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Subject: Arsenio Hall
Written By: eightiesfan on 07/21/04 at 8:30 am
Who else loved Arsenio's late night show in the early 90's? I thought it was very cool and groundbreaking for its time.
Among the most memorable moments from that show: Arsenio and Roseanne making up after a public feud between them in 1990 (her then husband Tom Arnold was rumored to have shown up on the Paramount lot at one point to confront him), and of course, Clinton blowing his sax on the show in 1992.
Subject: Re: Arsenio Hall
Written By: Tanya1976 on 07/23/04 at 11:34 pm
Hands Down, the best late-night show!
The only thing that blew it was when people from the suburbs would do the dog pound rant and rave. I knew it was almost over when that happened.
Subject: Re: Arsenio Hall
Written By: Howard on 07/24/04 at 11:49 am
Hands Down, the best late-night show!
The only thing that blew it was when people from the suburbs would do the dog pound rant and rave. I knew it was almost over when that happened.
And his catch phrase 'Arsenio Hall,we be having a ball". ;D
Subject: Re: Arsenio Hall
Written By: Tanya1976 on 07/24/04 at 11:51 am
HA! I remember that!
..and his abnormally large finger! He did kiss a lot of butt on his show though.
Subject: Re: Arsenio Hall
Written By: Howard on 07/24/04 at 11:52 am
I miss watching his show at 1130pm on Channel 9.
Subject: Re: Arsenio Hall
Written By: Tanya1976 on 07/24/04 at 11:56 am
It came on Channel 29 back in Philadelphia
Subject: Re: Arsenio Hall
Written By: Chris MegatronTHX on 07/24/04 at 1:51 pm
I really liked Arsenio, but thinking about that show does bring back some cheesy memories of the very early 1990s. Like those afro flat tops, Sinead O'Connor, MC Hammer, Vanilla Ice, and shudder...NKOTB. When stuff like that stopped being cool around 1992, Arsenio seemed to fade away quickly.
Subject: Re: Arsenio Hall
Written By: Tanya1976 on 07/24/04 at 3:17 pm
The hair style was called a flat top, not an afro flat top. My brother had one.
But, yeah, I agree with you about the cheesiness factor.
Subject: Re: Arsenio Hall
Written By: Tanya1976 on 07/25/04 at 10:57 am
I forget his name. He must have vanished in the dog pound or something. :D
Subject: Re: Arsenio Hall
Written By: Howard on 07/25/04 at 10:59 am
I forget his name. He must have vanished in the dog pound or something. :D
I can't even remember his name either. ;D
Subject: Re: Arsenio Hall
Written By: Howard on 06/19/12 at 6:43 am
He's coming back to televison after 18 years.
Subject: Re: Arsenio Hall
Written By: whistledog on 06/19/12 at 5:23 pm
He's coming back to televison after 18 years.
Technically he's been on television since then, but as a Talk Show host, he is coming back after 18 years
Subject: Re: Arsenio Hall
Written By: Ashkicksass on 06/19/12 at 5:30 pm
HA! I remember that!
..and his abnormally large finger! He did kiss a lot of butt on his show though.
That finger always made me wonder about his...
Uh, nevermind. :-[ ;)
Subject: Re: Arsenio Hall
Written By: Howard on 06/19/12 at 7:17 pm
I can't remember the black guy's name who was the announcer for Arsenio Hall Show? ???
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