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This is a topic from the The 1990's forum on inthe00s.
Subject: 90'S Everything
Written By: cbh1989er on 10/31/03 at 01:09 p.m.
Howdy i just joined the site i love to study decades,eras and generations. I might be kinda young but i can still remember the 90's i was born April 4,1989. This Topic is for anything u would like to talk about 90's, like clothes ( i used to wear UGLY neon color shirts and HOT SWEATPANTS,AND KINT SWEATERS :P LOL what about u guys what did u wear or was forced to wear back then?
Subject: Re: 90'S Everything
Written By: Tv on 11/01/03 at 04:35 p.m.
Not something I hated to wear but the hairstyle I had once and hated it. I wore the spiked hair look around 1990-1991(I think Vanilla Ice had spiked hair if I remember right.) I remember some people in my school had the spiked hair look at that time. You had to have a certain spray in the bottle to spike your hair or something(every morning before school you had to do it so the hair would stay spiked up for the whole day.) To me the early 90's(90-92) was a weird phase in pop culture. The 80's excess had just worn off and here come the 90's of all a sudden. I think once the decade of the 80's ended and the 90's came it was like a Hyundai Accent having a car accident with a Ford Expedition: just one big collision.
Subject: Re: 90'S Everything
Written By: Jason on 11/01/03 at 06:04 p.m.
The early parts of decades tend to have a lot of left over stuff from the late part of the previous decade. The early 80's were the same way regarding the 70's. And look at right now in 2003, a lot of stuff around now still could pass for the late 90's.
It wasn't cool at all to act like you were still in the 1980's by 1990, but there were plenty of left over fashions and hairstyles from 1989 right up till around 1992, maybey '93. That 1989 style had an afterglow on the early 90's, the same way the 1999 style still has a serious power on today.
Subject: 90's Everything
Written By: Chrisrj on 11/07/03 at 12:09 a.m.
I suppose that depends on where you look.
I think things have changed much more since 1999.
Sideways caps and low-rider jeans.
MP3 downloading.
Most videos seem to have gotten a more 'metallic' style(Linkin Park, Maria, hip-hop), while if you watch the older videos from 92-95, there's still this grungey look to them.
The Game Boy Color, Nintendo 64, Playstation, and Dreamcast were replaced by Game Boy Advance, Gamecube, PS2, and X-Box.
No more Ricky Martin! ...Actually I kinda liked his stuff; I like all kinds of stuff.
I think it all changed in 2002 myself. But if you look enough there may be some stuff left over.
In the 90s, I was sort of a gamer. I still am, though my love for them has dwindled lately. I remember going to the rental place on a sunny Friday afternoon after school, and renting a game for the sega genesis, super nintendo, or NES.
I also drew my comics alot in the 90s, but they didn't get good until 1996 when I started collecting Marvel Comics, which got me inspired.
Yep, I'm a nerdy guy... but whoever said that was so wrong?
Subject: Re: 90'S Everything
Written By: RedFaction on 11/07/03 at 10:25 p.m.
i remember we use to wear a lot of high top fades with the pony tails. or rock a gumby( u know a high top with a slant like the cartoon gumby). im from miami so we listened to a lot of two live crew and booty shaking music. cross colors and bk knights lol
Subject: Re: 90'S Everything
Written By: BooBerryMuffin76 on 11/09/03 at 06:42 a.m.
Early 90s---a lot of my clothes were neon-coloured :P
I also often wore tops that had the stores logo on them
Mid 90s---flannel shirts, spagetti strap dresses, overalls, baby tees, platforms, kilts
Late 90s----flared pants (still do), funky coloured nail polish and lipstick like turquoise, khakis, Mary-Janes. A lot of my clothes (except for the make-up and Mary-Janes) haven't really changed since. Is it just me or are we still wearing the same stuff?
Subject: Re: 90'S Everything
Written By: MethodActor85 on 11/09/03 at 02:34 p.m.
Okay, does the term "Nineties Nostalgia" just make anyone feel incredibly old? 'Cause it does for me, and I'm only 17! Right now I'm listening to Class Reunion Sunday on my favorite radio station, and they're doing "The Class of 1992". I mean, ugh...1992 can't be that long ago! It was even worse when they did a spotlight on 1999...I mean, hello? That was only four years ago!
I heard VH1 is planning on doing "I Love The 90's". I really hope they don't get anyone who's too old or too young to really remember the youth pop culture of the 1990's. In my opinion, anyone who was in high school in 1990 or hit middle school by 1999 is in the right age bracket to comment on the 1990's. That means anyone between the ages of 15 to 31. ( I'm excluding those born in the late 60's because the 80's is more their decade, and anyone born in '89 to beyond 'cause they were still like in elementary school in the 90's.)