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Subject: ghost writer
Written By: anna on 03/25/12 at 2:01 am
does anyone remember watching this i loved this as a kid
Subject: Re: ghost writer
Written By: Bill on 03/30/12 at 11:57 am
So the basic idea was this blueish star thing would write clues and they would solve the mystery based on this ambiguous blue light. Did they ever reveal what that thing was??
Subject: Re: ghost writer
Written By: popguru85 on 03/30/12 at 2:11 pm
I would watch this show religiously. I think it was hinted at that it was the ghost of a runaway slave who learned to read and write.
Subject: Re: ghost writer
Written By: robby76 on 03/30/12 at 10:40 pm
You can get a few seasons of it on dvd now via Shout Factory. I used to watch it in the early 90s - so bad it was good ;)
Subject: Re: ghost writer
Written By: Zeb on 04/06/12 at 7:54 pm
My fifth grade teacher would let us watch that show on Friday mornings.
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