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Subject: 90s wrestling (yup wresting again )
just thought since theres a wrestling topic in the 80s and 00 section ther should be on in the 90s except a little diffrent gose like this wich leads right in to the topic
top 5 crappy gimmiks
comon a viking if any one thought that was real well well they are even more stupid than the guy who came up with it he didnt even have a finisher well if u count him tossing people out of the ring as a finisher
4 bush wakers
3 akeem
white guy pretending to be black he clames he comes from afraca and u can tell because A he dreses in afracan clothing and B he has a map of afraca on his back oh yeagh he has slick as his manerger
2 giant gonzalis
guy look as if hes naked he was slow had one of the worst chokeslams in the world
1 mable
okay this guy got on my nerves he cant rap he bad at ryming he just plaind suck
all time fave story
montrel screw job
okay i know this is real but it s a grat story to tell people or to write about for those that dont know heres the full story
in 1996 bret heart was getting redy to leve the wwe but had one more match with shawn michals in a iron man match at wrestlemania bret was the champ at the time of wrestlemania aproching the story was bret and michals hated each others guts cant remember why but it happens to real feelngs between the two in any case after a serious of angles promos matches it was decided to end the year long fuid and end it at wrestlemania in a ironman match but breat whould only agree to do the match if he whould be alowed to keep the belt because he was leving soon after vince agreed un hapily but agreed as soon as brets back was turnd vince mc mhan told michals to pin him 123 for the belt he told the referee ther same thing michals was reluctint at first then the greedy side to him came out he agreed so came wrestlemania the ironman match starded after 58 sec michals super kiced bret and referee did a fast count after that bret was screwd he left the company daysd later on bad terms untill last year micha;s had dinied having any part of it and breat heart stil hates the wwes guts and michals vince even diced to bring it up again in jechols highlighjt reel section on raw wich was on bad taste this was and still is a fantastic story like i said i know its real but its great for disscusion board like this one .
sadest loses in the 90s
one person comes to mind owen heart
owen was a grat heel to many people what happend was that at over the edge 99 may 24 owen was set to make a sting like entrance at the ppv but the support wires and shackles snapped and own fell to his death cracking his skull on the turnbuukle what mad it even more sick was that vince concerdserd raiting more impotyaint than his fans anmd his wrestlers they carred on with the show
r i p 1964 to 1999
Subject: Re: 90s wrestling (yup wresting again )
Quoting:comon a viking if any one thought that was real well well they are even more stupid than the guy who came up with it he didnt even have a finisher well if u count him tossing people out of the ring as a finisher End Quote
The Bezerker's finishing move was a fallaway slam. It was nothing special. He did have a great feud with Undertaker at the time involving a sword. He missed Undertaker and it went into the canvas. Apart from that though, he was crap.
white guy pretending to be black he clames he comes from afraca and u can tell because A he dreses in afracan clothing and B he has a map of afraca on his back oh yeagh he has slick as his manerger End Quote
Akeem 'The African Dream' was One Man Gang. He started in the WWF in 1987 but changed his gimmick in 1988 when he teamed with the Bigbossman to form 'The Twin Towers'. He left the WWF after being beaten by Bigbossman at Wrestlemania 6.
Quoting:2 giant gonzalis
guy look as if hes naked he was slow had one of the worst chokeslams in the world End Quote
This guy was truly lacking in talent. I believe he singlehandedly started the discontent among wrestling fans about the use of gimmicks - further antagonised by Doink the Clown. He was called El Gigante in WCW and had a series of duff three man tag matches. Gosh! Everything about him was awful.
okay this guy got on my nerves he cant rap he bad at ryming he just plaind suck End Quote
What was the idea of Men on a Mission apart from them being a couple of rapping idiots? There was a small chunky guy called Mo and one called Mabel. Why he was called Mabel beats me. I had to rewind the WWF tape to find out what I heard was correct - though the WWE continue this trend now with 'Rosie' and 'Jamal'. As part of an experiment, Mabel became a King of The Ring winner (one of the most awful King of The Ring's available) and later became the pointless Viscera.
Quoting:montrel screw job End Quote
I'm sorry Mr Crowly, the Montreal screw job took place at Survivor Series 97 not at Wrestlemania. However, Bret Hart did take time out after Wrestlemania 12 but I think this became his undoing because this allowed Steve Austin a chance at the limelight by shooting his famous '3:16' speech at King of the Ring. That moment alone started Steve Austin! Bret came back to beat Steve Austin at Survivor Series but after being robbed at Royal Rumble by him, they both locked horns in the famous 'I quit' match that saved Wrestlemania 13 from being a total loss. Bret won the title from The Undertaker at Summerslam 97 (saving his career at the time) only to lose the title at Survivor Series. Both had agreed that Bret was going to keep the title until the last minute. The shock was evident on his face. Bret did not get on well with Vince McMahon way before this (probably started up around Wrestlemania 12) and Shawn Michaels was sucking up to him which enabled him to get the WWF title.
Subject: Re: 90s wrestling (yup wresting again )
The Natural Disasters(Earthquake and Typhoon) were my favorite gimmicks of the 90's.They just kicked butt!
Subject: Re: 90s wrestling (yup wresting again )
The Natural Disasters(Earthquake and Typhoon) were my favorite gimmicks of the 90's.They just kicked butt!
End Quote
Shawn Michaels is simply the greatest along with Bret Hart and Hulk Hogan.
Subject: Re: 90s wrestling (yup wresting again )
thanks for corecting me bobby ive hadf it in my head that it was wrestlemania but still thanks for that time a fall away sl;am whould have looked better because no one was doing it a the time as far as i was aear i know that tatanka had a reverse fallaway slam how can any one say that the natural disaster were great gimmik jhontenta on his own was awsome because u actully beleve he was real in tah persona but when he joind wqith the fat useliss pice of crap who use to be a sailor jhon tugboatoats as typhoon i thought that tenta was better of on his own
Subject: Re: 90s wrestling (yup wresting again )
Bret Hart Owen Hart and Shawn Michaels are definitely the best of the 90s. I don't know that Shawn was in on the screwjob, Bret Hart assumed Shawn was in on it, him being the ref and all. He also did say something pretty lame about after Wrestlemania 13 he was mad that people cheered Austin, even though it was like 90% Bret fans 10% Austin.
The first live event i went to was Monday Nitro in July 1996, a week before the Bash at the Beach that Hogan and the Outsiders would start the NWO. I was pissed that though Sting was there(he came out when the Outsiders showed up), he didn't have a match. I don't remember a whole lot about that night except the Harlem Heat wrestled the Steiner Brothers, the Outsiders came down the aisle right beside where our friends were sitting at, and the bonus match after it went off air was a good one between Macho Man and Ric Flair(Macho man won)
Subject: Re: 90s wrestling (yup wresting again )
Bret Hart Owen Hart and Shawn Michaels are definitely the best of the 90s. I don't know that Shawn was in on the screwjob, Bret Hart assumed Shawn was in on it, him being the ref and all. He also did say something pretty lame about after Wrestlemania 13 he was mad that people cheered Austin, even though it was like 90% Bret fans 10% Austin.
The first live event i went to was Monday Nitro in July 1996, a week before the Bash at the Beach that Hogan and the Outsiders would start the NWO. I was pissed that though Sting was there(he came out when the Outsiders showed up), he didn't have a match. I don't remember a whole lot about that night except the Harlem Heat wrestled the Steiner Brothers, the Outsiders came down the aisle right beside where our friends were sitting at, and the bonus match after it went off air was a good one between Macho Man and Ric Flair(Macho man won)
End Quote
Then you'd see Hulk Hogan make that speech while fans were throwing garbage at him.
Subject: Re: 90s wrestling (yup wresting again )
Quoting:thanks for corecting me bobby ive hadf it in my head that it was wrestlemania but still thanks End Quote
That's all right, Mr Crowly. On another website I got a P-P-V mixed up as well. I mentioned that Shawn Michaels wrestled Ric Flair at Wrestlemania, not Badd Blood.
Quoting:for that time a fall away sl;am whould have looked better because no one was doing it a the time as far as i was aear i know that tatanka had a reverse fallaway slamEnd Quote
I suppose it would.
Quoting:how can any one say that the natural disaster were great gimmik jhontenta on his own was awsome because u actully beleve he was real in tah persona but when he joind wqith the fat useliss pice of crap who use to be a sailor jhon tugboatoats as typhoon i thought that tenta was better of on his own End Quote
Earthquake (John Tenta) was always impressive on his own (eliminated 2 people in 2 minutes at Royal Rumble 1990, had his main event match with Hulk Hogan at Summerslam 1990
and almost won Royal Rumble 1991. Tugboat joined him before Summerslam 1991 (after a slight feud with Hogan) and then both wrestlers became shadows of their former selves - facing The Bushwhackers for goodness sake!
Subject: Re: 90s wrestling (yup wresting again )
I think too many wrestlers are dying these days and for those wrestlers who have made it this far, best wishes to you. Those who unfortunatly didn't, well best wishes to your familys. R.I.P. OWEN HART-THE BRITISH BULLDOG-STU HART-HELEN HART-BRIAN PILLMAN-ROADWORIOR HAWK-THE VON-ERICHS-JUNKYARD DOG-ANDRE-DINO BRAVO-AND THE REST I FAILD TO MENTION, SEE YA SOON............
Subject: Re: 90s wrestling (yup wresting again )
Yes, Road Warrior 'Hawk' died suddenly. He went to sleep and never woke up again. I was shocked when I heard the news yesterday. I would have loved another 'L.O.D' comeback.
Subject: Re: 90s wrestling (yup wresting again )
I think wrestling is going back to the days when 90's giants ruled the ring.
(Natural Disasters,The Giant,Giant Gonzales,RoadBlock)
Now we have(Matt Morgan,Big Show,Brock Lesnar,Nathan Jones,Batista,Goldberg,Kane,etc...)
Subject: Re: 90s wrestling (yup wresting again )
one person comes to mind owen heart
owen was a grat heel to many people what happend was that at over the edge 99 may 24 owen was set to make a sting like entrance at the ppv but the support wires and shackles snapped and own fell to his death cracking his skull on the turnbuukle what mad it even more sick was that vince concerdserd raiting more impotyaint than his fans anmd his wrestlers they carred on with the show
r i p 1964 to 1999
End Quote
I can't even watch my video of Over the Edge '99 anymore because of Owen's death. It's just too awkward. You can still see the blood in the ring during matches after Owen's accident.
The tribute to Owen on Raw the following night was something special, though. While I know it was painful for the other wrestlers to have to work so soon after his death, it was good to hear how much Owen was liked by his peers.
Subject: Re: 90s wrestling (yup wresting again )
Yes, Road Warrior 'Hawk' died suddenly. He went to sleep and never woke up again. I was shocked when I heard the news yesterday. I would have loved another 'L.O.D' comeback.
End Quote
I met Road Warrior Hawk in July '88 when he was with the old NWA. This was during what was called the Great American Bash Tour. He was very cool. That night, Hawk, Animal, Lex Luger and Dusty Rhodes went against The Four Horsemen (Ric Flair, Barry Windham, Tully Blanchard and Arn Anderson) in an eight-man tag. Great match.
It's ironic that I found Hawk's autograph a couple of days before his passing as I was looking through an old scrapbook I kept of '80s wrestling stuff.
Subject: Re: 90s wrestling (yup wresting again )
I think wrestling is going back to the days when 90's giants ruled the ring.
(Natural Disasters,The Giant,Giant Gonzales,RoadBlock)
Now we have(Matt Morgan,Big Show,Brock Lesnar,Nathan Jones,Batista,Goldberg,Kane,etc...)
End Quote
Vince McMahon has always preferred giants wrestling in the ring (1985 - 1989 we had Big John Studd, King Kong Bundy, Bam Bam Bigelow, One Man Gang, Andre the Giant, One Man Gang and Hulk Hogan - because he faces bigger opponents, we forget he's 6'8!)
Through Hogan making wrestling mainstream and taking part in the legendary bout against Andre the Giant at Wrestlemania 3, Vince believed from then that if the wrestlers were large they would be successful.
Subject: Re: 90s wrestling (yup wresting again )
Vince McMahon has always preferred giants wrestling in the ring (1985 - 1989 we had Big John Studd, King Kong Bundy, Bam Bam Bigelow, One Man Gang, Andre the Giant, One Man Gang and Hulk Hogan - because he faces bigger opponents, we forget he's 6'8!)
Through Hogan making wrestling mainstream and taking part in the legendary bout against Andre the Giant at Wrestlemania 3, Vince believed from then that if the wrestlers were large they would be successful.
End Quote
He must be living in the 80's. ::) ;D
Subject: Re: 90s wrestling (yup wresting again )
He must be living in the 80's. ::) ;D
End Quote
Ha ha! He probably is, Howard.
Subject: Re: 90s wrestling (yup wresting again )
Maybe all of the monsters should head to RAW like Big Show,Matt Morgan,A-Train,etc...
Subject: Re: 90s wrestling (yup wresting again )
::)I don't know if anyone here remembers this, but a famous ex-Chicago Bear wrestled in WCW in the 90's. That guy was Steve"Mongo"McMichael. Mongo was one heck of a loose cannon,carrying that metal briefcase around and knocking fools like Reggie White over the head with it! And his feud with prissy boy Jeff Jarrett after that blond bum stole Debra from him! Waaaay cool! There was a reunion of ex-Bears at the "new" Soldier Field recently,McMichael was there,still lookin'mean as ever! :P
Subject: Re: 90s wrestling (yup wresting again )
::)I don't know if anyone here remembers this, but a famous ex-Chicago Bear wrestled in WCW in the 90's. That guy was Steve"Mongo"McMichael. Mongo was one heck of a loose cannon,carrying that metal briefcase around and knocking fools like Reggie White over the head with it! And his feud with prissy boy Jeff Jarrett after that blond bum stole Debra from him! Waaaay cool! There was a reunion of ex-Bears at the "new" Soldier Field recently,McMichael was there,still lookin'mean as ever! :P
End Quote
Steve Mongo McMichael sucked! >:( :P
Subject: Re: 90s wrestling (yup wresting again )
Steve Mongo McMichael sucked! >:( :P
End Quote
:PAt least he wasn't as god-awful as so-called"wrestlers"like Kamala and Abdullah The Butcher!! You KNEW if any of those nuts were in the ring,there was gonna be a vicious gore-fest! :-X
Subject: Re: 90s wrestling (yup wresting again )
Does anyone remember The Midnight Express? And their loose screw mama's boy manager JIM CORNETTE? I wanted to see someone get hold of Cornette's tennis racket and clobber him senseless with it! And the man even had the NERVE to don the tights and get his keister trounced! And his obsession with beating the Rock n' Roll Express was insane! :P
Subject: Re: 90s wrestling (yup wresting again )
Does anyone remember The Midnight Express? And their loose screw mama's boy manager JIM CORNETTE? I wanted to see someone get hold of Cornette's tennis racket and clobber him senseless with it! And the man even had the NERVE to don the tights and get his keister trounced! And his obsession with beating the Rock n' Roll Express was insane! :P
End Quote
I remember the Midnight Express very well! I was more a fan of the new version with Sweet Stan Lane. Cornette was very good at what he did. I miss how managers were used back in the '80s.
Subject: Re: 90s wrestling (yup wresting again )
:PAt least he wasn't as god-awful as so-called"wrestlers"like Kamala and Abdullah The Butcher!! You KNEW if any of those nuts were in the ring,there was gonna be a vicious gore-fest! :-X
End Quote
Kamala had been going around for years before his entrance into the WWF back in 1992. By the end of the year, he was buried in a coffin. This caused Harvey Wippleman to use 'The Giant Gonzalas' against The Undertaker in revenge. However, would you believe that he was a bit more better in the WWF than in WCW where he was called 'EL Gigante' - God this man couldn't wrestle. :D
Subject: Re: 90s wrestling (yup wresting again )
I remember the Midnight Express very well! I was more a fan of the new version with Sweet Stan Lane. Cornette was very good at what he did. I miss how managers were used back in the '80s.
End Quote
Managers seemed to know how to get under the skins of audiences back in the 80s. Bobby Heenan and Jimmy Hart were great because they could take bumps (Bobby Heenan at Survivor Series 89 and Jimmy Hart at Wrestlemania 3). Managers these days are set up for a move but just as a wrestler is about to do it, they get clobbered by somebody else who is interfering - oh hum.
Subject: Re: 90s wrestling (yup wresting again )
Kamala? Oh please give me a break! He was an idiot.His gimmick was ridiculous.They turned him into a big fat joke! >:( ::)
Subject: Re: 90s wrestling (yup wresting again )
Kamala? Oh please give me a break! He was an idiot.His gimmick was ridiculous.They turned him into a big fat joke! End Quote
Yes he is a big fat joke. In the WWF back in 1992, he had a quirk in which he didn't know how to pin people properly and would often do it with his opponents face down on the canvas.
He knew the battle royal rules pretty well at Wrestlemania 17. He threw a lot of people over the top (including Earthquake).
Subject: Re: 90s wrestling (yup wresting again )
Yes he is a big fat joke. In the WWF back in 1992, he had a quirk in which he didn't know how to pin people properly and would often do it with his opponents face down on the canvas.
He knew the battle royal rules pretty well at Wrestlemania 17. He threw a lot of people over the top (including Earthquake).
End Quote
I miss those gimmick battle royals.They should have one again next year at Wrestlemania 20. ;D
Subject: Re: 90s wrestling (yup wresting again )
;)Wanna talk about an 80's FEUD?Magnum TA vs Tully Blanchard in the old NWA! Had Magnum not gotten hurt in that car wreck,he could have beat the daylights outta Tully and run him outta the NWA! But you know the other Horsemen would be watching Blanchard's back! I was sad when I heard of Magnum TA's accident,he was my fave NWA wrestler at the time. I heard Tully is a minister,is that true? :o
Subject: Re: 90s wrestling (yup wresting again )
;)Wanna talk about an 80's FEUD?Magnum TA vs Tully Blanchard in the old NWA! Had Magnum not gotten hurt in that car wreck,he could have beat the daylights outta Tully and run him outta the NWA! But you know the other Horsemen would be watching Blanchard's back! I was sad when I heard of Magnum TA's accident,he was my fave NWA wrestler at the time. I heard Tully is a minister,is that true? :o
End Quote
The new WWE Bloodbath DVD has a Magnum TA-Tully Blanchard cage match from '85 or '86. Brings back a lot of memories. I know that Tully is a Born-again Christian, though I'm not sure if he's a minister.
Subject: Re: 90s wrestling (yup wresting again )
Anyone see The Survivor Series last night (Sunday). Tough going I can tell you. Two men bled heavily . . .
Subject: Re: 90s wrestling (yup wresting again )
Anyone see The Survivor Series last night (Sunday). Tough going I can tell you. Two men bled heavily . . .
End Quote
I didn't see it, but I read that HBK and Vince had some nasty blade jobs.
Subject: Re: 90s wrestling (yup wresting again )
I didn't see it, but I read that HBK and Vince had some nasty blade jobs.
End Quote
They did indeed. I won't say anymore on the matter as I don't want to give too much away and spoil it for you when you get a chance to watch it. It was pretty good. Forget the next P-P-V, roll on the Rumble . . .
Subject: Re: 90s wrestling (yup wresting again )
i taped it iam on the shane vs kane match i am glad its the last match well they say it is any way i cant stand it when mc mhans fight it stops their company form what it s supposed to be wrestling not family fighting and farthers asulting daughters in any case the first match angle team vs lesners team was nothing but a classic with out giving it away it didf some good for some of the wrestlers and molly vs lita was decnt for how much it lasted both girls worked thgeir asses off ill write up a full reveiw once ive finioshed watching it kamamla did suck i must be deaf but did someone on this board say that kamala was a jucer u must have dreamed it kamala was useliss no affence
Subject: Re: 90s wrestling (yup wresting again )
Managers seemed to know how to get under the skins of audiences back in the 80s. Bobby Heenan and Jimmy Hart were great because they could take bumps (Bobby Heenan at Survivor Series 89 and Jimmy Hart at Wrestlemania 3). Managers these days are set up for a move but just as a wrestler is about to do it, they get clobbered by somebody else who is interfering - oh hum.
End Quote
It was Jim Cornette's rich MOTHER who gave him the $$$$$$ to manage the Midnight Express,and she gave him holy **** when they did not WIN! How do I know this?I used to read Pro Wrestling Illustrated.
Subject: Re: 90s wrestling (yup wresting again )
How about the NWO vs. Sting fiasco? That was absolutely INSANE!! And the NWO had their own
What a hoax!
Subject: Re: 90s wrestling (yup wresting again )
It was Jim Cornette's rich MOTHER who gave him the $$$$$$ to manage the Midnight Express,and she gave him holy **** when they did not WIN! How do I know this?I used to read Pro Wrestling Illustrated.
End Quote
Pro Wrestling Illustrated is a trusted publication to read when it comes to inside wrestling information. I'm not sure whether it's still in production.
Subject: Re: 90s wrestling (yup wresting again )
How about the NWO vs. Sting fiasco? That was absolutely INSANE!! And the NWO had their own
What a hoax!
End Quote
The biased referee thing has been happening for years (though very frequent in WCW - especially when Ric Flair was involved in a match). It got tedious after a while . . .
The first time I saw a referee get involved in a feud was WWF's 'Dangerous' Danny Davies. He allowed 'Machoman' Randy Savage to beat Tito Santana for the WWF Intercontinental title. He also screwed The British Bulldogs by fixing the match so that the then heels Hart Foundation could win the belt. This paved the way for the six man tag match featuring Danny Davis at Wrestlemania 3.
There was also the Hebner fiasco where Dave Hebner was exchanged for Earl Hebner who interfered in the Hulk Hogan/Andre the Giant rematch before Wrestlemania 4. He gave a quick 3 count which allowed Andre to pawn the gold to 'Million Dollar Man' Ted Dibiase. Jack Tunny didn't like this (though it's happened a million times since) and so vacated the title at Wrestlemania 4 where a WWF world title tournament was held at Trumps Plaza.
Subject: Re: 90s wrestling (yup wresting again )
The biased referee thing has been happening for years (though very frequent in WCW - especially when Ric Flair was involved in a match). It got tedious after a while . . .
The first time I saw a referee get involved in a feud was WWF's 'Dangerous' Danny Davies. He allowed 'Machoman' Randy Savage to beat Tito Santana for the WWF Intercontinental title. He also screwed The British Bulldogs by fixing the match so that the then heels Hart Foundation could win the belt. This paved the way for the six man tag match featuring Danny Davis at Wrestlemania 3.
There was also the Hebner fiasco where Dave Hebner was exchanged for Earl Hebner who interfered in the Hulk Hogan/Andre the Giant rematch before Wrestlemania 4. He gave a quick 3 count which allowed Andre to pawn the gold to 'Million Dollar Man' Ted Dibiase. Jack Tunny didn't like this (though it's happened a million times since) and so vacated the title at Wrestlemania 4 where a WWF world title tournament was held at Trumps Plaza.
End Quote
I remember those Bobby. ;D
Subject: Re: 90s wrestling (yup wresting again )
Other pathetic 90's wrestlers:
ROD PRICE. The California Stud was a disgusting vile 90's pretty-boy rulebreaker. Him and that nobody Hollywood John Tatum,they were made for each other.
WWF(now WWE)
Doink. What was McMahon thinking?
Col.Mustafa and his USA-hating cohorts(YES I INCLUDE THE TRAITOR SGT. SLAUGHTER on this hit list!)
By the way, the Bushwhackers were originally the SHEEPHERDERS in either the UWF or Global?The Sheepherders were absolutely ULTRAVIOLENT. They would have been GREAT in ECW!(Remember ECW anyone?)
Subject: Re: 90s wrestling (yup wresting again )
Pro Wrestling Illustrated is a trusted publication to read when it comes to inside wrestling information. I'm not sure whether it's still in production.
End Quote
Yes,PWI is still around. I saw it recently at my local drugstore.
Subject: Re: 90s wrestling (yup wresting again )
Quoting:Other pathetic 90's wrestlers:
WWF(now WWE)
Doink. What was McMahon thinking?
Col.Mustafa and his USA-hating cohorts(YES I INCLUDE THE TRAITOR SGT. SLAUGHTER on this hit list!)End Quote
Yes Doink (formally known as Matt Borne and entered Wrestlemania 1 against Ricky Steamboat). Borne must have needed the cash to don the clown suit - The gimmick could have worked much better though with more realisation.
Col Mustapha (formally known as The Iron Shiek who ironically lost the WWF World Title to Hulk Hogan before Wrestlemania 1) was just Slaughter's henchman along with that idiot General Adnan. Slaughter was one of the best heels the WWF had. He caused uproar when he beat The Ultimate Warrior for the WWF title at Royal Rumble 1991. My main problem with Sgt Slaughter was his ability to turn face quickly after Summerslam 1991 - A heel of his magnitude should have gradually turned face if that was what the WWF wanted. As it stood it made Slaughter more hypocritical as a face than when he was a heel!
Quoting:By the way, the Bushwhackers were originally the SHEEPHERDERS in either the UWF or Global?The Sheepherders were absolutely ULTRAVIOLENT. They would have been GREAT in ECW!(Remember ECW anyone?)
End Quote
Yes The Bushwhackers! 'Marching Morons' as Jesse Ventura aptly described them. I wish I had seen them as The Sheepherders! They were really nasty heels apparently.
Yep I remember ECW with fondness. They put out some great shows - my favourite was Heatwave 98. That was when Bam Bam Bigelow went through the ring during his match against Taz!
Subject: Re: 90s wrestling (yup wresting again )
Bushwackers were only there for the comedy.never won a single title in the WWF at all. too bad. :(
Subject: Re: 90s wrestling (yup wresting again )
Bushwackers were only there for the comedy.never won a single title in the WWF at all. too bad. :(
End Quote
I suppose the WWF wouldn't have lived it down if they did get the tag belts - though really crap teams have held them since. Teams that do absolutely nothing for the belt (remember the team of Bam Bam Bigelow and Diesel (95) or Mankind and Vader (97)? What were they all about? String a couple of singles wrestlers together and see what they get - usually a load of rubbish.)
Subject: Re: 90s wrestling (yup wresting again )
I suppose the WWF wouldn't have lived it down if they did get the tag belts - though really crap teams have held them since. Teams that do absolutely nothing for the belt (remember the team of Bam Bam Bigelow and Diesel (95) or Mankind and Vader (97)? What were they all about? String a couple of singles wrestlers together and see what they get - usually a load of rubbish.)
End Quote
got that right.here are some others that should've:
Sgt.Slaughter/Hacksaw Jim Duggan
Billy Gunn/Jamie Noble
Subject: Re: 90s wrestling (yup wresting again )
got that right.here are some others that should've:
Sgt.Slaughter/Hacksaw Jim Duggan
Billy Gunn/Jamie Noble
End Quote
Putting two singles wrestlers together was commonplace before Wrestlemania 3 but I think 'Hacksaw' Jim Duggan and Sgt Slaughter were perhaps the first two to go back to those origins. Even though both wrestlers were awful (Slaughter was laughed at going face after being such a great heel) they had a common motive or goal - they were patriotic Americans who were proud of their country. What did Crush and Yokozuna have in common?
Subject: Re: 90s wrestling (yup wresting again )
Putting two singles wrestlers together was commonplace before Wrestlemania 3 but I think 'Hacksaw' Jim Duggan and Sgt Slaughter were perhaps the first two to go back to those origins. Even though both wrestlers were awful (Slaughter was laughed at going face after being such a great heel) they had a common motive or goal - they were patriotic Americans who were proud of their country. What did Crush and Yokozuna have in common?
End Quote
Crush and Yokozuna had Japanese backgrounds and both were managed by Mr.Fuji. :)
Subject: Re: 90s wrestling (yup wresting again )
Anyone here remember
Larry Zybzsko?(I hope I got his last name right!) He was a heel in the AWA and WCW. In the AWA he wrestled solo,in WCW he was part of Paul E. Dangerously's "Dangerous Alliance"with people like Arn Anderson!Actually Larry got his start in the WWF(which was the WWWF back in the 70's),he was trained by Bruno Sammartino. Larry Z. turned against Bruno-it culminated in a brutal cage match!
Subject: Re: 90s wrestling (yup wresting again )
Crush and Yokozuna had Japanese backgrounds and both were managed by Mr.Fuji. :)
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Crush (Bryan Adams) was billed as a native of Hawaii back in 1993 previous to his heel change and Yokozuna (Rodney Anoia) was billed as Indonesian but, ironically, was an American native so they had no Japanese backgrounds at all.
Subject: Re: 90s wrestling (yup wresting again )
I remember Larry Zsbysko (spelling?), Nascarnut from his WCW days. I think he continued as a commentator with 'The Professor' Mike Tenay for WCW Thunder until it finished. Both have now moved to the newer wrestling organisation NWA-TNA. Mike Tenay is a chief commentator and I think Larry Zsbysko wrestles occasionally in NWA-TNA as well.
Subject: Re: 90s wrestling (yup wresting again )
Why did Hulk Hogan become a heel in WCW and join the NWO? And remember the'fake Sting'foolishness? And even though Kevin Nash was an NWO member,I still thought he had a HOT body!
Subject: Re: 90s wrestling (yup wresting again )
Why did Hulk Hogan become a heel in WCW and join the NWO? And remember the'fake Sting'foolishness? And even though Kevin Nash was an NWO member,I still thought he had a HOT body!
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I guess reason Hogan turned heel was because WCW needed a big heel so to speak,so they figured Hogan played a good heel! ;D
Subject: Re: 90s wrestling (yup wresting again )
Why did Hulk Hogan become a heel in WCW and join the NWO? And remember the'fake Sting'foolishness? And even though Kevin Nash was an NWO member,I still thought he had a HOT body!
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I would sort of go along with Howard and also say that WCW wanted to make the NWO credible, the only way to do that is to use the biggest draw on the rosta. Remember that Hogan had not been a heel for about 14 years so for him to suddenly turn heel would be the biggest thing they could do. I think it permanently damaged the wrestling industry - we see this kind of thing happen all the time now.
The 'fake' sting thing? Are you talking about Halloween Havoc '91, Nascarnut? Sid Vicious was facing Sting for the WCW World title but instead he faced his team-mate Barry Windham (in make up) who deliberately jobbed to him. Quite a farce really!
The WWE aren't adverse to a bit of faking as well. Note 1997 when Razor Ramon and Diesel, two top draws at the time, simultaneously left the WWE. Because WWE held the rights to their names, Jim Ross introduced two amateurs who looked like them. Everybody who loved wrestling were up in arms about the whole thing. The fake Razor lasted a month or two before getting dropped but the fake Diesel went on to become Isaac Yankem before making a real name for himself as The Undertaker's brother, Kane.
Subject: Re: 90s wrestling (yup wresting again )
I would sort of go along with Howard and also say that WCW wanted to make the NWO credible, the only way to do that is to use the biggest draw on the rosta. Remember that Hogan had not been a heel for about 14 years so for him to suddenly turn heel would be the biggest thing they could do. I think it permanently damaged the wrestling industry - we see this kind of thing happen all the time now.
The 'fake' sting thing? Are you talking about Halloween Havoc '91, Nascarnut? Sid Vicious was facing Sting for the WCW World title but instead he faced his team-mate Barry Windham (in make up) who deliberately jobbed to him. Quite a farce really!
The WWE aren't adverse to a bit of faking as well. Note 1997 when Razor Ramon and Diesel, two top draws at the time, simultaneously left the WWE. Because WWE held the rights to their names, Jim Ross introduced two amateurs who looked like them. Everybody who loved wrestling were up in arms about the whole thing. The fake Razor lasted a month or two before getting dropped but the fake Diesel went on to become Isaac Yankem before making a real name for himself as The Undertaker's brother, Kane.
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Those storylines I remember,Bobby.
Subject: Re: 90s wrestling (yup wresting again )
I hope you don't mind me saying, Howard but I'm glad you got rid of the glitchy Pee Wee Herman avatar. ;)
Subject: Re: 90s wrestling (yup wresting again )
I hope you don't mind me saying, Howard but I'm glad you got rid of the glitchy Pee Wee Herman avatar. ;)
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I don't mind at all.I like Jim Carrey. :D
Subject: Re: 90s wrestling (yup wresting again )
I don't mind at all.I like Jim Carrey. :D
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Heh heh. More easier on the eyes. :D
Subject: Re: 90s wrestling (yup wresting again )
This goes back to the mid-80's,but does anyone remember the FREEBIRDS? Michael Hayes was the most DEVIOUS member of the threesome ::),but I'd say that BUDDY 'JACK' ROBERTS and TERRY "Bamm-Bamm"GORDY matched him in INTENSITY-and INSANITY! The Freebirds also liked to PARTY,bigtime!And Hayes was under the DELUSION that he was a great singer! Hayes couldn't sing if his life depended on it!! :-/
Subject: Re: 90s wrestling (yup wresting again )
I would sort of go along with Howard and also say that WCW wanted to make the NWO credible, the only way to do that is to use the biggest draw on the rosta. Remember that Hogan had not been a heel for about 14 years so for him to suddenly turn heel would be the biggest thing they could do. I think it permanently damaged the wrestling industry - we see this kind of thing happen all the time now.
The 'fake' sting thing? Are you talking about Halloween Havoc '91, Nascarnut? Sid Vicious was facing Sting for the WCW World title but instead he faced his team-mate Barry Windham (in make up) who deliberately jobbed to him. Quite a farce really!
The WWE aren't adverse to a bit of faking as well. Note 1997 when Razor Ramon and Diesel, two top draws at the time, simultaneously left the WWE. Because WWE held the rights to their names, Jim Ross introduced two amateurs who looked like them. Everybody who loved wrestling were up in arms about the whole thing. The fake Razor lasted a month or two before getting dropped but the fake Diesel went on to become Isaac Yankem before making a real name for himself as The Undertaker's brother, Kane.
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:PThe "Fake Sting" thing that I was talking about is when the NWO was claiming that they had recruited Sting,only the many'recruits'were fake! And the REAL Sting would be lurking underneath the ring during NWO bouts, or he'd come down from the rafters on a rope! And I STILL like what Steve "Mongo" McMichael did to that holy-roller Reggie White! Of course I hated the Packers(I'm a bona-fide Philly EAGLES fan!)and I still do!
Subject: Re: 90s wrestling (yup wresting again )
This goes back to the mid-80's,but does anyone remember the FREEBIRDS? Michael Hayes was the most DEVIOUS member of the threesome ::),but I'd say that BUDDY 'JACK' ROBERTS and TERRY "Bamm-Bamm"GORDY matched him in INTENSITY-and INSANITY! The Freebirds also liked to PARTY,bigtime!And Hayes was under the DELUSION that he was a great singer! Hayes couldn't sing if his life depended on it!! :-/
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Unfortunately Nascarnut I don't go that far back. I remember Michael P.S Hayes teaming with Jimmy 'Jam' Garvin with a little masked bloke called Badstreet (the name of their great entrance theme). I liked them back then but I could see that both men were past their prime - good entertainers though. Especially when Hayes did that stupid little strutting dance. Apparently, Michael Hayes taught 'Jackson how to moonwalk'. Ha ha!
Subject: Re: 90s wrestling (yup wresting again )
I only go back 15 years from when I first got into watching WWF(E).I'm not that old. ;D ;)
Subject: Re: 90s wrestling (yup wresting again )
Who is/was your favorite announcer and why? I liked Gordon Soley, because he had good technical knowledge, and the grim, serious demeanor was funny. Bobby Heenan was comical, but no technical input.
Subject: Re: 90s wrestling (yup wresting again )
Gordon Solie was probably as professional as it gets when it comes to wrestling announcers (Jim Ross was a close second before he entered the WWE and became a 'character' of some sort) but I liked the pairing up of Gorilla Monsoon and Jesse Ventura. They were a lovely antithesis of empathy (Monsoon) and cold-heartedness (Ventura) - great double act.
Of course, the pairing of Gorilla Monsoon and Bobby Heenan was a very close second. Monsoon being the professional, Heenan being the irreverent one.
Subject: Re: 90s wrestling (yup wresting again )
:)I never liked Gorilla Monsoon that much as an announcer,but I DID like Jesse'The Body'Ventura. Also Vince McMahon is not too shabby in the announcer role,either! How about the little bits like "Piper's Pit","The Flower Shop'(Adrian Adonis),and the infamous "Snake Pit",hosted by that wacko Jake Roberts? Actually I like boas and pythons,and I thought DAMIAN was way cool!
Subject: Re: 90s wrestling (yup wresting again )
:)I never liked Gorilla Monsoon that much as an announcer,but I DID like Jesse'The Body'Ventura. Also Vince McMahon is not too shabby in the announcer role,either! How about the little bits like "Piper's Pit","The Flower Shop'(Adrian Adonis),and the infamous "Snake Pit",hosted by that wacko Jake Roberts? Actually I like boas and pythons,and I thought DAMIAN was way cool!
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I have never seen The Flower Shop or Snake Pit but they must have been much better than the half-arsed attempt Chris Jericho puts on. No sign of entertainment in sight.
I have only seen one Piper's Pit and that was the special one at Wrestlemania 5 when Piper puts out Morton Downey Jnr with a fire extinguisher after asking him several times not to smoke in his face.
Something like that needs someone with true charisma. Adrian Adonis, Jake Roberts and Roddy Piper all had that kind of charisma but Jericho is just someone who just thinks he has it.
Subject: Re: 90s wrestling (yup wresting again )
The Funeral Parlor with Paul Bearer was my favorite. :)
Subject: Re: 90s wrestling (yup wresting again )
Mean Gene was a pretty fair announcer, but that idiot Jim Cornett was a joke. Did Dusty Rhodes do some commentary with Mean Gene? Dusty had some pretty good material. Roddy Piper was funny but sometimes became demented when his voice would quiver, pretty funny.
Subject: Re: 90s wrestling (yup wresting again )
Mean Gene was a pretty fair announcer, but that idiot Jim Cornett was a joke. Did Dusty Rhodes do some commentary with Mean Gene? Dusty had some pretty good material. Roddy Piper was funny but sometimes became demented when his voice would quiver, pretty funny.
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Dusty Rhodes was a fat piece of ..... :-X!
Subject: Re: 90s wrestling (yup wresting again )
sorry i havent been on this board for ages was getting ready for my 21st party ure right about dusty howard he was crap the freebirds i liked them i saw there match with the stiners at great ameracan bash 1990 good match michal hayes went to suck as commetator for wwf under them name handsome dox hendrex tony garvin i think died couple years back talking of tagteams dont know about worse tag team champs but how about worse tagteam ever
well dunn strikeforce (talking about the gimmik they had not the persons themselfes ) natural disasters amongst others
Subject: Re: 90s wrestling (yup wresting again )
Dusty Rhodes was a joke.He had that purple blotch on his belly and talked with a stupid accent.never had a decent feud except Randy Savage,Ted Dibiase,Big BossMan and Akeem,Greg Valentine,HonkyTonk Man.He left in 1992.
Subject: Re: 90s wrestling (yup wresting again )
Dusty Rhodes was a joke.He had that purple blotch on his belly and talked with a stupid accent.never had a decent feud except Randy Savage,Ted Dibiase,Big BossMan and Akeem,Greg Valentine,HonkyTonk Man.He left in 1992.
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The dreaded purple blotch . . . Eugh! Looks like an appendix scar or something . . .
He only had one good feud in the WWF and that was with Randy Savage. However, watching Dusty and Sapphire wobble their arses at Wrestlemania 6 (after winning their intergender match) was a tough thing to do in retrospect.
Subject: Re: 90s wrestling (yup wresting again )
I liked Dusty though he was pathetic looking and sounding. His son, Gold Dust, has potential but is overshadowed by all the heavyweights. What is the story on why Gold Dust has seizures?
Subject: Re: 90s wrestling (yup wresting again )
I liked Dusty though he was pathetic looking and sounding. His son, Gold Dust, has potential but is overshadowed by all the heavyweights. What is the story on why Gold Dust has seizures?
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bj,That was an angle where Batista threw him into an electrical outlet and made himself talk like an epileptic.stupid stories I might say. >:(
Subject: Re: 90s wrestling (yup wresting again )
bj,That was an angle where Batista threw him into an electrical outlet and made himself talk like an epileptic.stupid stories I might say. >:(
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It is indeed. I thought they learned better from Bubba Ray's speech impediment thing when The Dudleys first started. I don't think electrocution is funny at all.
Subject: Re: 90s wrestling (yup wresting again )
I'm glad Goldust is gone.They didn't even use him properly.I hope he goes somewhere where he doesn't have to be treated like an idiot. :D
Subject: Re: 90s wrestling (yup wresting again )
I'm glad Goldust is gone.They didn't even use him properly.I hope he goes somewhere where he doesn't have to be treated like an idiot. :D
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He will do, Howard. He's going to Japan who have been after him for ages. I think he will go back to his Dustin Rhodes image.
Subject: Re: 90s wrestling (yup wresting again )
He will do, Howard. He's going to Japan who have been after him for ages. I think he will go back to his Dustin Rhodes image.
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I'm so glad. ;D
Subject: Re: 90s wrestling (yup wresting again )
Vince McMahon has made some dumb@#$ decisions in his time,not only pertaining to wrestling. Anyone remember his World Bodybuilding Federation and the
X F L?
Subject: Re: 90s wrestling (yup wresting again )
The WBF was a pile of pants waiting to happen. Bodybuilding hasn't got the versatility that wrestling has and, IMO, just ran its course.
The XFL - Well . . . Is it still going?
Subject: Re: 90s wrestling (yup wresting again )
The WBF was a pile of pants waiting to happen. Bodybuilding hasn't got the versatility that wrestling has and, IMO, just ran its course.
The XFL - Well . . . Is it still going?
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Nope.The XFL is as dead as wrestling is now.I watched a little of it.didn't care much! It sucked. :P >:(
Subject: Re: 90s wrestling (yup wresting again )
I'm not a die hard wrestling fan, but I like a good match, and last night it was awsome. Goldberg, Steiner, and Test was one of the coolest matches. The battle royal or whatever it's called is going to be really good, y'awl keep me up to date on it, please, cause I usually miss good wrestling.
Goldberg is so controlled, and when Steiner and Test had to protect him so neither could win, was too cool. That little guy (well 235 lbs if that's little) RVD, great wrestler, really nice takedowns. I like the technical wrestling not the bloody violent fights which seem to be the crowd pleasers.
Subject: Re: 90s wrestling (yup wresting again )
Which 90's Royal Rumble did any of you like?
Subject: Re: 90s wrestling (yup wresting again )
1990 and 1992 were pretty good.
Subject: Re: 90s wrestling (yup wresting again )
1990 and 1992 were pretty good.
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remember when Hogan and Warrior were going nuts criss-crossing the ropes and then clotheslining each other at the same time? ;D
Subject: Re: 90s wrestling (yup wresting again )
Yeah, that was pretty good. I would have had them be the final two, but that's just the screenwriter in me. :)
Subject: Re: 90s wrestling (yup wresting again )
Yeah, that was pretty good. I would have had them be the final two, but that's just the screenwriter in me. :)
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that would've been good but The Barbarian and Rick Rude clotheslined them both.
Subject: Re: 90s wrestling (yup wresting again )
Royal Rumble's are my favourite style of match. 1989 had a great start (Ax and Smash of Demolition picked 1 and 2 and Andre the Giant picked 3) but it kind of ran out of gas at the end.
1990 was pretty good (anything featuring Roddy Piper, Machoking Randy Savage, Ted Dibiase and Jake Roberts in the ring at the same time has to be good). It was famous for starting The Ultimate Challenge at Wrestlemania 6. Yes 'Ravashing' Rick Rude (the first, if not the only man, to jump the count) and The Barbarian were trying to force The Ultimate Warrior over the top rope and a 'delirious' Hulk Hogan clotheslined the pair of them which made the Warrior bump to the floor.
1991 for me was the best. It featured one of the best tag team matches I had ever seen (The Rockers V The Orient Express) and a great WWF Championship match (Ultimate Warrior V Sgt Slaughter). The Rumble itself was brilliant - Bret Hart lasted about 20 minutes or so, Greg Valentine and Rick Martel lasted over 50 minutes! Lots of different kind of action brewed in this one and featured a face/heel neutrality I hadn't seen previously (face wouldn't be scared to beat face up and vice versa).
1992 is a close second featuring Ric Flair who lasted 60 minutes (only bettered by Bob Backlund). There was a lot of nice incidental parts to this Rumble which sets it apart from the rest (Hulk and Sid's friendship broken apart, Randy Savage's intense feud with Jake Roberts and who could forget Roddy Piper's attack on Ric Flair half way through . . . Great stuff.
Things fell apart with the 1993 Rumble due to a depleted rosta which changed forever after Royal Rumble 1992 - So many people left the WWF after that event (Greg Valentine, Haku, Marty Jannetty was injured, The Warlord etc . . .).
Of the later Royal Rumbles, perhaps 2002 was on a par with previous efforts and 2003 was pretty good as well (shock start with Shawn Michaels being the first to be eliminated).
If only the winners could be a little less predictable . . . ::)
Subject: Re: 90s wrestling (yup wresting again )
Hey Bobbo,you sure know your Rumbles. :)
Subject: Re: 90s wrestling (yup wresting again )
Hey Bobbo,you sure know your Rumbles. :)
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I sure do, Howard. I've seen every one from 1989 to present and I think only 3 Rumbles stunk horribly. 1995, 1997, 1999.
Royal Rumble 95 was awful because the P-P-V was running out of time and wrestlers had to enter every 1 minute - What a mess! At one point, I think 5 wrestlers got eliminated in 1 minute! Shawn Michaels and British Bulldog picked 1 and 2 and if the whole thing was supposed to go the way it should, it would make their whole ordeal sit a lot better with me. They both lasted to the end, British Bulldog knocked Shawn over the top but only one foot hit the floor. Bulldog's music started up and so he stood on the turnbuckle to salute the fans, this allowed Shawn to get back in and knock him off the turnbuckle for the win - really sad.
Royal Rumble 97 was merely a one-dimensional showcase for Steve Austin and it bored me senseless because he had to wait for wrestlers to come into the ring as he would eliminate them in quick fashion. Not even the AWA Mexican match during the card was much good because they were repeating moves all the time (and I don't know what Pero Aguayo was on).
Royal Rumble 99 was just odd. What can you say for a winner that doesn't enter the ring until the last minute? Steve Austin was knocked out during the Rumble and managed to get back in towards the end. It makes a mockery of all the other wrestlers that stayed in to get themselves eliminated. There was also a stupid sub-plot featuring Kane and a load of Psychiatrists (oh-hum). Mankind vs The Rock in an 'I-Quit' match was about the best thing on the card.
I wonder what Royal Rumble 2004 is going to be like. My pick is probably John Cena - There is obviously a reason why he has to go through so much trouble just to get into the event.
Subject: Re: 90s wrestling (yup wresting again )
I sure do, Howard. I've seen every one from 1989 to present and I think only 3 Rumbles stunk horribly. 1995, 1997, 1999.
Royal Rumble 95 was awful because the P-P-V was running out of time and wrestlers had to enter every 1 minute - What a mess! At one point, I think 5 wrestlers got eliminated in 1 minute! Shawn Michaels and British Bulldog picked 1 and 2 and if the whole thing was supposed to go the way it should, it would make their whole ordeal sit a lot better with me. They both lasted to the end, British Bulldog knocked Shawn over the top but only one foot hit the floor. Bulldog's music started up and so he stood on the turnbuckle to salute the fans, this allowed Shawn to get back in and knock him off the turnbuckle for the win - really sad.
Royal Rumble 97 was merely a one-dimensional showcase for Steve Austin and it bored me senseless because he had to wait for wrestlers to come into the ring as he would eliminate them in quick fashion. Not even the AWA Mexican match during the card was much good because they were repeating moves all the time (and I don't know what Pero Aguayo was on).
Royal Rumble 99 was just odd. What can you say for a winner that doesn't enter the ring until the last minute? Steve Austin was knocked out during the Rumble and managed to get back in towards the end. It makes a mockery of all the other wrestlers that stayed in to get themselves eliminated. There was also a stupid sub-plot featuring Kane and a load of Psychiatrists (oh-hum). Mankind vs The Rock in an 'I-Quit' match was about the best thing on the card.
I wonder what Royal Rumble 2004 is going to be like. My pick is probably John Cena - There is obviously a reason why he has to go through so much trouble just to get into the event.
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That's about the jist of it. :D