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Subject: What were you doing during the economic boom years of the 90s/early 00s?
Written By: 80sfan on 11/25/12 at 1:44 pm
To me and a lot of people, that was an era where the economy was booming and booming.
Me? I was a grade school kid and watched Power Rangers and Mickey Mouse/Goofy cartoons a lot as a kid!
Subject: Re: What were you doing during the economic boom years of the 90s/early 00s?
Written By: warped on 11/25/12 at 1:47 pm
I was working full time, married. Life isn't too different from now, except I'm older
But I thought the economic boom was in the 1980s though. Jobs were easier to get in the 1980s than the 1990s in Canada.
Subject: Re: What were you doing during the economic boom years of the 90s/early 00s?
Written By: slim on 11/25/12 at 4:32 pm
I was just being a kid, playing outside, listening to music, watching tv, ect...
Subject: Re: What were you doing during the economic boom years of the 90s/early 00s?
Written By: belmont22 on 11/25/12 at 5:17 pm
I was working full time, married. Life isn't too different from now, except I'm older
But I thought the economic boom was in the 1980s though. Jobs were easier to get in the 1980s than the 1990s in Canada.
I think the economic boom of the late 90s was a mirage. It was mostly relegated to the tech field and a lot of the material excess of the time was bought on credit cards. I think the past 21 years in North America have essentially been lost years just like in Japan.
Subject: Re: What were you doing during the economic boom years of the 90s/early 00s?
Written By: 80sfan on 11/25/12 at 8:14 pm
I was working full time, married. Life isn't too different from now, except I'm older
But I thought the economic boom was in the 1980s though. Jobs were easier to get in the 1980s than the 1990s in Canada.
I think it depends on what country your from in the world during that time, or anytime for that matter.
The economy in the 90s in America was great! I think the 80s was pretty good too. But most people think the 90s are better, in America of course!
Subject: Re: What were you doing during the economic boom years of the 90s/early 00s?
Written By: yearofthemonkey on 11/26/12 at 6:35 am
I was a kid doing kid-things, except I was wearing hush puppies and an ugly rat tail. I was playing alot of the original KidPix Deluxe, the one where the Uh-Oh man just says "Oh-No" not the tacky later ones, and some other educational PC games, but otherwise it was the same as the rest of my childhood.
My parents on the other hand. It was the only time I can remember where my dad had stable employment. My parents still talk about it like it was a golden age, when the family had a plenty of money to spare, great cafe's were numerous, and computers were gonna revolutionize the way we commute.
Subject: Re: What were you doing during the economic boom years of the 90s/early 00s?
Written By: Mat1991 on 11/26/12 at 8:07 pm
I was a little kid off in my own little world. I can't recall having heard of any current event except Princess Diana's death (I was fascinated with the fact that she was a princess because I guess I thought princesses existed only in fairy tales). I have a more vivid account of the early '00s, but the economy was actually in a recession during that time.
Subject: Re: What were you doing during the economic boom years of the 90s/early 00s?
Written By: Foo Bar on 11/28/12 at 9:09 pm
I was working full time, married. Life isn't too different from now, except I'm older
But I thought the economic boom was in the 1980s though. Jobs were easier to get in the 1980s than the 1990s in Canada.
The big economic boom was indeed in the 80s. What money was made in the latter half of the 90s was restricted largely to the tech bubble. At least in tech-centered regions of the country, the money that got taken out of the tech bubble before/during the dot-com crash helped ignite the real estate bubble of the early '00s.
Subject: Re: What were you doing during the economic boom years of the 90s/early 00s?
Written By: Brian06 on 11/28/12 at 10:37 pm
I remember it very well, I was in middle school and early high school (late '90s and early '00s). I remember my parents were doing pretty well and we had it quite good. I remember rock bottom gas prices in the late '90s, I remember hearing about the surplus and all the "dot-coms". I remember the free internet fad around 1999-2000, remember freei? you could get free dialup internet in exchange for a big ad banner on your screen, I had that for a while around Y2K. I was a preteen and young teen that was really getting into music and I loved TLC, Destiny's Child, Christina Aguilera, Aaliyah, Incubus, J. Lo, Third Eye Blind.
I was fascinated with all the new technology coming out, like digital cameras and DVDs, Playstation/PS2, widespread internet. I mean it really seemed to be a time in my recollection that everything seemed to be going right with our country. I was still so young of course, but definitely old enough where I remember it very well, it seems like yesterday in some ways. I do wish that this was the era I was entering the workforce instead of the late '00s/early '10s however, but hey at least I remember it well and had a good time as a pre teen/young teen. ;D
Subject: Re: What were you doing during the economic boom years of the 90s/early 00s?
Written By: belmont22 on 11/29/12 at 1:59 am
I remember it very well, I was in middle school and early high school (late '90s and early '00s). I remember my parents were doing pretty well and we had it quite good. I remember rock bottom gas prices in the late '90s, I remember hearing about the surplus and all the "dot-coms". I remember the free internet fad around 1999-2000, remember freei? you could get free dialup internet in exchange for a big ad banner on your screen, I had that for a while around Y2K. I was a preteen and young teen that was really getting into music and I loved TLC, Destiny's Child, Christina Aguilera, Aaliyah, Incubus, J. Lo, Third Eye Blind.
I was fascinated with all the new technology coming out, like digital cameras and DVDs, Playstation/PS2, widespread internet. I mean it really seemed to be a time in my recollection that everything seemed to be going right with our country. I was still so young of course, but definitely old enough where I remember it very well, it seems like yesterday in some ways. I do wish that this was the era I was entering the workforce instead of the late '00s/early '10s however, but hey at least I remember it well and had a good time as a pre teen/young teen. ;D
I was born in early 1990 so I'm still old enough to remember. It was a pretty cool time in retrospect, gas was 99 cents and gold was $280 an ounce!
Subject: Re: What were you doing during the economic boom years of the 90s/early 00s?
Written By: Howard on 12/11/12 at 1:41 pm
I was in High School.
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