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Subject: Vanilla Ice goes Nu-Metal

Written By: joeman on 12/22/08 at 7:10 pm

I have been a fan of Vanilla Ice since his hit "Ice Ice Baby" and this video he does a nu-metal version of it called "Too Cold".  I first found out about this when I saw his Behind The Music documentary several years ago. What do you guys think of it?

Subject: Re: Vanilla Ice goes Nu-Metal

Written By: Bree on 12/22/08 at 10:14 pm

He sounds like Fred Durst and maybe both are the same  ???

Subject: Re: Vanilla Ice goes Nu-Metal

Written By: Foo Bar on 12/24/08 at 10:49 pm

Oh, man.  Too Cold, the 1998 version of Ice Ice Baby, from the "comeback" album Hard to Swallow.  I remember recoiling in bewildered horror in 1998, but ten years later, I'm of the opinion that this is one of those albums that's so bad it's good.

According to The Horny Song, "GWB" once stood for "Girl Witha Body", after which the lyrical metaphors for sex become... well, let's just say there are references to hydrology, Baskin Robbins, motocross, and Action Jackson.

But to truly grasp the depths of Vanilla Ice's 1998 descent into self-parody, you've gotta listen to F*ck U, which was the first track off the album.  It is a glimpse into what the song that ends the earth might sound like.  Vanilla Ice's persona makes Eminem's Silm Shady character look like a paragon of humility.  If you listen to nothing else, listen to this track.  You will laugh until tears stream from your eyes, or you will sit there slack-jawed in disbelief, and hopefully you'll do a little bit of both.

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