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Subject: pop culture of the 90's
Written By: tidav on 08/18/06 at 6:07 am
don't you think that the 1990's were in fact pop-culturaly more conservative than the 1980's?
Subject: Re: pop culture of the 90's
Written By: Todd Pettingzoo on 08/18/06 at 7:19 am
I would say so, except for '90 and '91.
Subject: Re: pop culture of the 90's
Written By: shaneiscrazy on 08/26/06 at 4:00 pm
people werent didnt whorship celebs back then and you had to have talent (but im not saying there was nothing crappy 90s had their fair share of crap)
Subject: Re: pop culture of the 90's
Written By: Trimac20 on 08/27/06 at 8:43 pm
people werent didnt whorship celebs back then and you had to have talent (but im not saying there was nothing crappy 90s had their fair share of crap)
Sure they worshipped celebs...but, at least most of those celebs had good reason to be worshipped...
I think the whole, teen-idol/pin-up thing will never really change, but the whole 'trashiness, pulp mag' business, and worshipping FAME rather than people who were FAMOUS, is just getting worse and worse. I know it sounds well worn, but the 'Hollywoodization' of the world is coinciding with mass Globalisation of dispensable pop culture.
Subject: Re: pop culture of the 90's
Written By: Marty McFly on 08/28/06 at 10:53 pm
Sure they worshipped celebs...but, at least most of those celebs had good reason to be worshipped...
I think the whole, teen-idol/pin-up thing will never really change, but the whole 'trashiness, pulp mag' business, and worshipping FAME rather than people who were FAMOUS, is just getting worse and worse. I know it sounds well worn, but the 'Hollywoodization' of the world is coinciding with mass Globalisation of dispensable pop culture.
You mean the Paris Hilton/reality TV stuff? Yeah, I agree with you. In a way, I think we're probably more overdosed on pop culture than ever before. The world kinda seems smaller with the Internet and things like that, IMO.
Then again, that might just be from our current perspective. I'm sure in 1993 people were saying the same thing about the "punk Generation X celebs" and how much better it was back in the '70s.
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