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Subject: Fruit Snacks Mania!!!
Written By: AMathews on 06/29/05 at 3:54 pm
Does anybody remember those fruit snacks that were in the shape of some character (I want to say Bear shaped but I am not sure) and in each packet of these fruit snacks were pastel or all white colored fruit snacks that were in the shape of a unicorn or pegasus. And it was totally cool if you had one of these in your packet of gummy bears. They were popular around the time of shark bites or sodalicious fruit snacks.
Anyway... my friends and I loved these when we were younger, but I can't remember the name of them. Can you?
Subject: Re: Fruit Snacks Mania!!!
Written By: nally on 06/30/05 at 4:12 pm
Your description of these fruit snacks sounds familiar...I think I remember these...but I can't think of their name either! :-[
Subject: Re: Fruit Snacks Mania!!!
Written By: Apricot on 06/30/05 at 8:32 pm
Hmm.. I don't remember those.. we were never big on Fruit Snacks, though, so.. meh.
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