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Subject: song from early 90s
Written By: anna on 10/27/11 at 11:34 pm
there was a song i remember from like 93 or 94 it was on tv advertising like timelife it showed a bride and groom and he was carrying her into the house and it was all white fuzzy around the video and i cant for the life of me remember the words just the tune i was young at the time but it is driving me nuts all i can remeber is "oh i oh i "
Subject: Re: song from early 90s
Written By: whistledog on 10/28/11 at 8:10 am
Possibly 'The Right Thing' by Simply Red? That is an 80s song, but it may have been used in a TimeLife ad for an 80s collection or love songs collection
Subject: Re: song from early 90s
Written By: Dalton on 11/30/11 at 10:57 pm
Is it "Wicked Games" by Chris Isaak?
Subject: Re: song from early 90s
Written By: anna on 03/25/12 at 1:39 am
unfortunatly neither one of those is the one
Subject: Re: song from early 90s
Written By: Justin on 04/10/12 at 7:30 pm
Must be Return of the Innocence by Enigma
Subject: Re: song from early 90s
Written By: anna on 04/27/12 at 11:34 pm
omg this is it i was 5 when i heard this song i can't believe i found it i have bouts of ocd and i have been obsessing over this for years ahhhhh thank you!!!! ;D
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