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Subject: Long Running 90s Prime Time Shows You Never Watched

Written By: Zeb on 08/12/11 at 8:35 pm

Here is a list I've compiled of TV shows that were on for most of the 90s (and some into the 2000s) that I never really felt like watching.  I can't begin this thread without mentioning Friends because it is a glaring example of a show everyone else I seemed to come in contact with during my youth in the 90s watched but just never showed interest. Look, I know Friends had a lot of pop culture significance in the 90s but I just never really warmed up to it.  Married With Children would also fall into the same category as Friends because it was a comedy with  an ensemble cast whose members were widely recognizable and was on for ten years but never captured my attention. 
Melrose Place, Beverley Hills 90210 and Party of Five were three other of long running 90s shows which had a nationwide viewing audience, that never included dear old Zebby.  All three of those shows came across as prime time soap operas and I always felt soap operas belonged on day time TV.  The X-Files, you ask?  It  was on for a good nine years and I knew who Scully and Molder were but I've never seen an episode of the Sci-Fi thriller.  E.R. and NYPD Blue were very hot 90s dramas but I never looked at them either. In conclusion my question to you all becomes which 90s major prime time TV shows seemed to be hits with everyone else but you?

Subject: Re: Long Running 90s Prime Time Shows You Never Watched

Written By: King Tut on 08/12/11 at 10:32 pm

I'm one that watched nearly all the shows you listed, except for X-files as it's not the genre of show I enjoyed. Same can be said for Star Trek, next generation.
I watched Friends, Party of five, Beverly Hills, Married with Children and one in a while ER, and (when there was nothing else on) Melrose place.
I didn'y watch Northern Exposure.
I didn't watch Buffy the vampire slayer either. I didn't find it interesting. But I don't mind Sarah Michelle Gellar.
Twin peaks was another one that turned me off. But I like Joan Chen.

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