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Subject: Doogie Howser MD

Written By: joeman on 04/16/11 at 7:27 am

I used to watch this show a lot along with the Wonder Years.  It has Neil Patrick Harris in it when he was still just a kid and hasn't come out of the closet yet.  I really like this show as it shows a 15 year old kid being in the medical field and is computer literate(in the early 90s of course).  My favorite episode was when he trying to be cool, he became all heavy metal and started greasying up his hair. 

I do enjoy Neil in How I Met Your Mother though, best series in today's era so far.

Subject: Re: Doogie Howser MD

Written By: whistledog on 04/16/11 at 11:33 pm

he was still just a kid and hasn't come out of the closet yet

What's that mean?

Subject: Re: Doogie Howser MD

Written By: Christie Marie M on 04/17/11 at 7:21 pm

I still love Doogie Howser. I watch it on the Hub Network in my hometown in my FIOS.

Subject: Re: Doogie Howser MD

Written By: gibbo on 04/18/11 at 2:17 am

What's that mean?

This is the second time in the past two weeks that someone has alleged that Harris likes to do it doogie style!  ;)  .... and he's the opposite on How I Met Your Mother.  ::)

Subject: Re: Doogie Howser MD

Written By: Foo Bar on 04/18/11 at 8:25 pm

What's that mean?

As in, before everyone knew he was like Tom Cruise.

Subject: Re: Doogie Howser MD

Written By: joeman on 04/18/11 at 10:30 pm

Check this gem from How I Met Your Mother:

Subject: Re: Doogie Howser MD

Written By: youngerderek on 04/19/11 at 7:36 pm

Speaking of Neil Patrick Harris, I love his cameo on Harold And Kumar. so funny!

Subject: Re: Doogie Howser MD

Written By: youngerderek on 04/21/11 at 7:40 pm

This is the second time in the past two weeks that someone has alleged that Harris likes to do it doogie style!  ;)  .... and he's the opposite on How I Met Your Mother.  ::)

Teach Me How To Doogie?  ;D

Subject: Re: Doogie Howser MD

Written By: Samwise on 05/15/11 at 2:19 pm

This is the second time in the past two weeks that someone has alleged that Harris likes to do it doogie style!  ;)

"Alleged"? Dude, check his Wikipedia page. He came out publicly in 2006. He's been with his partner, David Burtka, for almost a decade, and he's taken him as his date to public events. They had twins via artificial insemination just last fall. Some magazine (can't remember which one) did a big, gushy feature story on the babies and their dads. Google this stuff. It's freely available information - not just on gossip sites, but from NPH himself, in interviews he's done with mainstream magazines. I don't know how much more out he could possibly be without wearing a rainbow flag as a cape.

.... and he's the opposite on How I Met Your Mother.  ::)

He's an actor (and a damn good one). He makes a living pretending to be people he's not. In this case, a hetero horndog. This might be painful for you to hear, but he also didn't go to medical school at age 10.

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