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Subject: Best Daft Punk song
Written By: whistledog on 04/25/06 at 4:29 am
I have always liked "Around the World" the best. I remember when that song came out, I loved it so much, I rushed out and bought the CD, thus began my love for Daft Punk 8)
Subject: Re: Best Daft Punk song
Written By: Tanya1976 on 04/25/06 at 11:34 am
One More Time
Subject: Re: Best Daft Punk song
Written By: jersey_bwoy2078 on 04/25/06 at 4:02 pm
Da Funk, for sure! I love heavy kickdrums and deep housey bass. 8)
Subject: Re: Best Daft Punk song
Written By: woops on 04/25/06 at 5:41 pm
"Around the World"
Subject: Re: Best Daft Punk song
Written By: Bobo on 09/22/07 at 10:56 pm
From the list, Higher Better Faster Stronger, but the best Daft Punk track is Nightvision. Heavenly stuff.
Subject: Re: Best Daft Punk song
Written By: Midas on 09/23/07 at 1:50 am
"Da Funk" gets my vote.
Subject: Re: Best Daft Punk song
Written By: mach!ne_he@d on 09/23/07 at 6:19 pm
My personal favorite would have to be "One More Time"
Subject: Re: Best Daft Punk song
Written By: whistledog on 09/23/07 at 8:33 pm
From the list, Higher Better Faster Stronger
You mean the title theme to 'Kitten Cannon' ;D
Subject: Re: Best Daft Punk song
Written By: zcrito on 09/30/07 at 11:12 am
It's "Digital Love" then "One More Time" (vocals from Romanthony) for me.
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