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Subject: The outdoorsy '90s.
Written By: Marty McFly on 12/05/07 at 5:59 pm
Celebrating Earth day, Lilith Fair and other events with a social conscious, patio/walkway decor, and television shows or music videos taking place outside - all this seemed to be really common. If you think about it, the grunge era parallels the late '60s in terms of being more political and activist. People tended to be environmentally concerned and feminist oriented. Think of someone like Jewel. There really aren't too many popular women artists like that today.
Why do you think this declined so much? It seemed to be on the way out even before the September 11th attacks changed the mood of the country...probably peaking from about 1991 to '97.
Subject: Re: The outdoorsy '90s.
Written By: Marty McFly on 12/22/07 at 8:19 pm
Just thought I'd get more people's thoughts on this.
Subject: Re: The outdoorsy '90s.
Written By: bartzman on 12/23/07 at 4:33 am
Just thought I'd get more people's thoughts on this.
i agree wholeheartedly. The 90s were more liberal than the modern era in general. watch the video for blind melon's "no rain" or "today" by the pumpkins....complete late 60s/early 70s throwbacks. And yes, lots of liberal feminist singers such as melissa etheridge, jewel, and in canada, amanda marshall, amy sky, michelle wright, sarah mc laughlin, celine, etc etc
sure, everyones whining about the greenhouse effect these days, but in the 90s, they did it with more of a 60s/hippy/back to mother earth kinda vibe......less corporate/consumerist image back then....the "grunge" look was more natural...grow your hair out and throw on any dirty old shirt.
Subject: Re: The outdoorsy '90s.
Written By: Marty McFly on 12/24/07 at 2:53 am
i agree wholeheartedly. The 90s were more liberal than the modern era in general. watch the video for blind melon's "no rain" or "today" by the pumpkins....complete late 60s/early 70s throwbacks. And yes, lots of liberal feminist singers such as melissa etheridge, jewel, and in canada, amanda marshall, amy sky, michelle wright, sarah mc laughlin, celine, etc etc
sure, everyones whining about the greenhouse effect these days, but in the 90s, they did it with more of a 60s/hippy/back to mother earth kinda vibe......less corporate/consumerist image back then....the "grunge" look was more natural...grow your hair out and throw on any dirty old shirt.
I agree. :)
Actually, I never thought about the more "casual" dressing style fitting in with that, but you're probably right. The lumerjack look, flannel (even in the Summer), hooded sweatshirts and all that was huge. That's not to say everyone was unkempt, but the way Kurt Cobain looked in the "Teen Spirit" video was a really good idea of the way people dressed around 1992. I like those T shirts with a certain look on the front, and gray sleeves.
Subject: Re: The outdoorsy '90s.
Written By: Bobby on 12/25/07 at 1:08 pm
Celebrating Earth day, Lilith Fair and other events with a social conscious, patio/walkway decor, and television shows or music videos taking place outside - all this seemed to be really common. If you think about it, the grunge era parallels the late '60s in terms of being more political and activist. People tended to be environmentally concerned and feminist oriented. Think of someone like Jewel. There really aren't too many popular women artists like that today.
Why do you think this declined so much? It seemed to be on the way out even before the September 11th attacks changed the mood of the country...probably peaking from about 1991 to '97.
I see what you mean about that. The Peak years was from 1992-97.
Subject: Re: The outdoorsy '90s.
Written By: bartzman on 12/25/07 at 7:03 pm
i like to think that the song " winding road" by Sheryl Crow perfectly captures the feel of the 90s..
..."everybody gets high, everybody gets low, these are the days where anything goes"
Subject: Re: The outdoorsy '90s.
Written By: LyricBoy on 12/28/07 at 6:24 am
i like to think that the song " winding road" by Sheryl Crow perfectly captures the feel of the 90s..
..."everybody gets high, everybody gets low, these are the days where anything goes"
I never undersood the line that goes "every day is infanticide". Whatz up wit dat?
Subject: Re: The outdoorsy '90s.
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 12/31/07 at 6:49 pm
They tried to bring back the rock festival. Lalalpalooza, Woodstock sequels. What a farce.
Subject: Re: The outdoorsy '90s.
Written By: wsmith4 on 01/03/08 at 2:22 pm
I never undersood the line that goes "every day is infanticide". Whatz up wit dat?
;D it's "every day is a faded sign" ;D
Subject: Re: The outdoorsy '90s.
Written By: mojojojo on 01/28/10 at 5:55 pm
I agree, people were just more into being in the outdoors in the 90's. While we've gone "green" these days the 90's outdoorsy thing was more earthy, less pretentious and overall just a lot more fun. Everybody walked more, went to more parks, zoos, ect. now with the web we've become more reclusive and digital. I thought with the recession people might return to that 60's/90's spirit of being outdoors but to be honest it seems we're as hooked on the web as ever. It's kinda sad, but I see the internet being the ONLY culture mecha being a fad, maybe in the 10's we'll get back to nature!
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