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Subject: go
Please forward this message to as many people you you know !!
I had a nightmare, my whole body shivered , I was lying in my sweat
I thought it couldn’t be for real, and I cannot forget
The things I saw, turning on my television set.
Innocent people killed by mass murderes, by a heartless terrorist action
People , just there, living there life, we didn’t even know they excixted,
now made as an attraction
Now thrown all over the world to show us what evil can be done.
I wanted to awaken out of my nightmare, pinch myself, my skin
Suddenly realizing to myself, we were realy in the middle……all in
A contemptable situation, worse then man ever ever could imagine.
Thousands of innocent people killed for no purpose, no reason
Thousands of innocent people killed by a disgusting religion…….
Thousands of innocent people who had the right to live on
But these beasts, these lower than insects people who caused this cowardly act
these twisted minded low murderers should now be attacked
Because they don’t deserve to live in this world, worse…..in our own backyards.
I saw these contemptable celebrating Moslim animals on CNN
These filthy Palestinians…….celebrating the killing of innocent man……..
It made me sick , not only me…..I hope the whole world now will spit on them
People stand up…….don’t let this happen ever again
This contemptuous behavior, shown by them
who only can think in minds of terror , they are to condemn
Those who were killed , my heart goes out to them…..these innocents who did not have a gun
But these insects, these lowest of low, celebrating and making fun
They are the real criminals………they are the ones who now should run……
A gun on there disgusting faces, blow them away…..all over the world, also out of our backyard, out of our land, our surrounding
Yes…..they are also with us ……living in our face and profiting from our spending
Our spending of tax…..our world we built……and they are here..can that be meaning?
These Palestinians, these Moslims are not by themselves, not there alone, don’t be naieve
All over the world, even in your neighborhood they live waiting for theire chief
who will tell them to fight against us…..whenever they believe
They live on our system, stealing our money…..profitting from you and me
Please people open your eyes and please see
That they are here, just to destroy……..to kill also your family
Please don’t be so naieve, please don’t be so polite, realise now
Just realize yourself now that these Moslims and Palestinians all think
the same, they all were raised the same way, they all allow
and feel good about destroying the civilized world , to them we are nothing,
for to destroy us they all made a vow……….
Terminating these insects where ever you see their disgusting face
They stink….. ….they are a disgrace……..
Protect our world against them…..everywhere……. give them no grace
This nightmare will go on forever and ever as long as these criminals are there
So where ever we can, we should wipe them out, don’t make any spare
Free our world from these terrorists so let us declare
I feel one with the American people and I hope that you also join us
Pay these Moslims back……these insects , so disgusting, so contemptious
War against all of them…. as they did to us !!!!!!!
Wouldn’t it be a good panoramic……….moslim moscees burning in flames all red ?
Wouldn’t it be a good feeling……..palestinian and moslim bodies all over dead ?
Wouldn’t it be a good case….no terrorism be able anymore to be spread ?
Subject: Re: go
Um, first, you need to learn how to use spell check, and second, you cannot blame every Muslim or Palestinian for this. Bin Laden has twisted and turned his religion into something it is not and is using it to destroy the U.S. ALL Muslims aren't like that, and by you accusing them of being like that, you are doing that much more damage to our country by spreading your psycho poem around telling people to kill those who belong to the Islamic religion. I mean, HELLOOOO, you wouldn't kill your Iranian neighbor JUST because he looks middle-eastern, would you? Think about what you're saying before you start passing around ignorant mindless garble.....
: Please forward this message to as many people
: you you know !!
: I had a nightmare, my whole body shivered , I
: was lying in my sweat
: I thought it couldn’t be for real, and I cannot
: forget
: The things I saw, turning on my television set.
: Innocent people killed by mass murderes, by a
: heartless terrorist action
: People , just there, living there life, we
: didn’t even know they excixted,
: now made as an attraction
: Now thrown all over the world to show us what
: evil can be done.
: I wanted to awaken out of my nightmare, pinch
: myself, my skin
: Suddenly realizing to myself, we were realy in
: the middle……all in
: A contemptable situation, worse then man ever
: ever could imagine.
: Thousands of innocent people killed for no
: purpose, no reason
: Thousands of innocent people killed by a
: disgusting religion…….
: Thousands of innocent people who had the right
: to live on
: But these beasts, these lower than insects
: people who caused this cowardly act
: these twisted minded low murderers should now
: be attacked
: Because they don’t deserve to live in this
: world, worse…..in our own backyards.
: I saw these contemptable celebrating Moslim
: animals on CNN
: These filthy Palestinians…….celebrating the
: killing of innocent man……..
: It made me sick , not only me…..I hope the
: whole world now will spit on them
: People stand up…….don’t let this happen ever
: again
: This contemptuous behavior, shown by them
: who only can think in minds of terror , they
: are to condemn
: Those who were killed , my heart goes out to
: them…..these innocents who did not have a
: gun
: But these insects, these lowest of low,
: celebrating and making fun
: They are the real criminals………they are the ones
: who now should run……
: A gun on there disgusting faces, blow them
: away…..all over the world, also out of our
: backyard, out of our land, our surrounding
: Yes…..they are also with us ……living in our
: face and profiting from our spending
: Our spending of tax…..our world we built……and
: they are here..can that be meaning?
: These Palestinians, these Moslims are not by
: themselves, not there alone, don’t be naieve
: All over the world, even in your neighborhood
: they live waiting for theire chief
: who will tell them to fight against
: us…..whenever they believe
: They live on our system, stealing our
: money…..profitting from you and me
: Please people open your eyes and please see
: That they are here, just to destroy……..to kill
: also your family
: Please don’t be so naieve, please don’t be so
: polite, realise now
: Just realize yourself now that these Moslims
: and Palestinians all think
: the same, they all were raised the same way,
: they all allow
: and feel good about destroying the civilized
: world , to them we are nothing,
: for to destroy us they all made a vow……….
: Terminating these insects where ever you see
: their disgusting face
: They stink….. ….they are a disgrace……..
: Protect our world against them…..everywhere…….
: give them no grace
: This nightmare will go on forever and ever as
: long as these criminals are there
: So where ever we can, we should wipe them out,
: don’t make any spare
: Free our world from these terrorists so let us
: declare
: I feel one with the American people and I hope
: that you also join us
: Pay these Moslims back……these insects , so
: disgusting, so contemptious
: War against all of them…. as they did to us
: !!!!!!!
: Wouldn’t it be a good panoramic……….moslim
: moscees burning in flames all red ?
: Wouldn’t it be a good feeling……..palestinian
: and moslim bodies all over dead ?
: Wouldn’t it be a good case….no terrorism be
: able anymore to be spread ?