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Subject: Nintendo 64
Written By: batfan2005 on 11/02/06 at 7:23 pm
Do any of you have or had a Nintendo 64? I still have mine. My favorite games on it include Super Mario 64, Donkey Kong 64, Zelda: Ocarina of Time, and 007: Goldeneye.
Subject: Re: Nintendo 64
Written By: rich1981 on 11/02/06 at 9:34 pm
Still have one, and my favorite games included Mario Kart 64, Super Mario 64 and Super Smash Bros. I would have to say though, that my interest in video games started to decline around the time the Nintendo 64 came out, since 3-D games became popular at that time.
Subject: Re: Nintendo 64
Written By: mach!ne_he@d on 11/02/06 at 11:45 pm
Yeah, I've still got mine. Got it for Christmas in 1998. I sold all the games for cash in order to get a PSP, but a couple of months ago I went back and re-bought some of the must haves.
The 64 is one of my favorite video game systems. It was the first 3D video game system I owned. Lets just say after spending my first gaming years in 2D it was a big step up.
Subject: Re: Nintendo 64
Written By: pokemonkid888 on 11/03/06 at 9:36 am
I still got mine i got a jungle green one i love to play super mairo 64 pokemon stadium and yoshies story
Subject: Re: Nintendo 64
Written By: nupur on 11/03/06 at 3:39 pm
my brother and i still have ours, and we play it occasionally, too :) i think we got it in '96
my fave games were super mario 64, mario kart, and mario party...we also have waverunner, starfox, super smash bros, cruisin usa, goldeneye, and a pokemon game.
they just don't make 'em like they used to...
Subject: Re: Nintendo 64
Written By: saratoga954 on 11/07/06 at 2:26 pm
Still have mine. My favorites were Mario, Mariokart, tony hawk skateboarding and lots of others.
Subject: Re: Nintendo 64
Written By: Faerydust on 11/08/06 at 12:47 am
Yeah. I remember renting one at blockbuster!
Subject: Re: Nintendo 64
Written By: Trimac20 on 11/08/06 at 10:01 am
Still have one, and my favorite games included Mario Kart 64, Super Mario 64 and Super Smash Bros. I would have to say though, that my interest in video games started to decline around the time the Nintendo 64 came out, since 3-D games became popular at that time.
As much as I love the 2D classics, I'm getting a bit sick and tired about people always thinking 2D games are somehow superior than their 3D successors. I think the 3D-era produced some of the finest video games of all time - SM64 is just one example. But maybe you just didn't like them , lol.
Subject: Re: Nintendo 64
Written By: mach!ne_he@d on 11/10/06 at 10:07 am
As much as I love the 2D classics, I'm getting a bit sick and tired about people always thinking 2D games are somehow superior than their 3D successors. I think the 3D-era produced some of the finest video games of all time - SM64 is just one example. But maybe you just didn't like them , lol.
Yeah, there's alot of great 3D video games out there. Alot of people's intrest declined in games around the time that the 3D consoles launched simply because they were getting older I think. So since they were already losing intrest in games, they just didn't make the transition.
Now, I've been playing video games for almost 15 years, but since I was only 8/9 years old in the years that the 3D consoles launched I was still young enough to want them. I guess the reason that I've always preferred 2D games over 3D is because those were the first games I ever played.
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