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Subject: Disney's disgusting pop songs for "Mulan" & "Tarzan"!
Written By: The Valley Goth on 03/02/14 at 8:42 am
Like, Hi, Fer SHURR,
I cannot stand the pop songs that The Disney Company attached to the movies "Mulan" and "Tarzan". More specifically, I cannot stand the music video/ the lyrics for "True to Your Heart", or the lyrics from the Phil Collins'/ N' Sync version of "Trashin' the Camp"!
I have watched the "True to Your Heart" music video more than once, and, each time that I see that video, it becomes more and more clear to me that it's the most perverted music video that I've ever watched! I must admit that the leading singer from 98 Degrees is handsome, but I have to say that his role in the video is disgusting!
I mean, here are these White guys (About 4, or however many guys were in the band 98 Degrees), walking through Chinatown, and the MINUTE that they see a lone Asian girl walking past, they TURN AROUND AND FOLLOW HER! They KEEP following her, and the lead singer is TOTALLY trying to seduce pretending to be in love, by gesturing in a culturally cool way, etc. We can all tell that he's ONLY after...a BOOTY CALL! Oh, but since the OTHER guys keep following the girl, we can begin to wonder if this is going to be a simple booty call...or something that's decidedly wrong.
If one actually watches the music video, and they watch it right through to its conclusion, they will notice that when the "stalked" girl is dancing in the street...with the horndogs of 98 Degrees, she LITERALLY HAS TO PULL HER SHOULDER STRAPS BACK UP ONTO HER SHOULDER! Why would The Disney Company allow that in their music video?
Then, there's the matter of the lyrics. I don't have to really say much of anything, because the lyrics speak for themselves. I can only say that there's at LEAST one double-meaning phrase, and that the OTHER lyrics are all professions of love that clash spectacularly with the lust that's in the eyes of all of the members of 98 Degrees.
During 1998, that stupid pop song made the movie "Mulan" lose a bit of its luster for me. I mean, the actual MOVIE was about this really brave girl, who did the impossible, and who became a hero(ine), but that pop song kept reminding me that the sexiness of a girl meant MORE than her courage, AND, once again, I began wishing that I was popularly sexy, like the other college girls, who were probably getting more than the attention of every guy in the school.
It's interesting to note that the pop version of "True to Your Heart" that's played during the end credits of "Mulan" (Ie: The rendition of the song which is, unfortunately, NOT on the soundtrack) features lyrics that actually reference true bravery and courage! Of course, that helps very little when you're listening to the soundtrack...
With regards to the Phil Collins/ N' Sync rendition of "Trashin' the Camp", I don't even wish to REPEAT the inappropriate word that was sung. I can tell you that the inappropriate word was sung while the singers weren't singing actual words. I cannot BELIEVE that NOBODY realized what it SOUNDED like they were saying, and I wish that The Disney Company had reviewed the song more carefully, before they released it on the "Tarzan" soundtrack!
The first time that I heard that song, I was, like, "OMG!", fer SHURR!
Subject: Re: Disney's disgusting pop songs for "Mulan" & "Tarzan"!
Written By: karen on 03/03/14 at 11:50 am
You seriously need to wash your ears out (and your mind). I've just listened to both songs and couldn't hear anything inappropriate about either set of lyrics.
btw she puts the strap of her top back up because it had slipped down while she was dancing. Has that never happened to you?
Subject: Re: Disney's disgusting pop songs for "Mulan" & "Tarzan"!
Written By: whistledog on 03/03/14 at 5:13 pm
Songs from Tarzan were performed by Phil Collins, and his music has never had one bit of inappropriateness. I disagree with this topic
Subject: Re: Disney's disgusting pop songs for "Mulan" & "Tarzan"!
Written By: KatanaChick on 03/04/14 at 4:57 am
What innapropriate word is in the Tarzan song?
It just goes:
Shooby doop dobby dop dobby doop dobby dah dah doo dap
Shooby doop dobby dop dobby doop dobby dah dah dobby op
Shooby doop dobby dop dobby doop dobby dah dah doo dap
Do bop she doo whoo
Subject: Re: Disney's disgusting pop songs for "Mulan" & "Tarzan"!
Written By: Paul on 03/04/14 at 9:30 am
btw she puts the strap of her top back up because it had slipped down while she was dancing. Has that never happened to you?
Never once happened to me...
...because I don't dance! Er.... :D
I couldn't whistle a modern day Disney song if you paid me - I kind of stopped after 'The Jungle Book' (Would that have disgusting connotations? I mean, a young child parading around with a bunch of animals! I ask you! >:( ;) )
Subject: Re: Disney's disgusting pop songs for "Mulan" & "Tarzan"!
Written By: Foo Bar on 03/04/14 at 10:11 pm
Back in the day, people knew how to sneak inappropriate references into G-rated movies. For example, this little gem comes from The Pirate Movie, a version of Gilbert and Sullivan's Pirates of Penzance from 1982. That really is Kristy McNichol singing (and Christopher Atkins from The Blue Lagoon underwater), and now we've got something to be offendedamused by.
Subject: Re: Disney's disgusting pop songs for "Mulan" & "Tarzan"!
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 03/05/14 at 12:45 am
Subject: Re: Disney's disgusting pop songs for "Mulan" & "Tarzan"!
Written By: Howard on 03/05/14 at 6:29 am
good song.
Subject: Re: Disney's disgusting pop songs for "Mulan" & "Tarzan"!
Written By: JaxRhapsody on 05/20/14 at 1:58 pm
I was just happy it wasn't a musical. I hate musicals, there is no reason to break off in a song &dance number.
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