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Subject: Favorite Full House Character
Written By: eightiesfan on 06/03/04 at 12:48 pm
Among the girls, I would pick Michelle. For the guys, definitely Uncle Jesse!
Subject: Re: Favorite Full House Character
Written By: CeramicsFanatic on 06/03/04 at 1:25 pm
Joey ;D
Subject: Re: Favorite Full House Character
Written By: JohnTaylorsHeart on 06/03/04 at 1:58 pm
Subject: Re: Favorite Full House Character
Written By: nally on 06/03/04 at 2:02 pm
I kinda like all of them. They are funny in their own way. Among the guys, probably Joey; among the ladies, probably Steph, with Michelle a close second. :)
Subject: Re: Favorite Full House Character
Written By: RockandRollFan on 06/04/04 at 5:32 pm
Danny and Joey were cool but I liked DJ the best. She was pretty level haeaded for her age. As for John Stamos...I liked him better when he was playing Blackie Parrish on GH :)
Subject: Re: Favorite Full House Character
Written By: Lanie on 06/04/04 at 6:19 pm
Uncle Jesse
Subject: Re: Favorite Full House Character
Written By: Harmonica on 06/04/04 at 10:07 pm
My Favorite was Uncle Jesse. He was the right mixture of all the characteristics you want as a person. He was loving, caring, yet he was tough, he was cool. John Stamos played that character so well, he's got to be the greatest TV actor of all time. Aunt Becky was good eye candy, and Gibler was good looking too. I always thought Steve was cool because he wrestled. Oh Heck they were all cool.
Subject: Re: Favorite Full House Character
Written By: nally on 06/06/04 at 4:06 pm
Oh Heck they were all cool.
I think so too; I liked all of them in one way or another; that's why it's so hard to choose which one.
Subject: Re: Favorite Full House Character
Written By: mr.smith s on 06/07/04 at 6:58 pm
DJ cause she tried to be bad ass as a kid.
But really.. in all honesty I really would choose COmet the trusty dog!, Or not so trusty, I remember that episode when he ran away!
Subject: Re: Favorite Full House Character
Written By: Harmonica on 06/07/04 at 7:37 pm
DJ cause she tried to be bad a** as a kid.
But really.. in all honesty I really would choose COmet the trusty dog!, Or not so trusty, I remember that episode when he ran away!
Sometimes with the Dialog of the show the writers made me feel as if Comet was the smartest one in the family, expecially with Michelle and Danny.
Subject: Re: Favorite Full House Character
Written By: Cheetara on 06/08/04 at 4:52 pm
Jesse... he was hotttt and still is
Subject: Re: Favorite Full House Character
Written By: MasterSplinter on 06/08/04 at 7:23 pm
Steve Urkel, didn't he appear in one episode.?
Subject: Re: Favorite Full House Character
Written By: nally on 06/08/04 at 10:53 pm
Steve Urkel, didn't he appear in one episode.?
Yeah, he did. He appeared in the episode where Stephanie needed glasses. He also appeared on an early episode of "Step By Step."
Subject: Re: Favorite Full House Character
Written By: Harmonica on 06/08/04 at 11:05 pm
I remember that episode of Step by Step and the episode of full house where Steve Urkle was on the show. Mark on step by Step though Steve was cool and the little black girl that was Michelles friend was Steve cousin or neice.
I remember when they had instead of actor guest appearances they had character guest appearances.
The Jeffersons and Bunkers would do it all the time.
Subject: Re: Favorite Full House Character
Written By: PoPCultureGirl on 06/09/04 at 6:44 am
Did they have a dog? If so, that was my favorite character from the show.
Subject: Re: Favorite Full House Character
Written By: Indy Gent on 06/09/04 at 9:36 am
Stephanie, because I disliked everyone else on this so-called show. ::)
Subject: Re: Favorite Full House Character
Written By: ladybug316 on 06/09/04 at 2:25 pm
Subject: Re: Favorite Full House Character
Written By: moonbaby345 on 06/11/04 at 2:02 am
Uncle Jesse.He was hot and such a sweetie. :-* I wish he would grow his long hair back.
Subject: Re: Favorite Full House Character
Written By: rubixgirl on 06/11/04 at 4:25 pm
DJ w/ Jesse 2nd
Subject: Re: Favorite Full House Character
Written By: nally on 06/11/04 at 10:56 pm
Did they have a dog? If so, that was my favorite character from the show.
The dog's name was Comet. :)
Subject: Re: Favorite Full House Character
Written By: Howard on 06/12/04 at 10:52 am
Uncle Joey! ;D
Subject: Re: Favorite Full House Character
Written By: ... on 06/12/04 at 11:25 am
Uncle Joey! ;D
Howard, Joey was not the Uncle; Jesse was. Jesse was Danny's brother-in-law, hence he was the uncle. Joey was just their best friend. Of course, after the twins (Nicky and Alex) were born, Danny became their uncle.
Subject: Re: Favorite Full House Character
Written By: Harmonica on 06/15/04 at 7:50 pm
what does biological mean anyway? They called him Unlce Joey, and he treated them like they were his real neices and nephews.
Subject: Re: Favorite Full House Character
Written By: Marian on 06/16/04 at 8:20 pm
Did they have a dog? If so, that was my favorite character from the show.
;) ;) ;)Just mentioned a few posts above;his name was Comet and he was a golden retreiver!Cheers!
Subject: Re: Favorite Full House Character
Written By: Indy Gent on 06/17/04 at 12:42 pm
Biological, as in the parents that gave birth to you, as opposed to a surrogate, a person that...scratch that last part. :-
what does biological mean anyway? They called him Unlce Joey, and he treated them like they were his real neices and nephews.
Subject: Re: Favorite Full House Character
Written By: goldie on 06/18/04 at 9:28 am
Jesse...John Stamos was a hottie!!
Subject: Re: Favorite Full House Character
Written By: Harmonica on 06/19/04 at 7:22 pm
I know what Biological means. I was talking about the fact that in todays society it really doesn't matter.
Subject: Re: Favorite Full House Character
Written By: RockFaerie on 06/20/04 at 5:09 pm
Subject: Re: Favorite Full House Character
Written By: Jennifer028 on 06/21/04 at 11:55 am
Subject: Re: Favorite Full House Character
Written By: Harmonica on 06/21/04 at 5:04 pm
Question for you all.
Was I the only Moron that though D.J. Stood for Danny Junior?
Subject: Re: Favorite Full House Character
Written By: ... on 06/22/04 at 10:26 am
what does biological mean anyway? They called him Unlce Joey, and he treated them like they were his real neices and nephews.
They never called him that, at least to his face. In fact, Stephaine, Michelle, and DJ always referred to him as plain old Joey.
Subject: Re: Favorite Full House Character
Written By: Harmonica on 06/22/04 at 11:39 am
Yes they did call him Uncle Joey. Theirs an espisode where Michelle gets amnesia and D.J. say's to her "This is uncle Joey, but he's not really our uncle we just call him uncle Joey"
As they got older yes I agree with you they didn't call him Uncle Joey, but when they were younger they did.
Subject: Re: Favorite Full House Character
Written By: Ellipsis on 06/22/04 at 12:15 pm
Yes they did call him Uncle Joey. Theirs an espisode where Michelle gets amnesia and D.J. say's to her "This is uncle Joey, but he's not really our uncle we just call him uncle Joey"
As they got older yes I agree with you they didn't call him Uncle Joey, but when they were younger they did.
I still disagree with you. Having watched most of the episodes at least two times, there was not one time when they regularly referred to him that way. Yes I did see the episode where Michelle lost her memory (which incidentally was the series finale), but it was just a mistake on her part. You don't expect anyone to get anything right when they lose their memory.
However, there was a time when Joey nearly became an uncle. Remember the episode where Danny's younger sister Wendy visited? Joey fell for her then. If he had gone ahead and married her, then he would have been Uncle joey.
Subject: Re: Favorite Full House Character
Written By: Harmonica on 06/23/04 at 10:45 am
Seeing that your more of an expert of Full House than I am Ellipsis, did Joey ever get married? or have a serious serious realtionship? I personally don't know because I don't remember the Full House Ending episodes.
Subject: Re: Favorite Full House Character
Written By: ... on 06/25/04 at 10:19 pm
Seeing that your more of an expert of Full House than I am Ellipsis, did Joey ever get married? or have a serious serious realtionship? I personally don't know because I don't remember the Full House Ending episodes.
No, Joey never did get married. He did have a lot of girlfriends, though.
Subject: Re: Favorite Full House Character
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 06/27/04 at 1:16 am
None. I wanted to give Full House the Royal Flush!
Subject: Re: Favorite Full House Character
Written By: ... on 08/20/04 at 11:26 am
Seeing that you're more of an expert of Full House than I am Ellipsis, did Joey ever get married? or have a serious serious realtionship? I personally don't know because I don't remember the Full House Ending episodes.
By the way, in the series finale episode, where Michelle tries to get her memory back (which was shown on Nick At Nite a month or so ago), she tries to remember the names of her family members and what relation to her they are.
Michelle: Are you sure this is my room, and not the one across the hall with all the toys?
Stephaine: No, that's Joey's room.
Michelle: He's my uncle, right?
DJ: No, Jesse's our uncle.
Michelle: Oh yeah, the guy with the hair!
So Michelle does not actually call Joey "Uncle", but she was guessing.
Subject: Re: Favorite Full House Character
Written By: Southern Image on 10/06/05 at 12:53 pm
Subject: Re: Favorite Full House Character
Written By: Marty McFly on 10/06/05 at 4:15 pm
How did I not see this earlier? ;D
Overall, I'd go with Joey - he reminds me of myself the most (joker, character voices, the "big kid" of the house, but a really nice guy on top of it), but it's so hard 'cause I like them all.
Of the girls, I'd (narrowly) have to pick Stephanie. She seemed to find the humor in just about everything - even if she probably was the "troublemaker" of the three (DJ got more responsible and almost like another adult of the house in the last season or two).
Out of the "others", even though no one besides DJ liked her, Kimmie. Haven't we all had a friend or a neighbor like that? Almost any scene with her in it was guaranteed to be funny somehow. ;D
There's really no one I dislike - although Michelle's friend Teddy used to irritate me a teeny bit when I was younger, but not so much now.
Subject: Re: Favorite Full House Character
Written By: whistledog on 10/06/05 at 7:41 pm
Gotta he Joey. Cut ... it ... out! ;D
Subject: Re: Favorite Full House Character
Written By: quirky_cat_girl on 10/15/05 at 12:10 am
I would pick D.J.....I used to love her hair when I was younger! ;)
Erin :)
Subject: Re: Favorite Full House Character
Written By: Satish on 10/15/05 at 8:45 pm
I'm going with Rebecca, cause she was hot looking! ;)
In the episodes where Jesse and Rebecca get married, I'd always imagine that it was me getting married to Rebecca instead(that's so pathetic, isn't it? I've probably made everyone gag, haven't I? :P)
Subject: Re: Favorite Full House Character
Written By: Marty McFly on 10/15/05 at 10:09 pm
I'm going with Rebecca, cause she was hot looking! ;)
In the episodes where Jesse and Rebecca get married, I'd always imagine that it was me getting married to Rebecca instead(that's so pathetic, isn't it? I've probably made everyone gag, haven't I? :P)
Nah, I think everyone has/had crushes on celebs or TV characters.
Becky is cute, so I don't blame you, LOL! Jesse is the man, though. 8)
Subject: Re: Favorite Full House Character
Written By: Billy on 10/16/05 at 12:41 pm
I'm a hard core Full House fan, even though I just started watching it in June. I don't really have a favorite character. Their all good in their own ways. Uncle Jesse reminds me a lot of my friend Dillon. Dillon cares a lot about his hair and is a hard core Elvis fan. He knows everything about him. DJ is good because she's my brother's age.
Subject: Re: Favorite Full House Character
Written By: Satish on 10/17/05 at 12:34 pm
Nah, I think everyone has/had crushes on celebs or TV characters.
Becky is cute, so I don't blame you, LOL! Jesse is the man, though. 8)
Oh, and I was about 10 or 11 years old at the time.
Subject: Re: Favorite Full House Character
Written By: nally on 10/17/05 at 12:49 pm
I don't really have a favorite character. They're all good in their own ways.
Same here. The family (DJ/Steph/Michelle/Danny/Jesse/Joey/Rebecca) seem like real nice people; Kimmy is funny in a way; and I like different things about all the characters (even a few of the recurring ones).
When I was younger, I liked Steph because her character was two years behind me in school so she was fairly close in age to me. And I liked Michelle because she'd say cute things during seasons 3 and 4. Among the guys, Danny and Joey were my faves because I thought they said funny things at times.
Subject: Re: Favorite Full House Character
Written By: Donnie Darko on 03/06/06 at 1:47 pm
Coolest is Jesse, although D.J. is the hottest (in later episodes).
Subject: Re: Favorite Full House Character
Written By: kellygoo72 on 03/07/06 at 1:42 am
i WAS too old when that show came on so I couldnt stand it but.. Stephanie was such a cute little kid.. I loved when she would say: " HOW RUDE!".. My girlfriend was telling me that the girl who played Stephanie was a former Meth addict!!! I s that true? So sad.. I hope she got clean... I thought that Kimmy was funny too.... The adults on the show, including Jesse were WAY too weird for me.. i would have totally ran away if I were the oldest kid there.. LOL
Subject: Re: Favorite Full House Character
Written By: Sister Morphine on 03/07/06 at 2:57 am
i WAS too old when that show came on so I couldnt stand it but.. Stephanie was such a cute little kid.. I loved when she would say: " HOW RUDE!".. My girlfriend was telling me that the girl who played Stephanie was a former Meth addict!!! I s that true? So sad.. I hope she got clean... I thought that Kimmy was funny too.... The adults on the show, including Jesse were WAY too weird for me.. i would have totally ran away if I were the oldest kid there.. LOL
Yeah Jodie Sweetin went on GMA and admitted to being addicted to crystal meth. She went through rehab and she's clean now, but she's in the middle of a divorce.....and she was married to a cop.
Subject: Re: Favorite Full House Character
Written By: kellygoo72 on 03/08/06 at 1:22 am
Wow.. I cant beleive that lil girl is so grown up... A divorce!!! Wow.. Well, I pray she stays straight and things look up for her....
Subject: Re: Favorite Full House Character
Written By: nally on 03/08/06 at 4:07 pm
Yeah Jodie Sweetin went on GMA and admitted to being addicted to crystal meth. She went through rehab and she's clean now, but she's in the middle of a divorce.....and she was married to a cop.
Say what? :o :o
That's rather shocking news.
I heard she'd gotten married a while back. How sad that she's divorcing already. :-\\ She probably got married too quickly, that's what I think. (IOW, maybe she wasn't totally ready for it.) I'm a year and a half older than her and have remained single my whole life.
But it's good that she's clean now.
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