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Subject: early '90s commercials
Written By: Guest on 08/31/04 at 3:20 pm
I was wondering if anyone could remember any TV commercials from the early '90s, specifically 1990-92 that I've forgotten, especially kid or youth oriented commercials that would have been shown on MTV or Nickelodeon at the time. I can remember a commercial from around 1990 that had some bears up playing guitar on stage and it was for cookies or crackers or something like that. I also remember a commercial with some dumb song from around 1991-92 that had people leaving school or work dancing to "I feel like chicken tonight!" Those are the only ones I can clearly remember, if anyone knows some other ones I've forgotten, please post. :)
Subject: Re: early '90s commercials
Written By: Digital on 09/07/04 at 12:33 pm
The chicken tonight commercials were for a "sidekicks" type dinner. It was an add-on to dinner.... you just poured the "chicken" onto your pasta and *presto* you had chicken pasta.
as for the bears, there was a commercial that I recall for golden grahms Bears... TEDDY GRAHMS!!! They had a little dance and a song I recall.
Hope that helped,
Digital Loop
I was wondering if anyone could remember any TV commercials from the early '90s, specifically 1990-92 that I've forgotten, especially kid or youth oriented commercials that would have been shown on MTV or Nickelodeon at the time. I can remember a commercial from around 1990 that had some bears up playing guitar on stage and it was for cookies or crackers or something like that. I also remember a commercial with some dumb song from around 1991-92 that had people leaving school or work dancing to "I feel like chicken tonight!" Those are the only ones I can clearly remember, if anyone knows some other ones I've forgotten, please post. :)
Subject: Re: early '90s commercials
Written By: Howard on 09/07/04 at 7:19 pm
That was such a corny commercial.everyone started to cluck like a chicken. ;D
Subject: Re: early '90s commercials
Written By: Ellipsis on 11/05/04 at 10:48 am
I was wondering if anyone could remember any TV commercials from the early '90s, specifically 1990-92 that I've forgotten, especially kid or youth oriented commercials that would have been shown on MTV or Nickelodeon at the time.ÂÂ
If anyone knows some other ones I've forgotten, please post. :)
I can remember quite a few of many I can't list them all.
Subject: Re: early '90s commercials
Written By: elctrcblu002 on 11/11/04 at 3:16 am
I remember dancing gummibears doing the cha cha into a bag in '92, the crest toothpaste commercial with the blue toothpaste guy having a guitar and singing, the juicy fruit commercial "juicy fruit, it's gonna move ya...(and then the end went) juicy fruit, the taste the taste is gonna move ya" and it showed some guy on a surfboard.  I remember that chicken commercial.
Subject: Re: early '90s commercials
Written By: AngeFaitore on 11/12/04 at 12:03 pm
I remember Chicken Tonight, I have the "Amazin' Fruit" gummi bears commercial on tape somewhere and there's always the "Crusin with the Big Man" Kool-Aid commercial where the Kool-Aid Man is driving a convertable.
Subject: Re: early '90s commercials
Written By: ... (Ellipsis) on 11/12/04 at 4:31 pm
the juicy fruit commercial "juicy fruit, it's gonna move ya...(and then the end went) juicy fruit, the taste the taste is gonna move ya" and it showed some guy on a surfboard.
I loved that jingle; but I think it was originally from the 80s, like 1988 or so. But it did carry over into the 90s, as I remember.
I don't quite remember all of the lyrics, but one of the lines went: "The taste is gonna move you when you pop it in your mouth..." And then the chorus. The last line went: "The taste the taste the taste is gonna move ya." ("The taste" was mentioned three times in succession.)
Subject: Re: early '90s commercials
Written By: Indy Gent on 11/12/04 at 4:38 pm
Remember those weird Waccammaw commercials with the dancing apes? I've been wandering what dancing apes and jungle music have to do with housewares. :-\\
Subject: Re: early '90s commercials
Written By: Mr. X on 11/15/04 at 10:14 pm
I remember the "Always Coca-Cola" jingle from '93.
Subject: Re: early '90s commercials
Written By: Davester on 11/16/04 at 2:36 pm
You guys and gals are amazing...
You can actually remember TV commercials from 10, 15, 20 years ago..? I can't even remember commercials from last week in any detail...
Subject: Re: early '90s commercials
Written By: AngeFaitore on 11/16/04 at 3:49 pm
I watched an old video tape of the ABC saturday morning lineup and they had those old McDonald's commercials with "Do You Believe In Magic?". The commercial's copyright was 1992. That jingle held over the decade well into the year 2000, when they changed to "We Love to See You Smile" than again in 2003 with "I'm Lovin' It".
Subject: Re: early '90s commercials
Written By: Howard on 11/16/04 at 5:51 pm
I watched an old video tape of the ABC saturday morning lineup and they had those old McDonald's commercials with "Do You Believe In Magic?". The commercial's copyright was 1992. That jingle held over the decade well into the year 2000, when they changed to "We Love to See You Smile" than again in 2003 with "I'm Lovin' It".
McDonalds should've stuck with their old jingles. ::)
Subject: Re: early '90s commercials
Written By: nally on 12/21/04 at 10:28 pm
I watched an old video tape of the ABC saturday morning lineup and they had those old McDonald's commercials with "Do You Believe In Magic?". The commercial's copyright was 1992.
Oh yeah, they ripped off a classic Lovin' Spoonful song for that. I personally didn't care for those commercials. ::)
Subject: Re: early '90s commercials
Written By: figwig on 01/02/05 at 8:07 pm
NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! That Chicked Tonight comercial drove me insane. >:(
Subject: Re: early '90s commercials
Written By: erica on 01/03/05 at 12:29 am
how about those old milk commercials?
a young scrawny boy, wearing jeans and a white tee shirt, comes on screen and drinks from a glass of milk- then walks off. then a stronger and bigger and older version of that boy comes on. then it says "milk, does the body good."
Subject: Re: early '90s commercials
Written By: nally on 01/03/05 at 2:10 pm
how about those old milk commercials?
a young scrawny boy, wearing jeans and a white tee shirt, comes on screen and drinks from a glass of milk- then walks off. then a stronger and bigger and older version of that boy comes on. then it says "milk, does the body good."
"Milk – it does the body good" was a popular advertising slogan for quite a while. I think it was some time during the mid-90's (circa 1994) when those "got milk?" commercials started coming on.
Subject: Re: early '90s commercials
Written By: Howard on 01/03/05 at 4:36 pm
and also the one for Chocolate Milk. :P
Subject: Re: early '90s commercials
Written By: eightiesfan on 01/06/05 at 4:05 pm
I remember one for a soap called Spirit - the jingle went, "Give me 3 soaps, give me 3 soaps Spirit, give me 3 soaps all in one."
There was also the Crystal Pepsi ad which featured Van Halen's song "Right Now" which kind of copied the song's video
Subject: Re: early '90s commercials
Written By: nally on 01/19/05 at 5:23 pm
In late 1991/early 1992 there was a commercial for Life Savers' "Gummi Savers" candy; all these candies were at a "party" dancing around to music; the off-camera voice later came on saying: "They look like 'em, they taste like 'em, but they don't move like 'em." At this point, about 10 of the candies jumped into a plastic tray which gradually moved into a long candy wrapper, followed by the tag line: "Move to a different beat." That ad was quite memorable.
Subject: Re: early '90s commercials
Written By: eightiesfan on 01/20/05 at 7:35 am
I remember those annoying Burger King ads with Dan Cortese. ::)
Subject: Re: early '90s commercials
Written By: nally on 01/20/05 at 10:52 pm
I remember those annoying Burger King ads with Dan Cortese. ::)
I remember the various slogans they had in the early to mid 90s...
"Your way, right away, at Burger King now."
"I love this place!" ::)
Subject: Re: early '90s commercials
Written By: ... on 01/25/05 at 6:28 pm
^^^ "Sometimes you gotta break the rules." That was another slogan they used in the early nineties.
Subject: Re: early '90s commercials
Written By: 90s boy on 01/25/05 at 8:59 pm
The twizzlers commercilas with the lip that tlaked in that strang voice and the skittles one to were they had this lady saying skittles tast the rainbow and she sed it so softley and u couldent even hear her
Subject: Re: early '90s commercials
Written By: Jenna on 01/29/05 at 7:44 pm
I remember the "Wait till we get our hangs on you"  Anyone remember that? How about the Jello commerical?? J E L L O, Jello! Or the Nacho man commerical? I remember that for some reason. -Jenna
Subject: Re: early '90s commercials
Written By: Cara on 01/29/05 at 7:50 pm
I remember the hangs commerical and the jello commerical. I'm not sure about the nacho man commerical. What year was it from? Anyone remember the commerical that use to come on fox a long time ago and it had a young girl sitting on her bed and she had a poster of some famous lady and the lady came out of the poster and started talking to her?? The girl was saying that she wished she was prettier or something. I can't really remember. Maybe someone knows what i'm talking about.
Subject: Re: early '90s commercials
Written By: Cara on 01/29/05 at 9:13 pm
Anyone remember the commerical w/ the girl sitting on her bed and the woman in her poster comes alive and talks to her? Sounds stupid but I can remember it...
Subject: Re: early '90s commercials
Written By: Aubster on 01/29/05 at 9:16 pm
what about the big mack song? does ne1 remember the words?
Subject: Re: early '90s commercials
Written By: nally on 04/18/10 at 12:24 am
In late 1991/early 1992 there was a commercial for Life Savers' "Gummi Savers" candy; all these candies were at a "party" dancing around to music; the off-camera voice later came on saying: "They look like 'em, they taste like 'em, but they don't move like 'em." At this point, about 10 of the candies jumped into a plastic tray which gradually moved into a long candy wrapper, followed by the tag line: "Move to a different beat." That ad was quite memorable.
This was it...
Subject: Re: early '90s commercials
Written By: jackie on 05/18/10 at 9:47 am
I watched an old video tape of the ABC saturday morning lineup and they had those old McDonald's commercials with "Do You Believe In Magic?". The commercial's copyright was 1992. That jingle held over the decade well into the year 2000, when they changed to "We Love to See You Smile" than again in 2003 with "I'm Lovin' It".
i remember the one from the 80's...Big mac filet of fish quarter pounder french fries icey cola thick shakes sundaes and apple pies you deserve your getta way get up and get your mcdonalds today...i dont know how i remember it so well..
How about don't push me push a push pop with the kids on the swing...also tootsie roll commercial with the owl how many licks does it take to get to the tootsie roll..
Subject: Re: early '90s commercials
Written By: lola669 on 05/18/10 at 1:09 pm
also tootsie roll commercial with the owl how many licks does it take to get to the tootsie roll..
That Tootsie Roll commercial has been around since the 70's.
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