadologists?
Written By: Baltimoreian on 01/02/16 at 2:01 pm
I thought we already just had this discussion about the d-word? Insulting all of the board members here isn't going to change anything.
If the veterans of this thread are going to continue to treat anybody with an interest in cultural eras condescendingly without end, then I'm officially leaving this board because I won't stand for this intolerance of free speech any longer.
Dude, we actually like you here. If you leave, we'll miss you. I actually like your posts on the 2000s and stuff like that. Especially when you analyze decades with pictures and information about them, they seem really nice.
Subject: Re: Why are 90's decadologists just as boring as 00's decadologists?
Written By: #Infinity on 01/03/16 at 12:11 am
Dude, we actually like you here. If you leave, we'll miss you. I actually like your posts on the 2000s and stuff like that. Especially when you analyze decades with pictures and information about them, they seem really nice.
Thanks, I appreciate it, but that statement has less to do with my own reputation here so much as whether the right to free, civilized discussion is protected here. It disgusts me that all of the newer members here, no matter how respectful and open-minded they are, are basically categorized as Internet trash just because they love analyzing decade sub-eras where most older members do not. I don't feel like supporting a community that openly endorses this type of intolerance simply because of their memories of the one guy who wrote the decadeology book. As I noted before, I'm relieved that most of the old school participants in this broader discussion at least acknowledge that we're nothing like the originator of the dreaded 'decadeology' term, but I still don't feel as comfortable as I should be, not for myself nor the other most active board members right now.
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