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Subject: Searching for ugly girl
Written By: just_a_girl on 10/12/04 at 8:47 pm
Subject: Re: Searching for ugly girl
Written By: zcrito on 10/13/04 at 3:52 pm
Sound like another one of those "happy" songs from the late '90s. What is with music after '96 or '97 ? :(
Subject: Re: Searching for ugly girl
Written By: just_a_girl on 10/13/04 at 6:24 pm
I'm pretty sure it was 97'
Subject: Re: Searching for ugly girl
Written By: Berg Katse on 10/18/04 at 5:54 am
I think you're looking for 'Ugly Girl' by 'Fleming and John' - Fleming McWilliams, John Mark Painter. Actually as late as 1999.
the lyrics in the song go something like this....
"There's no way, do you have to keep your eyes closed
Do you have to keep the lights down low?
Oh I bet you wish you had a blind fold
Can't you see you're leaving me
For an ugly girl"
It may have also been covered by Fiona Apple but I'm not 100% on that.... :-\\
Anyway, a web search based on the above should get you sorted. :)
Subject: Re: Searching for ugly girl
Written By: just_a_girl on 10/18/04 at 8:57 pm
Thank you so much! All I had to go on was the title and that was getting me nowhere. AArrggg! :P Thie info you gave should help greatly, thanks alot! Hows England?
Subject: Re: Searching for ugly girl
Written By: kimmers on 10/22/04 at 3:03 pm
Wasn't there a song by Garbage with a title along those lines??
Subject: Re: Searching for ugly girl
Written By: kimmers on 10/27/04 at 10:32 am
Wasn't there a song by Garbage with a title along those lines??
Oops! My mistake. That was "Stupid Girl".
Subject: Re: Searching for ugly girl
Written By: just_a_girl on 11/30/04 at 5:38 pm
thanks for all your help guys! I found my song. It was Fionna Apple! ;D
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