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Subject: Biggest band of the 90s...

Written By: Trimac20 on 02/16/05 at 6:07 am

What was the biggest band of the 90s and why?

Pearl Jam
Green Day

Sorry I don't know how do add a poll, how do I  add one btw?

Subject: Re: Biggest band of the 90s...

Written By: sputnikcorp on 02/16/05 at 12:00 pm

radiohead was one of the most influential bands of the 90s. they took post-grunge to a new level and set the bar for any alternative act to follow. they weren't exactly big, at least in popularity.

Subject: Re: Biggest band of the 90s...

Written By: george78 on 02/16/05 at 3:00 pm

I'd have to go with Pearl Jam.

Subject: Re: Biggest band of the 90s...

Written By: Punk Daddy on 02/17/05 at 12:43 am

Tough to argue with Nirvana...

But, I think you could with Red Hot Chilli Peppers who were strong from start to finish in the 1990s.

Subject: Re: Biggest band of the 90s...

Written By: jiminy on 02/17/05 at 11:12 pm

Blues Traveler, that guy must weight 400 pounds, now that's BIG!

Subject: Re: Biggest band of the 90s...

Written By: eightiesfan on 02/18/05 at 11:15 am

Blues Traveler, that guy must weight 400 pounds, now that's BIG!

Actually, a few years ago he had that same gastrointestinal surgery that Carnie Wilson had, so he's lost quite a bit of weight.

Subject: Re: Biggest band of the 90s...

Written By: chaka on 04/13/05 at 10:29 am

They influenced so many bands and their music was great.
It's a real pity Kurt isn't around to see how many people appreciate his music
(and those who don't :P)
Pearl Jam are also great (and Soundgarden and Foo Fighters and Alice In Chains..!!)
                                 GRUNGE ISN'T DEAD

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