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Subject: Will "Titanic" always be number 1
I didn't think it was so great, will their ever be a movie that will top Titanic?
Subject: Re: Will "Titanic" always be number 1
Well for me, and other millions and millions of people,to this day there hasn't been another movie to top the success of Titanic. But MAYBE in the future, who knows.
Here's a recent confirmation list, if you're interested:http://www.filmsite.org/boxoffice.html Films are divided into un-adjusted and adjusted movies.
Clearly says Titanic is both the most successful film of all time next to Gone with the Wind.
Subject: Re: Will "Titanic" always be number 1
I, personally, LOVED Titanic. It is truly a classic because it has so many elements. It has action, romance, comedy. There is something in this film for everyone. Hollywood doesn't make many movies like that.
Subject: Re: Will "Titanic" always be number 1
Oh lord, I hope not! That is a sad state of affairs if this movie stays on top much longer.
I remember a shirt I wore for a few years after it came out.
"The Boat Sank, Get Over It!"
(And no, I did not wear the shirt for years, I did wash it on occasion) :P
To me, Titanic was a good movie, but not worthy of all that attention. I mean, you KNEW going in that the boat would sink, she would live, and Leo would die. To me, it was like 3 hours of lead-up to the sinking.
I am not against either Romantic movies, nor anti-Leo. "The Man In The Iron Mask" is in my DVD collection, and I thought it was well done. I also have some real romantic classics, including Gone With The Wind and Dr. Zhivago in my collection. In fact, my Ex thought I was nuts when she joined a movie club, and the only free movie I wanted was Dr. Zhivago.
To me, Titanic was Titanic-Hype and Titanic-Publicity. A good movie, I still do not think it deserved all the attention it got.
Subject: Re: Will "Titanic" always be number 1
To me, Titanic was Titanic-Hype and Titanic-Publicity. A good movie, I still do not think it deserved all the attention it got.
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Hmm. Why do I feel you would not have said all this if Titanic would have been made in the 80s?
Subject: Re: Will "Titanic" always be number 1
Hmm. Why do I feel you would not have said all this if Titanic would have been made in the 80s?
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Actually, to me, a good movie has no bearing on when it was made. I am somewhat of a movie buff, having a collection of over 300 DVD and 400 video tapes.
In fact, last night I finally got a copy of "Modern Times", a movie I had been looking for for years. And being a fan of "Romantic Comedies", some of the best ones were made in the 1990's.
To me, Titanic suffered from a totally predictable story line, average quality script, but mostly from over-hype.
The hype was really evident on Oscar night to me. Titanic won Picture Of The Year, while the much better written, performed, and directed "LA Confidential".
Sadly, the Oscars now are a popularity contest, where the most "popular" movies win out over the BEST movie. Hype and publicity make the difference. To me, Titanic is a great example.
To me, this is really shown in that chart, when they adjust the movies for the changing times (and money values). While Star Wars stays in 2nd place, Titanic falls to 6th place.
I am sure that in 25 years, we will still be talking about some movies. But I VERY sure that we will not be talking about Titanic in the same light that we look at Gone With The Wind, Gladiator, E.T., or Close Encounters Of The Third Time.
Subject: Re: Will "Titanic" always be number 1
What I meant by "a movie made in the 80s" was that we wouldn't have said as much back then because every film was good in the 80s, least I think so. E.T is one of my all time favorites!
Subject: Re: Will "Titanic" always be number 1
I remember a shirt I wore for a few years after it came out.
"The Boat Sank, Get Over It!"
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I love Titanic, but never understood all the teeny boppers that kept going to see the movie over and over. ::)
I would have loved to have this shirt, though. ;D
Subject: Re: Will "Titanic" always be number 1
I love Titanic, but never understood all the teeny boppers that kept going to see the movie over and over. ::)
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Well, Leonardo DiCaprio was the man back then...even I liked him!
Subject: Re: Will "Titanic" always be number 1
To me, Titanic suffered from a totally predictable story line, average quality script, but mostly from over-hype.
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Don't forget crappy dialogue!
No, I wasn't a fan. I'm not saying I hated it, but come on. It was a $300 million version of Love Story. I did not get the hype then and I still don't.
Subject: Re: Will "Titanic" always be number 1
I don't get the hype behind "Lord of the Rings". :P
Subject: Re: Will
I don't get the hype behind "Lord of the Rings". :P
End Quote
I don't either.
Subject: Re: Will "Titanic" always be number 1
I think "Titanic" was overated.
Subject: Re: Will "Titanic" always be number 1
I don't get the hype behind "Lord of the Rings". :P
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I didn't see these movies in the theater. We rented them, and even own them, on DVD. I fell asleep during both movies. I don't know what it is about hobbits that make me sleepy. ;D
Subject: Re: Will "Titanic" always be number 1
I don't get the hype behind "Lord of the Rings". :P
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I think that the hype there is two-fold.
For one, the story is a true classic. And while it has been made 2 times before, both previous attempts sucked (according to most people, I actually enjoyed Ralph Bakshi's version).
Also, it shows something that a lot of people want to see again: true epic movies. Other then Gladiator, we have not really had a true epic movie since the early 1970's. Movies like Dr. Zhivago, Sparticus, The Ten Commandments, and the like need to be made again I feel.
To me, there is only one thing that needs to be brought back to the 3+ hour long movies: an intermission. I admit, I love watching movies like that, but normally miss at least part of it because I have to get up.
Subject: Re: Will Titanic always be number 1
I only saw it once, but didn't really care for it.
That's all I'm going to say. ;D
Subject: Re: Will "Titanic" always be number 1
I think The Passion of Christ has a good chance at beating it. There's Christians of all shapes, sizes, and types in the world not to mention those who are just touched by the tragic story of Jesus's demise.
Subject: Re: Will "Titanic" always be number 1
If Lord Of The Rings Return Of The King didn't beat it, I don't think Passion of Christ will either.
Subject: Re: Will "Titanic" always be number 1
If Lord Of The Rings Return Of The King didn't beat it, I don't think Passion of Christ will either.
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My fanboyness of LotR wants to agree and understand you, but my brain says that there are far more Christians in the world than LotR fans. Personally I fit into the 'just compelled by the story of Jesus' squad, but I had the privilege of seeing one of the few sneek previews of the film thanx to a connection, and I can't see Christians blowing this off. It's a very powerfull film .
Subject: Re: Will "Titanic" always be number 1
The Passion of Christ is an R-Rating Movie. Christians under 17 can't see it. If they can't see it, this movie won't make much money. R-Rating movies don't make much money. So I doubt it will beat out Titanic.
Subject: Re: Will "Titanic" always be number 1
Many Christians are casual types who don't really like spending more than their requisite one hour a week thinking about Christ.
Subject: Re: Will Titanic always be number 1
I didn't think it was so great, End Quote
I have the same sentiments. About a month or so after it came out, my friends said they had seen it, and they said it was supposed to be really good. But I wasn't all that turned on by it...especially the previews.
So one time not long after that I decided to go out and see it. Parts of it were okay, but there were some other portions of it that I didn't like at all. :P ::)
Subject: Re: Will "Titanic" always be number 1
Will there be a sequel? ??? With the huge box-office take from Titanic, you'd think a sequel would be in the works.
An aside. My Mum and her best friend went to see Titanic when it first came out. When Mum told me that, I asked her how the movie was. She complained that "the movie had too much water in it". :P
Subject: Re: Will Titanic always be number 1
Will there be a sequel? ??? With the huge box-office take from Titanic, you'd think a sequel would be in the works.End Quote
How could there be a sequel? This is basicly a story of the historic disaster; it happened one time only...what would come next? ::)
Subject: Re: Will Titanic always be number 1
How could there be a sequel? This is basicly a story of the historic disaster; it happened one time only...what would come next? ::)
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No biggie, when so much money is involved. For example, they could do a prequel. or, they could do a "Titanic II" in which the whole "Titanic I" was actually a dream sequence, then the ship's captain finds out to his chagrin that his dream was really a premonition.
This is Hollywood. If those guys could come up with six "Police Academy" and 5 "Revenge of the Nerds" movies, a "Titanic II" is a walk in the park. ;)
Subject: Re: Will Titanic always be number 1
No biggie, when so much money is involved. For example, they could do a prequel. or, they could do a "Titanic II" in which the whole "Titanic I" was actually a dream sequence, then the ship's captain finds out to his chagrin that his dream was really a premonition.End Quote
I don't get it. The sinkage of the Titanic really did happen.
Am I confused here? ???
Subject: Re: Will Titanic always be number 1
I don't get it. The sinkage of the Titanic really did happen.
Am I confused here? ???
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This is Hollywood... no need to let the facts get in the way. There are any number of ways to do a prequel or sequel. Trust me. ;)
Subject: Re: Will "Titanic" always be number 1
Good movie, but I don't get that part when they're in the ocean, and holding the guy's hand and says, " I'll never let go, jack...I'll never let go!" , then she let him go ???
Subject: Re: Will "Titanic" always be number 1
Good movie, but I don't get that part when they're in the ocean, and holding the guy's hand and says, " I'll never let go, jack...I'll never let go!" , then she let him go ???
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I think she was meaning she would never let go of his memory. She really loved him and he would always be a part of her.
Subject: Re: Will 'Titanic' always be number 1
I was a senior in high school when it came out. I've only seen it once, but like many people, I didn't care for it. That's all I'm going to say. :-X
Subject: Re: Will "Titanic" always be number 1
i thought that titantic was great. in fact i bought the movie a while ago and was thinking about watching it tonight...