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Subject: 1080 Snowboarding
Written By: VegettoVa90 on 07/05/08 at 11:15 am
I just got my Wii hooked up to the internets and bought the game off virtual console. AH THE MEMORIES. That was the first game I ever played for the N64 back when I first got one in '98, and I played the HELL out of that game (I got to Deadly Fall and beat it with every character, and then I remember somehow getting under 1:10 on Mountain Village). It wasn't the FIRST game I played...that would have to be Sonic the Hedgehog back in '93 or '94, and then I REALLY got into Mortal Kombat 2 when I was like 6 :D. 1080, though, was the first game I actually beat, not to mentiion it was the first game I owned (though I lost it a few years later :-\\). Does anyone remember 1080? Anyone have the same nostalgia I do? ::)
Subject: Re: 1080 Snowboarding
Written By: mach!ne_he@d on 07/05/08 at 9:11 pm
I just got my Wii hooked up to the internets and bought the game off virtual console. AH THE MEMORIES. That was the first game I ever played for the N64 back when I first got one in '98, and I played the HELL out of that game (I got to Deadly Fall and beat it with every character, and then I remember somehow getting under 1:10 on Mountain Village). It wasn't the FIRST game I played...that would have to be Sonic the Hedgehog back in '93 or '94, and then I REALLY got into Mortal Kombat 2 when I was like 6 :D. 1080, though, was the first game I actually beat, not to mentiion it was the first game I owned (though I lost it a few years later :-\\). Does anyone remember 1080? Anyone have the same nostalgia I do? ::)
I remember this game very well. I didn't own it myself, but a friend of mine got it sometime in 1999 I believe. Like alot of N64 games, it hasn't aged particularly well but it was alot of fun back in its day and was sort of a precursor to games like SSX a couple of years later.
As far as nostalgia, yeah there's a little bit. When me and my friends got together, that was one game we played fairly often. It reminds me of the summer I was 12. :)
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