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Subject: Are you afraid of the Dark?
Written By: Festy on 09/20/05 at 8:37 pm
Classic nick show, Oh the memories of this and Goosebumps and the rest of old Nick and Fox.
Share your opinions on the show, also a small plug. I'm selling a few copies of the entire are you afraid of the dark run if you want the info email me at or IM me at festy1986 on AIM
Subject: Re: Are you afraid of the Dark?
Written By: JamieMcBain on 09/20/05 at 8:46 pm
It's a preety good show and creepy at times too...
Subject: Re: Are you afraid of the Dark?
Written By: CatwomanofV on 09/21/05 at 12:19 pm
I used to watch this all the time. I thought it was a great show.
Subject: Re: Are you afraid of the Dark?
Written By: JarethsCrystal on 09/21/05 at 12:28 pm
Geesh. My dad quotes that show. "My Father, Sylvester Unkiss" ;D
Subject: Re: Are you afraid of the Dark?
Written By: aznbabiie1432 on 10/10/05 at 4:30 am
ii loved that show it was cool; that one where the boy stole the nose from the clown in that funhouse n then the clown tries 2 qet it bak...ii remember there was a part where he puts a bowl of chocolate puddinq in the microwave n then he qoes upstairs n then he hears a noise n runs back 2 the kitchen & the puddinq is spilled on the floor n there's a messaqe written in it. ( anybodii kno wut the title of the story was? ) ii have the episode called " the lonely ghost" where sum lil qirl's spirit is trapped n a mirror n she tries 2 qet ppl 2 help her by writinq help me on the walls buh its written backwards..
Subject: Re: Are you afraid of the Dark?
Written By: Harmonica on 10/10/05 at 5:58 pm
It was one of my absolute favorites. I remember the majority of the shows and I'd love to see it or something like it back on TV again.
Subject: Re: Are you afraid of the Dark?
Written By: TarzSp on 10/10/05 at 6:52 pm
Zeebo the Clown used to scare the Bejesus out of me
I used to watch this show every Saturday Night on SNICK. There is this other episode i'll never forget, it was about some old lady who lived in an Apartment building and some young girl moved into the apartment complex and started to become friends with the old lady, then the old lady was saying something about how she wanted her there on a certain day and it was very important to her, but the young girl ended up ditching her and didn't come on that day because she wanted to spend it with her friends. So when she finally got to the old lady's house, the old lady was sitting in her rocking chair in the dark all upset about how she never came, and it turned out that the old lady was actually a ghost the whole time
Pretty creepy
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