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Subject: Let's talk Mid-'90s
Written By: Roadgeek on 06/07/06 at 10:50 pm
Alright, just what defines the mid-'90s? It's 1994-1996 or '97. IMO, some of the early-'90s overlaps 1994 and early 1995. What's your opinion?
Subject: Re: Let's talk Mid-'90s
Written By: velvetoneo on 06/07/06 at 10:52 pm
I think it's mid 1994 to early 1998, in the extended sense. The first half, going to mid 1996, is influenced by the early '90s, whereas from mid 1996 on things were more influenced by the late '90s.
Subject: Re: Let's talk Mid-'90s
Written By: Trimac20 on 06/07/06 at 10:56 pm
Alright, just what defines the mid-'90s? It's 1994-1996 or '97. IMO, some of the early-'90s overlaps 1994 and early 1995. What's your opinion?
early 1994 to late 1996
Subject: Re: Let's talk Mid-'90s
Written By: Marty McFly on 06/07/06 at 11:03 pm
I think 1993 was the "dividing" year between early and mid '90s. While it was the absolute peak of the Grunge era, it's still a little more like 1989 than it is like 1997.
Yeah, 1994-mid 1998 sounds right (that summer with Seinfeld going off the air seemed to be fully late '90s. Then when Britney came out that December, it was the beginning of the Y2K era).
Subject: Re: Let's talk Mid-'90s
Written By: velvetoneo on 06/07/06 at 11:06 pm
I think 1993 was the "dividing" year between early and mid '90s. While it was the absolute peak of the Grunge era, it's still a little more like 1989 than it is like 1997.
Yeah, 1994-mid 1998 sounds right (that summer with Seinfeld going off the air seemed to be fully late '90s. Then when Britney came out that December, it was the beginning of the Y2K era).
Yeah, Seinfeld being on the air and Windows '98 not being widespread were some of the things that kept the mid-'90s sort of hanging around until the summer of 1998. I think mid 1996-early 1998 were mixed X and Y, whereas up to mid 1996 was fully X and afterwards was fully Y. Which is why I think people born late 1980-mid 1982 are a mostly Y mix with X, since they came of age in that '96-'98 period.
Subject: Re: Let's talk Mid-'90s
Written By: Roadgeek on 06/07/06 at 11:12 pm
I actually do remember some grunge and I think I remember seeing signs of grunge up into early 1995 actually. Then again, I was only 5.
Subject: Re: Let's talk Mid-'90s
Written By: JoeGrant on 06/07/06 at 11:27 pm
The Mid '90s began in very Early 1994 and ended in Late 1996 (Once the Spice Girls arrived in the US in January 1997, that started the Late '90s)
So basically the Mid '90s consists of January 1st, 1994 until December 31st, 1996
Which were Great Times, might I add 8)
Subject: Re: Let's talk Mid-'90s
Written By: mach!ne_he@d on 06/08/06 at 1:09 pm
Alright, just what defines the mid-'90s? It's 1994-1996 or '97. IMO, some of the early-'90s overlaps 1994 and early 1995. What's your opinion?
Defidently 1994-1996.
Subject: Re: Let's talk Mid-'90s
Written By: D.J. on 06/08/06 at 3:48 pm
So basically the Mid '90s consists of January 1st, 1994 until December 31st, 1996
I think it started when the Undertakewr left WWE at that year's Royal Rumble. That was a sign that the early 90s were gone. It ended once the Spice Girls gained popularity in January-Februrary 1997.
Subject: Re: Let's talk Mid-'90s
Written By: JohnK19 on 06/08/06 at 5:13 pm
I think it started when the Undertakewr left WWE at that year's Royal Rumble. That was a sign that the early 90s were gone. It ended once the Spice Girls gained popularity in January-Februrary 1997.
How on earth does wrestling fit in to the change of culture in the '90s? ;D
I suppose the start of the Late '90s was when Breat Hart got screwed at the Survivor Series? ;D
I'm just messing with you
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