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Subject: Well I hate to say, "I told you so", but.......
I told you so.
I don't want to sound crass and cold hearted during this horrible tragedy that has befallen America. Nevertheless I will sound like a jerk with what I am about to say. Remember me? I'm the guy that complained about people rose coloring the past, especially the '80s and "sugar coating" things. I said the '90s would be sugar coated and people here laughed. They said it was absurd. The '90s would never be sugar coated. The '90s were the worst time of all time they told me.
This tragedy has already made people say, "America just lost its innocence". I thought we lost our innocence when Vietnam happened? Or when JFK was killed? Or when the a-bomb was detonated? Or when Pearl Harbor was bombed? How many times can a country lose its innocence?
Now people have already begun longing for the "sweet and innocent '90s". The so called "good ol' days". Like I said before, this is the way the world has always been. Its always been a violent and sex filled world were others use and abuse each other. Accept it.
Now the '00s are the worst time imaginable.
The '90s look good now don't it? Hey this kind of violent stuff happened in the '90s too, not really in America, but it happened. But people's memories are short lived, they have already began longing for the "sweet and innocent '90s".
Whatever. Did you ever think the '90s would be looked at as "sweet and innocent"? Where there was a time of "no evil"? No you say? Well I knew it would happen. It happened to the '80s and every other decade, so it was bound to happen to the '90s.
I told you so.....
Subject: "If you think the 80s are dark..."
I attended a Rick Cua concert in 1989. I remember Rick saying, "If you think the 80s are dark, wait till the 90s". Point well taken.
Subject: Do Me a Favor...
go troll somewhere else.. we're not interested
Subject: Re: Do Me a Favor...
: go troll somewhere else.. we're not interested
So you think having a debate about the way people view the immediate history (the last 2 decades) is trolling? What a rude and weak webmaster you are in telling me to leave because I speak of the way people view history.
Subject: Re: Do Me a Favor...
: So you think having a debate about the way
: people view the immediate history (the last
: 2 decades) is trolling? What a rude and weak
: webmaster you are in telling me to leave
: because I speak of the way people view
: history.
this is not a DEBATE forum, and was never presented as such.. if you want a debate.. go somewhere else..
and as far as a debate goes, a debate usually requires someone to use FACTS to debate an issue.. you have no facts to back up your broad statements, and you make them on a messageboard that you know will disagree with you, thus, you are a troll..
you think I'm a weak webmaster.. fine you win.. I'm weak.. now go away.. thank you
Subject: Re: Do Me a Favor...
: this is not a DEBATE forum, and was never
: presented as such.. if you want a debate..
: go somewhere else..
: and as far as a debate goes, a debate usually
: requires someone to use FACTS to debate an
: issue.. you have no facts to back up your
: broad statements, and you make them on a
: messageboard that you know will disagree
: with you, thus, you are a troll..
: you think I'm a weak webmaster.. fine you win..
: I'm weak.. now go away.. thank you
I win!!?? Do I get a prize? Or is it an escort out the door? Whatever dude. I had several people understand the point I was making the last time I was here. In the '80s forum anyway. And why can't it be a debate forum? Why do you want everyone to agree with each other that things can only get worse as time goes on? I'd think you would welcome an optimistic person such as me that sheds a beacon of light into your dreary world of "its a bad, bad planet, things just get more nasty and evil, things used to be better".
I can get facts if you want facts that will support my "broad statements", if that's the strict way you intrepret "debate". But you're telling me to leave because you think I'm some sort of ass for making these points. Whatever. I'll leave your little board.