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Subject: Video from the Early 90s; a little help, please?
Written By: NancyBoy on 03/28/05 at 2:16 am
This. Is driving me. Insane.
I remember watching this music video back when I was a wee one. It was back in the 90s; early 90s if I'm not mistaken. I don't remember the entire video, but it was basically just this young looking girl singing to a crowd of people. She was standing in front of this large video screen and every now and then it would show shots of her face on said screen. The entire video was shot in black and white, and I also remember her singing in this slightly high-pitched voice.
I can't remember the name of the band or the song. I've been trying to remember for a very, very long time now and nothing is coming to mind.
If you have any idea what I'm talking about could you help me out here? Please?
I'm new here; please don't chew me out too badly?
Subject: Re: Video from the Early 90s; a little help, please?
Written By: 90s boy on 03/28/05 at 3:59 am
This. Is driving me. Insane.
I remember watching this music video back when I was a wee one. It was back in the 90s; early 90s if I'm not mistaken. I don't remember the entire video, but it was basically just this young looking girl singing to a crowd of people. She was standing in front of this large video screen and every now and then it would show shots of her face on said screen. The entire video was shot in black and white, and I also remember her singing in this slightly high-pitched voice.
I can't remember the name of the band or the song. I've been trying to remember for a very, very long time now and nothing is coming to mind.
If you have any idea what I'm talking about could you help me out here? Please?
i think the song is called mouther mouther by i can't really remember her name i think it's tracy bomeing or something that might be it
I'm new here; please don't chew me out too badly?
Subject: Re: Video from the Early 90s; a little help, please?
Written By: NancyBoy on 03/28/05 at 5:28 pm
I checked into it; it's not by her.
Thank you so much for your help though.
Subject: Re: Video from the Early 90s; a little help, please?
Written By: 90s boy on 04/01/05 at 6:18 am
I checked into it; it's not by her.
Thank you so much for your help though.
your welcom lol i conplety forgot about the song i told u about
Subject: Re: Video from the Early 90s; a little help, please?
Written By: Jennifer028 on 04/02/05 at 2:48 pm
Not sure about the song but WHAT IN THE HECK IS THAT IN YOUR AVATAR? Its creepy :o
Subject: Re: Video from the Early 90s; a little help, please?
Written By: Jennifer028 on 04/04/05 at 10:07 pm
Where'd you go? I still wanna know about the girl banging around in your avater :o
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