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Subject: Sifl & Olly Show

Written By: woops on 05/23/04 at 1:45 am

It's now back on MTV2!  :D On Saturday night. (I think, MTV2 always change the scedules...  ::))

Featurring two sock puppets named Sifl & Olly, BTW it's not a kiddie show.
Created by Liam Lynch. Aired on MTV  during the late 1990's.

My favorite bits are when the sell worthless products on the "Precious Ray Shopping" segment & several songs like "Laser Eyes", covers of some popular songs ("Just What I Needed", "We're Not Gonna Take It"), "Performance Art", and the one with the socks dressed like Guns N' Roses.

What's your opinion?  Good or Bad.

Subject: Re: Sifl & Olly Show

Written By: DJ Midas on 06/16/04 at 1:33 pm

Sweet!  Dig those sock-puppets.  8)

Subject: Re: Sifl & Olly Show

Written By: Echo Nomad on 11/28/05 at 12:12 am

Cresent Fresh! Wow, somebody actually remembers them! I remember working at one of my first jobs which really sucked. After closing I would come home, catch the tale end of Loveline, and then wait for that famous jingle to begin.

After order and watching their unreleased 3rd season video, it was clear why the show was cancelled. The first season was gold, the second was washed out, and the third appeared to replace humor with being freaky. Also I didn't like the way they made Olly almost as one of the characters himself.

On the goodside I recognized both Chester and Stealth with people I actually knew back in the day.

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