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Subject: The Reebok Pump(shoe)
Written By: tv on 01/10/08 at 3:44 pm
Did anybody ever wear the reebok pump shoe? I used to wear a pair in 6th grade back in 1992 I think.
Subject: Re: The Reebok Pump(shoe)
Written By: coqueta83 on 01/10/08 at 7:58 pm
I knew some guys that wore Reebok pump sneakers in junior high. I believe these particular sneakers were pretty expensive.
Subject: Re: The Reebok Pump(shoe)
Written By: Timm on 01/16/08 at 2:14 pm
I had them in 8th or 9th grade, with colored laces and untied. :)
Subject: Re: The Reebok Pump(shoe)
Written By: LilSmurf on 01/17/08 at 12:47 pm
yup i had some orange ones and some black ones loved them everytime i was playing basketball add some air and i could jump for days haha
Subject: Re: The Reebok Pump(shoe)
Written By: Marty McFly on 04/18/08 at 9:01 pm
I remember those, but I'm not sure if I ever owned a pair. I was just gonna say about shoes in the '90s, there seemed to be alot more athletic or basketball footwear. One thing I used to do with shoes was to see how much they squeaked when I walked (sounds silly, but I thought it was cool to sound like it was "burning rubber"). ;D It's probably BECAUSE of kids like me that they stopped making as many shoes like that, lol.
Subject: Re: The Reebok Pump(shoe)
Written By: Classie83 on 04/26/08 at 6:03 pm
I think I had a pair...the basketball ones...Not sure if the pump ever really did much but look "cool" :-\\
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