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Subject: Daily Life 10 years ago
Written By: DevoRule on 04/16/05 at 1:29 pm
What was yours like? What you did, what you played with, what you worked with? I won't speak since I was only 5 then (btw I do remember as far back as 1993)
Subject: Re: Daily Life 10 years ago
Written By: sputnikcorp on 04/16/05 at 2:06 pm
i pretty much did the same thing i'm doing now but now a lot of my spare time is filled by sitting at this computer. (i should read more books like i used to, damn the internet!)
Subject: Re: Daily Life 10 years ago
Written By: bbigd04 on 04/16/05 at 2:18 pm
I turned 8, I was in 2nd, then 3rd grade in later '95. I played outside a lot. I was about to make my first communion. Summer '95 we went to Alabama on vacation, my brother used to live down there. I spent much less time on the computer than I do today. I played with my Sega Genesis CDX, got Virtual Boy later in the year, and eventually Saturn for Christmas. I played with those old toy computers as well, I had a real computer so I'm not really sure why I did, but I still liked them for some reason. On my computer I played with those living books things, kid pix (I think it was called), print shop deluxe (I used to think making card on the computer was the coolest thing), I had some math games as well. I first got connect to the internet in 1995. I used to have a bunch of riding toys, like a couple big wheels, kettcar, my bikes, and some other thing. I collected baseball cards, and enjoyed playing with toy cars.
Subject: Re: Daily Life 10 years ago
Written By: nally on 04/17/05 at 2:59 am
In April 1995 I was in my freshman year of high school.
Subject: Re: Daily Life 10 years ago
Written By: ThaSlickerNick on 04/17/05 at 1:20 pm
In April 1995, I was in Kintergarden, playing outside, being a kid, and watching a lot of Nickelodeon! ! !The Classic Nick not the Nickelodeon on nowadays.
Subject: Re: Daily Life 10 years ago
Written By: CatwomanofV on 04/18/05 at 12:27 pm
I was in college- student teaching, working on my honor's thesis and dating Carlos. ;D
Subject: Re: Daily Life 10 years ago
Written By: Guest on 04/18/05 at 2:45 pm
Let's see, in 1995 I turned 12 and was in 5th/6th grade (was held back a year). I remember getting home from school everyday and watching Fox Kids shows like Batman and X-Men. On the weekends I would watch Nickelodeon (All That, Adventures of Pete & Pete) and during that summer my mom would take me swimming with my cousins a lot. At the beginning of that year I moved into the house I live in now and in the fall I started middle school. Back then we had a computer but it didn't have Internet (I didn't use that until '97), instead it had an encyclopedia so I was always looking things up on it much the way I do the Internet today though I admit the Internet is far more useful :)ÂÂ
Subject: Re: Daily Life 10 years ago
Written By: SkyLowLow on 04/18/05 at 4:01 pm
I graduated, and my life started from then :)
Subject: Re: Daily Life 10 years ago
Written By: BlondeyFHFan6 on 04/20/05 at 4:27 pm
In April 1995, I was 7 years old and in the 1st grade. I had a very annoying 4 year old neighbor who use to come over to my house every Sunday afternoon to play w/ me and my sister. She would steal my barbies and she was a big tattle tale. Somehow I put up w/ her. lol. I watched Full House reruns every afternoon at 5. What else? oh yeah. I'd just had tubes put in my ears..which really sucked. I also had my tonsils taken out.. That sucked even more. well thats most of what I remember from 10 years ago.
Subject: Re: Daily Life 10 years ago
Written By: ADH13 on 04/21/05 at 12:37 am
I was single. :-X
Subject: Re: Daily Life 10 years ago
Written By: Trimac20 on 04/21/05 at 4:24 am
In 1995...I was just 9 years old and still in primary school. Some of the things we did back was huge, other fads included glow caps, power rangers, super nintendo and yo-yos. My fondest memory of 95' is probably hours spent on my SNES playing Donkey Kong Country II and playing basketball with my friends.
Subject: Re: Daily Life 10 years ago
Written By: DevoRule on 04/21/05 at 6:01 pm
In 1995...I was just 9 years old and still in primary school. Some of the things we did back was huge, other fads included glow caps, power rangers, super nintendo and yo-yos. My fondest memory of 95' is probably hours spent on my SNES playing Donkey Kong Country II and playing basketball with my friends.
I miss those days :)
Subject: Re: Daily Life 10 years ago
Written By: NullandVoid on 04/23/05 at 5:22 pm
Ten Years ago I was 16. Most likely my day would have looked like this:
7:00 -745: mom wakes me up for school. After some yelling and eventually snatching off my blanket, she manages to get me up. I do the routine, shower, get dressed, eat a scrap of something. Grab gigantic bookbag, head for bus stop.
8:00-8:45: I'm on a crowded New York City Bus with a bunch of unruly catholic school kids whose school is near mine. I am stuck with them until 14th st & Ave A but I'm thankful that I am not riding the train. Someone always ALWAYS is eating a smelly onion laced breakfast sandwich. :P
8:55: For the next 6 or so hours I am a slave for Manhattan Village Academy(H.S.)This was when my school SHARED a decrepit building with another H.S. (Manhattan Comprehensive). Our new billion dollar building would be ready the following school year.
2:50: I'M FREEE....from school that is. Once I am dismissed from school a whole other part of my life begins. My afternoon was a combination of things, depending on the day.
-Rehearsal with my theater group(performing educational skits at youth centers and group homes)
-Rehearsal with my Musical Theater group(songwriting, speech, singing, acting, stage combat, opera and musical compositon.
-Meetings the other Youth Staff at my current job (creating and facilitating workshops on social issues)
- Fulfilling my H.S. Internship by being an apprentice/assistant for the Technical Stage Director of a very well known local theater. I painted sets, kept inventory on the props, learned lighting and ran errands. Even though School rules kept me from being paid my boss gave me a $100 "Tip" weekly out of his own pocket!
Most of my activities ended at or around 9:00pm. Whatever time I had left I would any homework that I not managed to do during my breaks. After that I would eat dinner and play videogames with my brother. Then around 12am I would hit the sack.
Subject: Re: Daily Life 10 years ago
Written By: gemini61 on 04/24/05 at 7:14 pm
I was 33, and my daughters were 6 and 12. The 12 yr. old was just starting to give me that teenage hell they speak of! :D Thank god she grew out of it and is an awesome young woman now. :)
Subject: Re: Daily Life 10 years ago
Written By: whitewolf on 04/24/05 at 7:28 pm
I was 25 and raising my oldest, she was 7 that year, I quit college to move home to help my mom take care of my dad. He died later that same year.
Subject: Re: Daily Life 10 years ago
Written By: Dagwood on 04/24/05 at 9:42 pm
I had just moved into my new house, bought a new truck and started my job. Plus, it was the year I first went to Las Vegas. Other than that, not much sticks out.
Subject: Re: Daily Life 10 years ago
Written By: AnnieBanannie on 04/30/05 at 5:29 pm
In April 1995, I was a college student of 23. I worked for a clipping service as a news monitor. I hung out all over NYC and Connecticut at all hours. I won Oasis tickets off of PLJ. Saw Bowie when he was in his Reznor phase and toured with NIN. I was pretty indiscriminate about what I smoked back then and had a couple scary experiences.
It was a fun year, but not as fun as the earlier part of the 90's.
Subject: Re: Daily Life 10 years ago
Written By: nally on 05/04/05 at 2:06 pm
In May 1995, I was in the latter part of my freshman year of high school. I had made friends with a girl who by this time I had found out was a senior. During the last week of April, she had invited me to come eat lunch with her and her friends (one or two of which were also seniors at the time) in the Poetry Club. Even though I wasn't an actual member of the Poetry Club, they enjoyed having me around. I didn't go there every day though.
Subject: Re: Daily Life 10 years ago
Written By: Head of Vecna on 05/05/05 at 11:02 am
I was 8 and in 3rd Grade , I remember having a great primary school teacher and having to do some crafts activities about 'Indians' that year (of course we didn't really go into the details about Native Americans, it was mainly about Western-movie stereotypes) , playing outside in the main city park with my friends at the end of the school year and being dragged along to my cousins' boring weddings that seemed to last forever and where the other kids would pick on me and whatnot...
I remember actually using a computer for the first time (saw my first one a few years earlier when my friend's sister was furiously playing Warcraft II and Alone in the Dark) playing Theme Hospital and some of those early photo-twisting programs (but that might be later) , going around egg-hunting in my parents' garden and the fact my brother had hidden one of my easter eggs in the higher branches of a tree . Was pretty sad when I realized I couldn't get to the egg right away
Not sure exactly what else I did that year, but I do remember this was the year I started thinking my childhood really was over (it wasn't of course but I had that feeling) :(
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