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Subject: Best Songs Of The 90's
Written By: Kareoke Queen on 05/14/05 at 5:51 pm
Vote here
Subject: Re: Best Songs Of The 90's
Written By: Philip Eno on 05/14/05 at 6:28 pm
Is there a list??
What no Don't Look Back In Anger?
Subject: Re: Best Songs Of The 90's
Written By: Kareoke Queen on 05/15/05 at 3:02 am
What no Don't Look Back In Anger?
In a word NO
Subject: Re: Best Songs Of The 90's
Written By: Philip Eno on 05/15/05 at 3:37 am
In a word NO
How about Whitney Houston's I Will Always Love You, Wet Wet Wet's Love Is All Around, or even Bryan Adams' (Everything I Do) I Do It For You?
Subject: Re: Best Songs Of The 90's
Written By: Kareoke Queen on 05/15/05 at 3:56 am
How about Whitney Houston's I Will Always Love You, Wet Wet Wet's Love Is All Around, or even Bryan Adams' (Everything I Do) I Do It For You?
In a word YES, but not those songs.
Subject: Re: Best Songs Of The 90's
Written By: Philip Eno on 05/15/05 at 4:14 am
In a word YES, but not those songs.
If yes, where are the three fore-mentioned songs on the list?
Subject: Re: Best Songs Of The 90's
Written By: Mr Tumnus on 05/15/05 at 4:19 am
Can I pick my three faves Karaoke Queen??
Didn't Chaka Chaka Chaka Khan sing I'm every Woman??
Subject: Re: Best Songs Of The 90's
Written By: Mr Tumnus on 05/15/05 at 4:24 am
How about Whitney Houston's I Will Always Love You, Wet Wet Wet's Love Is All Around, or even Bryan Adams' (Everything I Do) I Do It For You?
Sorry, but they're three of the crappest records of all time, along with Gloria Gaynors gay anthem - 'I am what I am.'
Subject: Re: Best Songs Of The 90's
Written By: Philip Eno on 05/15/05 at 4:25 am
How about Luciano Pavarotti's Nessun Dorma released in June 1990?
Subject: Re: Best Songs Of The 90's
Written By: Mr Tumnus on 05/15/05 at 4:26 am
Oh well I picked the 49ers, only recognise a few of the others - were some B Sides?  ;D
Subject: Re: Best Songs Of The 90's
Written By: Philip Eno on 05/15/05 at 4:30 am
From the given list:
Kylie Minogue, Oasis and Kate Bush.
Subject: Re: Best Songs Of The 90's
Written By: Kareoke Queen on 05/15/05 at 5:07 am
Sorry, but they're three of the crappest records of all time, along with Gloria Gaynors gay anthem - 'I am what I am.'
"I Am What I Am" from Gloria Gaynor was such a fantastic song. I've got the remix of it that came out a few years and the 1984 version. I've also got it the 7" of the 1984 version and the remix version on 3 CD's which are the promo version, and the two commercial versions and the 12" of the remix version. I'm totally addicted to that song. I even have the version by Sonia somewhere two.
Subject: Re: Best Songs Of The 90's
Written By: Kareoke Queen on 05/15/05 at 5:10 am
Can I pick my three faves Karaoke Queen??
Didn't Chaka Chaka Chaka Khan sing I'm every Woman??
Whitney Houston covered it and released it. It was from "The Bodyguard" movie.
Subject: Re: Best Songs Of The 90's
Written By: Mr Tumnus on 05/15/05 at 2:20 pm
"I Am What I Am" from Gloria Gaynor was such a fantastic song. I've got the remix of it that came out a few years and the 1984 version. I've also got it the 7" of the 1984 version and the remix version on 3 CD's which are the promo version, and the two commercial versions and the 12" of the remix version. I'm totally addicted to that song. I even have the version by Sonia somewhere two.
;D not SONIA surely? ;D
Subject: Re: Best Songs Of The 90's
Written By: GoodRedShirt on 05/15/05 at 4:12 pm
No "Macerena" or "Ketchup Song"?
Subject: Re: Best Songs Of The 90's
Written By: Kareoke Queen on 05/15/05 at 6:03 pm
No "Macerena" or "Ketchup Song"?
Those songs are crap. The Ketchup Song was even released in the 90's you thicko. read the fudgeing title dumbass. Anyway, those songs were crap.
Subject: Re: Best Songs Of The 90's
Written By: Apricot on 05/15/05 at 7:12 pm
I liked Oasis. And "Wonderwall" is a good song.
Subject: Re: Best Songs Of The 90's
Written By: grs_at_school on 05/15/05 at 7:29 pm
Those songs are crap. The Ketchup Song was even released in the 90's you thicko. read the fudging title dum****. Anyway, those songs were crap.
Sheesh! Calm down... it was a joke for f*** sakes!!  ::)
Subject: Re: Best Songs Of The 90's
Written By: grs on 05/15/05 at 7:39 pm
Ever thought that maybe people might like those songs? ???
Subject: Re: Best Songs Of The 90's
Written By: GoodRedShirt on 05/15/05 at 11:46 pm
^^^ Sh*tty university Mac computers. >:(
Subject: Re: Best Songs Of The 90's
Written By: Philip Eno on 05/16/05 at 4:05 am
No "Macerena" or "Ketchup Song"?
Macerena great dance song, if you can dance.
Subject: Re: Best Songs Of The 90's
Written By: Mr Tumnus on 05/16/05 at 10:16 am
Those songs are crap. The Ketchup Song was even released in the 90's you thicko. read the fudging title dum****. Anyway, those songs were crap.
WHAA - I thought I spoke my mind !?
Subject: Re: Best Songs Of The 90's
Written By: karen on 05/16/05 at 11:15 am
Those songs are crap. The Ketchup Song was even released in the 90's you thicko. read the fudging title dum****. Anyway, those songs were crap.
Hold on. You call The Macarena and the Ketchup Song crap when you've got Aqua - Barbie Girl as a voting option? They're all of a similar ilk to me.
Subject: Re: Best Songs Of The 90's
Written By: QueenAmenRa on 05/16/05 at 12:54 pm
How about Luciano Pavarotti's Nessun Dorma released in June 1990?
Does that count as a "90s" song? I mean when was Turandot?
Anyway I can't vote- there's too many different genres to chose from, and some of the best (in my opinion) 90s songs aren't up there. What about those great dance hits like "Be My Lover"
Subject: Re: Best Songs Of The 90's
Written By: Philip Eno on 05/16/05 at 1:39 pm
Does that count as a "90s" song? I mean when was Turandot? ÂÂ
Anyway I can't vote- there's too many different genres to chose from, and some of the best (in my opinion) 90s songs aren't up there. What about those great dance hits like "Be My Lover"
Nessun Dorma received popularity in 1990, as it was as theme music for the Football World Cup coverage on the BBC in the UK.
Subject: Re: Best Songs Of The 90's
Written By: holicman on 05/17/05 at 12:09 am
Im surprised there is no Metallica or any other decent rock bands in there, except for Oasis with wonderwall and Blink 182's song "whats my age again".
In my opinion, the best song of the 90's, or at least my personal favourite is Mr.Jones" by the Counting Crows.
Subject: Re: Best Songs Of The 90's
Written By: Heartless on 05/17/05 at 8:53 pm
Where's the quality rock? No Radiohead, Smashing Pumpkins, Tool, Soundgarden, Rage Against The Machine, Faith No More, Nine Inch Nails or Manic Street Preachers? Oasis are on there but TBH they have more in common with Kylie Minogue than the bands I've just mentioned. What about the trip-hop brilliance of Massive Attack or Portishead?
Subject: Re: Best Songs Of The 90's
Written By: Sugafairey on 05/19/05 at 9:51 am
Where's the quality rock? No Radiohead, Smashing Pumpkins, Tool, Soundgarden, Rage Against The Machine, Faith No More, Nine Inch Nails or Manic Street Preachers? Oasis are on there but TBH they have more in common with Kylie Minogue than the bands I've just mentioned. What about the trip-hop brilliance of Massive Attack or Portishead?
Well, that saves me asking the 'what about the guitar bands?' question.
Subject: Re: Best Songs Of The 90's
Written By: ill_iterate on 05/20/05 at 3:41 pm
Bush, Soundgarden, Offspring, Smashing Pumpkins, Pearl Jam, Nirvana, Green Day, Collective Soul, Weezer! And for goodness sake man... SUBLIME!!!
Subject: Re: Best Songs Of The 90's
Written By: agoraphobicwhacko on 05/20/05 at 5:52 pm
Without including Guns N Roses, your list is a sham.
Subject: Re: Best Songs Of The 90's
Written By: Triviamom on 05/20/05 at 8:03 pm
Stereo MC's - Connected
Subject: Re: Best Songs Of The 90's
Written By: Kareoke Queen on 05/22/05 at 4:41 am
Stereo MC's - Connected
You can now vote for that song by clicking on to the vote above. I completely forgot about that song and your right, it is a great song :)
Subject: Re: Best Songs Of The 90's
Written By: Philip Eno on 05/22/05 at 4:49 am
You can now vote for that song by clicking on to the vote above. I completely forgot about that song and your right, it is a great song :)
But I cannot vote for it for I have already voted...
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