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Subject: 1991 or 1992?

Written By: TarzSp on 10/02/05 at 2:20 am

Which of these two years is your Favorite overall?

Which is your Favorite of those two for Music, for Movies, or for Pop-Culture Overall?

Subject: Re: 1991 or 1992?

Written By: zcrito on 10/02/05 at 5:42 am

It's gotta be 1992. One of the best years of the '90s (at least for music).

Subject: Re: 1991 or 1992?

Written By: TarzSp on 10/02/05 at 6:18 am

In terms of Music, here is the list of the Top 100 Songs from 1991 and 1992



I prefer 1991 for Music, some great memorable hits then

Subject: Re: 1991 or 1992?

Written By: Chris MegatronTHX on 10/02/05 at 8:32 am

1992 is my favorite.

But 1991 was the more memorable year.  So many things happened and changed that year.

Subject: Re: 1991 or 1992?

Written By: Philip Eno on 10/02/05 at 8:34 am

1992 is my favorite.

But 1991 was the more memorable year.  So many things happened and changed that year.
The first thing that comes to mind with 1991, is that was the sad year when Freddie Mercury died.  :\'(

Subject: Re: 1991 or 1992?

Written By: Bobby on 10/02/05 at 10:24 am

I believe pop music started evolving in 1991, the metamorphosis was complete by 1992.

I must admit I am biased towards 1991 - good times.  8)

Subject: Re: 1991 or 1992?

Written By: RockandRollFan on 10/02/05 at 10:39 am

1991- January 19, a wonderful friend named Dawn Stephenson, who was 4 months pregnant, was killed in a car crash on what was her 19th birthday.

1992 - December 12, my 6th son Matthew was born. I'll take '92 anyday.

Subject: Re: 1991 or 1992?

Written By: Marty McFly on 10/02/05 at 2:50 pm

This is HARD since they're both awesomely great years, but...overall, I sided with 1992.

Even though the pop culture was mostly all 90's by this point, the teeny bit of late 80's influence left over made for some great movies (eg: Encino Man), TV shows and music.

I think on a personal level, I was getting more used to it by then. Late 1989 to early 1991 was not an easy time for me or my family. So much changed in that roughly year and a half (moving into a smaller house, my grandma on dad's side passed away, we lost alot of our money, I changed schools, etc etc), so 1991 still had me adjusting to it.

Thankfully I got through it easier with some of the cool pop culture. :)

Subject: Re: 1991 or 1992?

Written By: whistledog on 10/02/05 at 3:23 pm

1991.  So many great songs came out that year :)

Subject: Re: 1991 or 1992?

Written By: Tanya1976 on 10/02/05 at 4:48 pm

1991! I liked the songs more. Besides, I was 15 and it was a great year!

Subject: Re: 1991 or 1992?

Written By: nondiva234 on 10/02/05 at 5:44 pm

I'm gonna be biased too, and I'm going with 1991, because I came out of my mother's womb that year! And plus there was great movies, like Hook, Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves (tic, I think), and Beauty and the Beast. Plus other great songs, like Smells Like Teen Spirit, Losing My Religion, Promise of a New Day, and soooooooo much more! GO 1991!

Subject: Re: 1991 or 1992?

Written By: TarzSp on 10/02/05 at 5:49 pm

I'm gonna be biased too, and I'm going with 1991, because I came out of my mother's womb that year! And plus there was great movies, like Hook, Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves (tic, I think), and Beauty and the Beast. Plus other great songs, like Smells Like Teen Spirit, Losing My Religion, Promise of a New Day, and soooooooo much more! GO 1991!

Can't forget "Terminator 2" and "Silence of the Lambs"  ;)

I thought the songs from 1991 were Great, here are some of my favorites from that year

"Good Vibrations" by Marky Mark

"Right Here, Right Now" by Jesus Jones

"Black or White" by Michael Jackson

"Gonna Make You Sweat (Everybody Dance Now!)" by C&C Music Factory

"Motownphilly" by Boyz II Men

"Smells Like Teen Spirit" by Nirvana (Although it was released in December 1991 and got popular in Early 1992)

"O.P.P" by Naughty By Nature

"It Ain't Over Till It's Over" by Lenny Kravitz

Subject: Re: 1991 or 1992?

Written By: woops on 10/02/05 at 6:01 pm

1991... the debut of "Ren & Stimpy"  :D

Subject: Re: 1991 or 1992?

Written By: Robert on 03/26/08 at 11:15 am

1991, of course! Better songs, and movies!  :)

1992 just plain sucks!  ::)

Subject: Re: 1991 or 1992?

Written By: Roadgeek on 03/26/08 at 1:00 pm

Both were good in their own ways, but I'll always prefer 1992. My earliest memories of my life are in 1992.

Subject: Re: 1991 or 1992?

Written By: coqueta83 on 03/26/08 at 7:48 pm

1991. It was a great year for music and a great year for me in general.  :)

Subject: Re: 1991 or 1992?

Written By: mach!ne_he@d on 03/27/08 at 1:34 am

I don't think there's a huge difference between the two years, but if I had to choose, I would go with 1991.

That year had a few more good songs, and my little brother was born that year :)

Subject: Re: 1991 or 1992?

Written By: robby76 on 03/27/08 at 10:13 am

1991 was a lot more feelgood and the earlier the better I say!

1992 was okay but the mood started to change pop culturally.

Subject: Re: 1991 or 1992?

Written By: robert27 on 03/28/08 at 1:00 pm

Both were good in their own ways, but I'll always prefer 1992. My earliest memories of my life are in 1992.
1992 just plain sucks!  ::)

Subject: Re: 1991 or 1992?

Written By: Nineties nut on 03/28/08 at 11:06 pm

I think they're both good in their own ways. 1991 was still kind of fresh off the eighties (In my opinion, 1990 still wasn't out of the eighties as a year in its own right) so it still had that good feel about it, while still feeling like something a bit fresh and new. 1992 however was really when the decade started defining itself as a decade of its own. I liked the mid-nineties best, but that's a topic for another day  ;)

Subject: Re: 1991 or 1992?

Written By: roboert27 on 03/29/08 at 11:17 am

I think they're both good in their own ways. 1991 was still kind of fresh off the eighties (In my opinion, 1990 still wasn't out of the eighties as a year in its own right) so it still had that good feel about it, while still feeling like something a bit fresh and new. 1992 however was really when the decade started defining itself as a decade of its own. I liked the mid-nineties best, but that's a topic for another day  ;)
Ya, Ok!  8-P

Subject: Re: 1991 or 1992?

Written By: Philip Eno on 03/31/08 at 1:52 am

March 31st 1991 - The Establishment of Islamic Constitutional Movement - Hadas in Kuwait.

Subject: Re: 1991 or 1992?

Written By: Marty McFly on 03/31/08 at 7:30 pm

I think they're both good in their own ways. 1991 was still kind of fresh off the eighties (In my opinion, 1990 still wasn't out of the eighties as a year in its own right) so it still had that good feel about it, while still feeling like something a bit fresh and new. 1992 however was really when the decade started defining itself as a decade of its own. I liked the mid-nineties best, but that's a topic for another day  ;)

I agree with that.

While I love both years (both personal memories and pop culture) and the feel was pretty similar, it felt a little fresher in 1991 because so much changed that year. Like you said, there were more '80s holdovers too (although it was Nineties overall). There also seemed to be a little more rap coming into the mainstream in '92, which made it a teeny bit different.

Subject: 1992?

Written By: Philip Eno on 04/01/08 at 9:44 am

April 1st 1992 -Battleship USS Missouri, on which, Japan surrendered, was decommissioned

Subject: 1991?

Written By: Philip Eno on 04/01/08 at 9:44 am

April 1st 1991 - U.S. minimum wage goes from $3.80 to $4.25 per hour

Subject: Re: 1991

Written By: Philip Eno on 04/01/08 at 6:15 pm

April 2nd 1991 - First female Premier of a Canadian province takes office. Rita Johnston succeeds William Vander Zalm, who resigned, as Premier of British Columbia.

Subject: 1992?

Written By: Philip Eno on 04/01/08 at 6:16 pm

April 2nd 1992 - In New York, Mafia boss John Gotti is convicted of murder and racketeering and is later sentenced to life in prison.

Subject: 1991?

Written By: Philip Eno on 04/04/08 at 2:13 am

April 4th 1991 - Senator John Heinz of Pennsylvania and six others are killed when a helicopter collides with their plane over an elementary school in Merion, Pennsylvania.

Subject: 1992?

Written By: Philip Eno on 04/05/08 at 3:16 am

April 5th 1992 - Alberto Fujimori, president of Peru, dissolved the Peruvian congress by military force.

Subject: Re: 1991 or 1992?

Written By: Philip Eno on 04/06/08 at 3:35 am

April 6th 1992 - A general strike is declared by communist groups in Nepal

Subject: Re: 1991 or 1992?

Written By: Philip Eno on 04/10/08 at 1:56 am

April 10th 1991 - A rare tropical storm develops in the Southern Hemisphere near Angola; the first to be documented by satellites.

Subject: Re: 1991 or 1992?

Written By: Philip Eno on 04/17/08 at 1:27 am

April 17th 1991 - The Dow Jones Industrial Average closes above 3,000 for the first time ever gaining 17.58 to 3,004.46.

Subject: Re: 1991

Written By: Philip Eno on 04/17/08 at 2:44 am

April 17th 1991 - Railroad workers go on strike in U.S.

Subject: Re: 1992

Written By: Philip Eno on 04/18/08 at 1:55 am

April 18th 1992 – General Abdul Rashid Dostum revolted against the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan and allied with Ahmad Shah Massoud to capture the Afghan capital of Kabul.

Subject: 1991

Written By: Philip Eno on 04/24/08 at 1:44 am

April 24th 1991 - Freddie Stowers is awarded the posthumous Medal of Honor for which he had been recommended in 1918.

Subject: Re: 1991 or 1992?

Written By: Philip Eno on 04/26/08 at 1:03 am

April 26th 1991 - Seventy tornadoes break out in the central United States. Before its end, Andover, Kansas, would record the year's only F5 tornado (see Andover, Kansas Tornado Outbreak).

Subject: Re: 1991 or 1992?

Written By: ultraviolet52 on 04/26/08 at 11:48 am

1991 was okay - there were a few things that could've been better that year. Pop culturely it was fun.

1992 was a great year! I used to call it my best year ever! Well, being that it's been 16 years, I still consider it one of the best years to date, but 1999 was a great and memorable year, too.

Subject: Re: 1991 or 1992?

Written By: Philip Eno on 04/27/08 at 3:38 am

April 27th 1992 – Betty Boothroyd became the first female Speaker of the British House of Commons.

Subject: 1992

Written By: Philip Eno on 04/28/08 at 11:56 pm

April 29th 1992 – The acquittal of policemen who had beaten motorist Rodney King sparked civil unrest in Los Angeles that lasted for six days and killed over 50 people.

Subject: 1991

Written By: Philip Eno on 04/28/08 at 11:57 pm

April 29th 1991 – A powerful tropical cyclone struck Chittagong, killing at least 138,000 people and leaving as many as 10 million homeless in Bangladesh.

Subject: 1992

Written By: Philip Eno on 05/01/08 at 2:03 am

May 1st 1992 - On the third day of the 1992 Los Angeles riots, African American activist and criminal Rodney King appeared in public before television news cameras to appeal for calm and plead for peace, asking, "People, I just want to say, you know, can we all get along?".

Subject: Re: 1991 or 1992?

Written By: DJ Wonderbread on 05/01/08 at 6:15 am

Myself, I had some good experiences in '92 (performed in Guys And Dolls in High School, got into the school music program, my sister and my best friend graduated, and I started my first job that June right after my 16th birthday,) BUT it overall had very little to do with the music and entertainment that came out that year.  The big movies for me that summer were Alien3, Batman Returns, Lethal Weapon 3 and A League of Their Own.  But musically, I have to admit I started to dislike what I was hearing on the radio.  Don't get me wrong - I look back now on all that music with great nostalgia and fond memories, but at the time, I was actually pretty critical of a lot of it.  Acts like Kriss Kross and TLC rubbed me the wrong way, but they were all the rage at my school.  I began listening to older music - classic rock, early 80's Billy Joel, a lot of Beatles music I taped from my friend's collection, etc.

But 1991... that year was the $#!+ for music and movies.  I remember T2, Robin Hood, Backdraft, Hudson Hawk, City Slickers, Point Break, The Rocketeer, Bill and Ted's Bogus Journey, Hot Shots and Doc Hollywood all came out that summer.  Paula Abdul's Spellbound album released with Rush Rush as the first single, Promise of a New Day came out soon after, Michael Jackson finally released his first album since "Bad" in '87 and "Black or White" ruled my world.  Prince's Diamonds And Pearls album, though I didn't know it until Christmas that year, was about to totally solidify me as a HUGE Prince fan, which I still am 17 years later.  But "Gett Off" and "Cream" certainly grabbed an early hold of me until I finally listened to the rest of the CD later in the year.  Bryan Adams' "Everything I do" played so much on the radio, you could set your clock to it.  And I remember being SO damn proud of myself after I learned every single word to "OPP."  Not to mention I FINALLY got a Sega Genesis that year, so I spent my entire summer listening to MTV and playing Sonic and Altered Best into the very wee hours of the night.  Yeah, pound for pound, I have to say I loved both '91 and '92, but was just enamored with 1991, especially that summer.  I was stuck in Summer School that year (for Geometry,) but even that was fun, because I started hanging out with this guy named Doug, and he eventually became my best friend, and still is to this day.

1992 was good times.  But 1991 was just friggin' classic.

Subject: Re: 1992

Written By: Midas on 05/01/08 at 9:48 am

May 1st 1992 - On the third day of the 1992 Los Angeles riots, African American activist and criminal Rodney King appeared in public before television news cameras to appeal for calm and plead for peace, asking, "People, I just want to say, you know, can we all get along?".

So does this mean you like 1992 better than 1991? ???

I'd have to say I enjoyed 1992 better overall.  In 1991 I transitioned from Phoenix to Dallas mid-year.  It took me a while to adjust and find things (good radio station to listen to, job, cool places to hang out etc.).  I had met a great girl the first half of 1991 (who ended up moving back east two weeks before I moved to Texas) and we maintained a long-distance relationship into the next year and beyond.  She ended up going to school at NC State and I moved in with my dad in SC in August 1992, so I got to see her more often.

1991 had some great music (Nirvana, Pearl Jam, Prince's Diamond & Pearls album etc.).  In 1992 my musical tastes gravitated towards the techno/rave scene.

Subject: Re: 1991 or 1992?

Written By: Philip Eno on 05/01/08 at 10:17 am

So does this mean you like 1992 better than 1991? ???
After a few givne dates that serve as memory points I will be able to surmise the difference within the two given years.

Subject: Re: 1991 or 1992?

Written By: Midas on 05/02/08 at 9:59 am

After a few givne dates that serve as memory points I will be able to surmise the difference within the two given years.

I look forward to hearing what year you thought was better for you based on world events that may or may not have had an effect on your life.

Subject: Re: 1991 or 1992?

Written By: VegettoVa90 on 05/07/08 at 3:02 pm

1991 by far

Nevermind, Ten, Black Album, Use Your Illusions I & II, Out of Time, Blood Sugar Sex Majik, and Badmotorfinger all came that year and wiped out any lingering 80's feeling.

1992 had a lot of great music too, but it just wasn't as groundbreaking.

Subject: Re: 1991 or 1992?

Written By: Meotinpot on 05/15/08 at 2:25 pm

1991 by far

Nevermind, Ten, Black Album, Use Your Illusions I & II, Out of Time, Blood Sugar Sex Majik, and Badmotorfinger all came that year and wiped out any lingering 80's feeling.

1992 had a lot of great music too, but it just wasn't as groundbreaking.
Yeah, 1991 was WAY better!  8)

Subject: Re: 1991 or 1992?

Written By: Philip Eno on 05/17/08 at 3:21 pm

1992 lasted longer than 1991.

Subject: Re: 1991 or 1992?

Written By: Midas on 05/18/08 at 9:18 am

1992 lasted longer than 1991.

True, 1992 was a leap year.

Subject: Re: 1991 or 1992?

Written By: Philip Eno on 05/18/08 at 9:21 am

True, 1992 was a leap year.
An extra day to enjoy your life with.

Subject: Re: 1991 or 1992?

Written By: Meotinpot on 05/20/08 at 10:28 am

1992 lasted longer than 1991.
Um, who cares.

Subject: Re: 1991 or 1992?

Written By: Philip Eno on 05/20/08 at 10:30 am

Um, who cares.
People in business do, for it means an extra day of selling to the public, thus increasing the profit.

Subject: Re: 1991 or 1992?

Written By: Flameon on 05/20/08 at 12:59 pm

It's a toss up. But 1991 gave us:

Summertime - DJ Jazzy Jeff and the Fresh Prince,

but I goota go with 92, since I was inching closer to graduating from high school daze.

Subject: Re: 1991 or 1992?

Written By: BenStrikes on 01/05/09 at 11:43 pm

Both were great years for me. But it has to be 1992 for me. 1992 is one of my best years ever! Hip-hop still had messages, and was great! The year a graduated out of grammer school. After 8 years i thought i would never get out of there. Staying up all night watching the Barcelona Olympics and the Dream Team.. Having the biggest crush of my life on Lori Petty after seeing A League Of Thier Own! Ah man, i wish i could go back.  :)

Subject: Re: 1991 or 1992?

Written By: joeman on 01/06/09 at 3:23 am

Which of these two years is your Favorite overall?

Which is your Favorite of those two for Music, for Movies, or for Pop-Culture Overall?


Hell, 1991 and 1998 is tied for best years of my life.

Subject: Re: 1991 or 1992?

Written By: 90steen on 01/06/09 at 2:57 pm

I choose 1992 for both personal reasons and pop culture reasons.

In 1991 I was eleven, in 5th and 6th grade. Terrible times of my life. Because in 5th grade, I was severely bullied, haha.

And I used to be a really shy person so starting Junior high in September of 1991 was hard, but I came out of my shell that year, and became one of the most outgoing kids in my school.

It was an okay year for music. 1991 songs I liked were
Around The Way Girl - LL Cool J (May have been hit in 1990. i just know it was a hit radio song during my 5th grade year.)
Do Anything - Natural Selection (Was my absolute most favorite song)
Fading Like A Flower - Everytime You Leave - Roxette
I Like The Way (The Kissing Game) - Hi-five
Iesha - A.B.C. Any 90's person knows what it stands for.  :)
O.P.P. - Naughty By Nature
Things That Make You Go Hmmm... - C&C
Summertime - Jazzy Jeff & Fresh Prince
Very First Lie - Material Issue
3 A.M. Eternal - The KLF

Outside of those songs, I wasn't crazy about the music in 1991.
Actually, I used to think that the new era (the 90's, since it was very early) was gonna be a terrible music decade. But 1992 throughout I loved the music.

By 1992 I had a good group of friends, and the music was better, and I'll always remember that summer, I had a blast, about as good as life could get for a 12 year old. There were all kinds of good songs out that year too. And, it was the year TLC formed  :) :) :)

Subject: Re: 1991 or 1992?

Written By: woops on 01/06/09 at 5:14 pm

I was still a small kid, though both are good years for music.  8)

"Ren & Stimpy" made it's debut in 1991.

Subject: Re: 1991 or 1992?

Written By: 90steen on 01/06/09 at 5:51 pm

Did it really? I always thought it started a year or two before that.

Great show though!

Subject: Re: 1991 or 1992?

Written By: batfan2005 on 01/30/09 at 3:37 am

For me, 1992 was better. I just have a lot of good personal memories and the music and movies went along with it. For music, the songs I remember from that year include "All I Want" by Toad the Wet Sprocket, "End of the Road" by Boyz II Men, "Wishin On the Stars" by Cover Girls, "Under the Bridge" by RHCP, "High" and "Friday I'm In Love" by the Cure. Movie wise, my favorites were Wayne's World, Encino Man, Passenger 57, and Batman Returns. The other thing I remember about '92 is that was the year Bill Clinton was elected marking the end of the Reagan/Bush Sr. era. I also remember the Olympics in Barcelona.

1991 was good too pop-culture wise, but the first half for me was bad while I was in 6th grade. Things started improving when I started my 7th grade year, which made Spring of 1992 really good, and Summer of '92 was one of the best summers of my life.

Subject: Re: 1991 or 1992?

Written By: 90steen on 01/30/09 at 1:22 pm

1991 was good too pop-culture wise, but the first half for me was bad while I was in 6th grade. Things started improving when I started my 7th grade year, which made Spring of 1992 really good, and Summer of '92 was one of the best summers of my life.

Summer of 1992 was one of the best summers of my life too  :)

It was the best one of my life until summer of 1998 right after I graduated/  8)

Subject: Re: 1991 or 1992?

Written By: Paul on 01/30/09 at 2:50 pm

Liz (HM to you) had an annus horribilis in one of these years (1992, I think)...which had us reaching for the latin phrasebook to find out what the hell she was going on about! (Try calling a spade a spade, ma'am!)

I didn't have a cracking end to '92 either, as I was made redundant for the first and hopefully last time... :(

Subject: Re: 1991 or 1992?

Written By: karen on 01/30/09 at 4:07 pm

Well, I got married in 1992.  I still haven't decided if that's a good thing or not!

Subject: Re: 1991 or 1992?

Written By: yelimsexa on 02/17/09 at 8:04 am

Believe it or not (I was going to post this in the why 1990 and 1991 were more like the '80s thread), only in 1991 did Michael Jackson, Madonna, and Prince all have a #1 single in the same year. Since grunge was only devoted to a rather limited fanbase even when Nirvana became popular in September, I would prefer 1992. The Gulf War was in the rear view mirror, the minor recession was ending, and we would elect Clinton that year, plus the redesigned cars started to look more aerodynamic (though still rather square compared to today). However, if I'm in an '80s mood, I would still prefer 1991 (even if the hits by the peak '80s artists are darker in tone than in the actual '80s.)

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