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Subject: Where were you, on Feb 26,1993?
The date of the first horrific terrorist attack on the world trade center which killed 6 people?
I was at my Granma's house,
my mom was having surgery,
did anyone here think that the terrorists would return like they did Sept 11,2001
Subject: Re: Where were you, on Feb 26,1993?
I really don't remember. I was probably at work.
Subject: Re: Where were you, on Feb 26,1993?
I was at my program at the time when it happened.That was sad. :(
Subject: Re: Where were you, on Feb 26,1993?
I'm not looking forward to some of the responses that are bound to happen here in the 90's forum.
"I was in pre-school in 1993, today I'm a pre-med major in an ivy league college".
I already feel old enough as it is these days.
Subject: Re: Where were you, on Feb 26,1993?
Naw, I never went to preschool. I would've been 4, though. :-[
Subject: Re: Where were you, on Feb 26,1993?
"I was in pre-school in 1993, today I'm a pre-med major in an ivy league college".
I already feel old enough as it is these days.
End Quote
Ya mean like this response? :P
I was 4 years out of high school and 3 years from being a mom. I am feeling really old right about now.
Wait just a dang minute...you were in pre-school 10 years ago and now in pre-med? That would put you at, what, 14 or 15? You must be pretty dang smart. Ok, I don't feel so old anymore. ;)
Subject: Re: Where were you, on Feb 26,1993?
I think I was playing a game as usual if it was the weekend; if it was a weekday, I was probably in class.
Subject: Re: Where were you, on Feb 26,1993?
I think Feb 26, 1993 was a Friday. I was at school or at home.
Subject: Re: Where were you, on Feb 26,1993?
Quoting:I'm not looking forward to some of the responses that are bound to happen here in the 90's forum.End Quote
Well, you definitely don't have to worry about this poster being some little kid that wasn't even alive in '93. People born in the ninties makes me feel old as hell.
Nope, I was the ripe age of seven on Friday, February 26, 1993. I lived in New Jersey, and I attended the first grade at the local elementary school. It was winter, so I was probaly bundled up in my winter jacket as I played on the swings and the slide during recess.
I didn't really pay attention to world events then...I was more concerned with watching Real World, Melrose Place, and 90210 on TV. I think the first big thing I ever paid attention to was the O.J. Simpson trial in '94, and the Oklahoma City Bombing in 1995.
Now I'm 18 years old and in the 11th grade(would've been in 12th if not for this reading problem.) I'm thinking about majoring in journalism when I go off to college in a year and a half, but I think I want to major in history more.
God though, my mind still cannot fathom the fact that 1993 was eleven years ago now. It just doesn't seem possible...1993 feels like it was just about six years ago.
Subject: Re: Where were you, on Feb 26,1993?
Boy do I feel old. I was 33 and 8 months pregnant with child no. 3. We had our house on the market and had signed a contract on the house we are in now. It was a very stressful time. I really have no recollection of the awful events happening then - I was too busy with my own dramas :-/
Subject: Re: Where were you, on Feb 26,1993?
I was playing with my shortwave radio listening for pirate radio stations and heard word of it while listening to Voice of America on a nearby frequency.
Fast forward to 2001, I woke to my alarm clock saying something about bombing the WTC. I remember thinking in my tired hazy mind "man.. those muslims really have a hard on for those towers".
Subject: Re: Where were you, on Feb 26,1993?
I remember this day very clearly.
I had just gotten out of the Marines after 10 years. I was working as a security guard at a Los Angeles Municipal Water filtration plant.
I was listening to the radio, and was shocked when it happened. When I got home, I was even more shocked at the images that were on the TV. I was 28 at the time this happened.
I was also at work 2 days later when the Waco standoff started. I was also there 2 months later when it finally ended. I quit working there shortly afterwards, mostly because of the poor quality of the security, and the pressure I got from my superiors to *NOT* do my job right.
Even then, I saw the rise of domestic terrorism, and I refused to work protecting the water supply of LA, when I was not allowed to do my job right. Now 11 years later, I am even more glad of my decision to leave.
Subject: Re: Where were you, on Feb 26,1993?
i dont remember probably in school
Subject: Re: Where were you, on Feb 26,1993?
I think Feb 26, 1993 was a Friday. I was at school or at home.
End Quote
Yes, it was a Friday.
I was in school that day, in 7th grade, and my class was working on a no-smoking cartoon (as were some other 7th grade classes) which we had started the previous day. It was a project which required two whole days to complete.
I did not know a thing about any terrorist attack at the time. What time of day did it happen?
Subject: Re: Where were you, on Feb 26,1993?
I was at college and was home getting ready to eat before a class. I turned on one of the NY stations (I have always watched the NY News) and saw it as a breaking story.
Subject: Re: Where were you, on Feb 26,1993?
I was still in primary school (my final year), and a very big Simple Minds fan, hehe.
Subject: Re: Where were you, on Feb 26,1993?
I belive i was at school.
Subject: Re: Where were you, on Feb 26,1993?
Still recovering from my grandmother's death. She died 4 days before christmas in 1992. :'(
Subject: Re: Where were you, on Feb 26,1993?
I remember this day like it was yesterday. At this time I was working in a brokerhouse here in Brazil trading with domestic and forein financial markets. When the car bomb explodes I was at the phone with another stock broker from another borkerhouse that had an office in one of the WTC towers. Suddenly the girl that I was talking said that some confusion was going on and turnef off the phone. Later (2 or 3 hours later) she phoned me back, from another office, and said that some guys from building fire brigade suddendly came into her office and ask everybody to leave everything that they were doing and leave imediately the building. Later I saw in the TV news everything that hapens....
Today I think that if the yours President at this time, Mr. Bill Clinton, had made what Mr.W.Bush is doing to try to stop all those maniacs, those towers could still be standing.
Subject: Re: Where were you, on Feb 26,1993?
Me too.
I really don't remember. I was probably at work.
End Quote
Subject: Re: Where were you, on Feb 26,1993?
Ft. Carson, Colorado (US Army)
52nd Engineer Battalion B co
Subject: Re: Where were you, on Feb 26,1993?
I was stuck underground on the subway for something like 2 hours. Everyone in the car knew something was wrong, but no one had any idea that it had to do with the WTC. Later on when I got home I was shocked to find out what had happened.
Subject: Re: Where were you, on Feb 26,1993?
Funny I don't even remember, I barely remember it happening. I was 9 and in the 4th grade at the time.
Subject: Re: Where were you, on Feb 26,1993?
I was driving back home from Chicago. :-/
Subject: Re: Where were you, on Feb 26,1993?
I was 11 years old at the time. I believe I was at school.