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Subject: SuperNes or Nintendo 64
To me it seemed like Super Nes had alot more games then 64, didn't it?
Subject: Re: SuperNes or Nintendo 64
after people started snatchin up Playstations, its never really been fair game with the developers, kinda like it was back in the NES days. Nintendo has probably had it the worst with 3rd party developers since the PSX, pretty much all of the games that sold well on N64 and Gamecube are done by nintendo(Zelda, Mario, Pokemon, Metroid, Goldeneye, Turok) I know the Dreamcast got some, but Sega never really got any of the big game series from 3rd parties.
Subject: Re: SuperNes or Nintendo 64
Nintendo 64 came out when I was 9. I remember wanting one, even though I just had gotten a Ps1 last christmas. I got an Super NES for christmas 1992, that was my first game system. I had super mario world, mario paint, and this one game where you flew planes I can't remember the title. What do I prefer, well you have to go on the overall success of the systems and I would have to go with SNES. I remember when I got a 64 and super mario 64 was like 80 dollars!
Subject: Re: SuperNes or Nintendo 64
super nintendo by far had the best games.
Subject: Re: SuperNes or Nintendo 64
After the Playstation came out I never went back to Nintendo games. I loved the first Nintendo and SuperNes but Playstation by far had the best games and still does.
Since I never owned (rarely played) a Nintendo 64...I will just say SuperNES was better. Only draw back were the games were way to expensive...which was probably the reason I switched to the Playstation in the first place and the games being second.
Subject: Re: SuperNes or Nintendo 64
NES and Sega all the way...
Subject: Re: SuperNes or Nintendo 64
I bought the orginal Nintendo just as they were becoming obsolete. I bought it second hand (still have it) and they threw in the game Zelda for free (my main reason for buying it-my sister got me hooked on Zelda). Now, I am finding games for it at yard sales and such for only a couple bucks each. Never had Super NES. But we did get Nintendo 64. We bought a bunch of games (Zelda-of course, Donkey Kong, Super Mario, Mario Kart, and Gex are the good ones-the others we have are not worth mentioning.). Before we knew it, 64 became obsolete too. It wasn't on the market for very long and didn't have too many games. I can find second hand games for it but most of them are sports related. Haven't tried Gamecube-don't know if I ever will. We have the computer now and play all the games we want on it. ;D
Subject: Re: SuperNes or Nintendo 64
After the Playstation came out I never went back to Nintendo games. I loved the first Nintendo and SuperNes but Playstation by far had the best games and still does.
End Quote
Same here once the Playstation came out I havent bought any other system except the Playstation and Playstation 2 and plan to keep the tradition going when the Playstation 3 comes out (hopefully in time for 2005 Christmas). But before Playstation I was a Nintendo person, l loved my NES and Game Boys (I had 3, have 5 now :P) never got a SuperNES though.
Subject: Re: SuperNes or Nintendo 64
Never got into Playstation...pretty much stuck with Mario Kart 64 until the Xbox came out, and finally got an Xbox of my own last year :) Graphics and online play blows PS2 out of the water...in my humble opinion, of course.
Subject: Re: SuperNes or Nintendo 64
Super Nintendo is still one of the best systems Nintendo has made for the home console market. which is why a large selection of its games are now being ported to the GBA/GBA-SP what I call the mini-SNES. hehe.
Yes Nintendo hurt themselves when they broke partnership with sony and stopped the plans for the 'Nintendo/sony playstation' which originally was going to be a CD addaptor that connected to the SNES. does anyone even remember that time period. hehe.
I for one hated the idea of disc game systems, and I still do even though I will admit the d/l times have gotten better over the years.
I LOVE all the RPG games for the SNES.
and one more bit of humor im enjoying.
I love the fact that Sony had to pay Nintendo royalties for the "Playstation" name. lol. That will teach them to become more original. or will it??
anyone else noticed that Sony is the only company that cant come up with a decent video game on their own? haha. oh well as long as all the systems are still being made. IM going to continue enjoying all of them.
and so far SNES is still my favorite over all. hehe.
BTW. here is a kewl prototype photo. for a Blast from the past.
Nintendo/Sony Playstation connected to the Super Nintendo System.
Subject: Re: SuperNes or Nintendo 64
Never got into Playstation...pretty much stuck with Mario Kart 64 until the Xbox came out, and finally got an Xbox of my own last year :) Graphics and online play blows PS2 out of the water...in my humble opinion, of course.
End Quote
I am tempted to purchase an X-box but I am waiting for the prices to go down. I heard the new X-Box will not have a hard-drive. I guess they realized that people can copy games on to the hard drive (with a special chip). You know for "back-up" purposes. ;)
Subject: Re: SuperNes or Nintendo 64
Graphics and online play blows PS2 out of the water...in my humble opinion, of course.
End Quote
I disagree. I have taken the same game from XBox and PS2 and held them side by side with the back facing towards me and everytime the PS2 graphics just on the box look considerably better. I have shown other people this and everyone has agreed that by the back of the boxes that the PS2 graphics look better. One thing I have noticed is in playing an XBox everything is shinier. Like the football games for the XBox the uniforms were shiny and uniforms aren't shiny. The PS2 on the other hand looks a lot more realistic, it isnt as shiny and on football games the uniforms aren't shiny.
Subject: Re: SuperNes or Nintendo 64
Which is why it's only my humble opinion :)
The new Xbox is being developed but whatever you've heard thus far is hearsay...nobody knows what it's gonna be like.
Subject: Re: SuperNes or Nintendo 64
Which is why it's only my humble opinion :)
The new Xbox is being developed but whatever you've heard thus far is hearsay...nobody knows what it's gonna be like.
End Quote
And I respect your opinion even if I disagree. :P
Do you know what they plan to call the new XBox? I think they should call it just plainly "The X2" because I think "XBox 2" would sound kinda corny, either that or come up with an orginal name like Nintendo has always does. I know that the PS3 in its current state is the 45th most powerful computer in the world, course by the time it actually comes out it wont be that high anymore.
Subject: Re: SuperNes or Nintendo 64
No clue...X2 makes it sound like the movie though :D
I think you should try out Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow on Xbox Live. It's TIGHT ;D
Subject: Re: SuperNes or Nintendo 64
No clue...X2 makes it sound like the movie though :D
End Quote
Yeah the movie did cross my mind when I thought of it. But I thought it sounded better than if they call it "XBox 2" and "The X2" would fit since the green "X" is their symbol.
Subject: Re: SuperNes or Nintendo 64
I loved my SNES like I love my left foot. Super R-Type, Zelda, Metroid, Contra just to name a few. I was actually looking forward to the 64 until my mother bought me a Playstation.
Do I really need to tell you what happened next? ;D
ps I still have my SNES and I still play it from time to time.