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Subject: 90's Marathon on XM Radio
Written By: TarzSp on 10/18/05 at 6:32 pm
I turned on my XM Radio and turned to the 90's Channel and ever since yesterday they've been doing this thing where they play basically every hit song from each month in the entire decade!
It's a pretty interesting concept, they start with playing a bunch of songs that were hits from January 1990, then about an hour later they move onto February 1990, then March 1990, etc...
They will be going all the way untill they reach December 1999, so it will probably take a couple of days
As of right now, they are on May 1991, and the song being played is "How Much Is Enough" by The Fixx
It's a good way to catch up on basically all of the 90's songs 8)
Subject: Re: 90's Marathon on XM Radio
Written By: TarzSp on 10/19/05 at 3:53 am
Well it's been 9 Hours since my first post, and right now they are only in October 1991
The song being played right now is "Good Vibrations" by Marky Mark and The Funky Bunch
This is pretty sweet :)
Now they are playing "Enter Sandman" by Metallica (My favorite Rock song of the 90's!) Did anyone else like Enter Sandman?
Now I'm really anticipating when they play "Smells Like Teen Spirit", it should come up by January 1992
(Oh yeah, apparently they did this same thing on the 60's, 70's, and 80's stations)
Subject: Re: 90's Marathon on XM Radio
Written By: TarzSp on 10/19/05 at 3:40 pm
Just a little update
They say that they are going through the entire 90's Archive while doing this, and they will play every single song that ever hit the Top 40 Charts during the 90's
As of right now, they are in May 1992 and the song is "Never Gonna Get It (My Lovin')" by En Vogue
It usually takes them about 15 Hours just to get through 1 entire year
Subject: Re: 90's Marathon on XM Radio
Written By: TarzSp on 10/19/05 at 7:02 pm
You can actually download the entire playlist that they are playing for this marathon by clicking here (I Recommend that you Right Click and "Save As...", and It's a PDF File, so you need Adobe Reader to read it)
There has got to be over 10,000 Songs on that playlist, it's amazing
I actually read through the whole thing (Took me like 20 minutes) and they have every single song from the 90's on the list
And the thing I like is that occasionally after a really popular song, they will play Weird Al Yankovic's Parody of that song. Like earlier during June 1992 they played "Smells Like Nirvana" and then just a second ago for July 1992 they played "Achey Breaky Song"
Subject: Re: 90's Marathon on XM Radio
Written By: TarzSp on 10/21/05 at 4:19 pm
Now they just entered into January 1995 (My favorite year for music)
I'm excited about this, it's such a Nostalgia Trip for me, and I'm hoping to hear alot of songs that I haven't heard in years but that I really liked
They are about to play "Buddy Holly" by Weezer (One of my favorite 90's songs, even though I absolutely despise Weezer today)
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