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Subject: where were you when you heard about kurt?
I don't know if I'm being presumptuous to make a new topic so soon after registration, but I have to know. Where were you when you heard about Kurt Cobain's suicide? How old were you? How did it make you feel? I know the Challenger tragedy is a big milestone around here, but as I was 8 at the time, it didn't really make that much of an impact. But I vividly remember Kurt's death, and the effect it had for me and my friends. I was 17 and had just gotten back from school when Kurt Loder busted into my video watching(on MTV, can you imagine??) and said that Kurt was dead. I was so sad that he would do that to himself and leave a fatherless daughter behind. I knew in that moment that things would never be the same for music or the world. What about you?
Subject: Re: where were you when you heard about kurt?
Humm on April 5th 1994 I was in college at USF attending my Dynamics class when I left the class, some girl was screaming "Kurt died, Kurt's dead" and sobbing. I can remember the same happening in December 8th 1980 when John Lennon was shot (today I wish he was never shot so he wouldnt have been as immortalized as he is today.-Yes I know this seems cruel but I didnt think he was a god of music as some people hold him to be and when he married Yoko...'nuff said) and they played "imagine" for 24 hours straight on one radio station (probably the reason why its my most disliked song that he wrote). I can remember people crying, holding hands, you would have thought that the president died! The media hype was the worst! At least they didnt do the same with when Kurt died.
Subject: Re: where were you when you heard about kurt?
I was at my parents beach house, getting ready to go on a bike ride when my mother came flying out to the garage shouting, "That guy died, that guy died, you know the one you like!!!" And I was like "huh?" So I came in & turned on MTV and of course was saturated with it by the end of the day. I was very sad when I heard the news, because I was a big fan back then. Not much of a fan anymore though.
Subject: Re: where were you when you heard about kurt?
I never heard about it until probably three years ago. ::) I was about five at the time so I didn't hear about it back then, and even if I did, I didn't care. I'm not a fan now so I still don't care.
Subject: Re: where were you when you heard about kurt?
I was driving my car through North Carolina when it came on the radio. All I remember was laughing at shaking my head. "What an idiot" I think was my first thought.
Frank Zappa died after releasing over 60 albums and no one cared. That mophead Kurt dies and people think it's the end of the world. Over-rated twit.
Do you have any idea how many bands don't "make it" for every one band that does? The number is staggering. Kurt blew his head off at the zenith of his career. More talented bands and song writers starve playing in a bar to a bunch of drunks for a few bucks and I'm supposed to feel remorse for a guy who did manage to climb to the top of the pile? If you can't handle fame and fortune than quit music and move to a country where sheep don't worship you.
Don't get me started on this. I could go on and on. >:(
Subject: Re: where were you when you heard about kurt?
I was in my first year of college and had just left campus to go to the part-time job I had in the afternoon. I heard it on the modern rock station I listened to at the time.
It was a sad day for music.
Subject: Re: where were you when you heard about kurt?
i liked nirvana, but i would`t care where i was when that news came out. i do remember where i was when they announced (on the radio) that STEVIE RAY VAHN was dead.i was at work.
Subject: Re: where were you when you heard about kurt?
I believe I was in my car listening to X-103 when the DJ announced their was a shot heard from Cobain's home in Seattle. And Kurt's mom was quoted as saying "Now he's joined that stupid club (rock stars who died of drug related deaths at the age of 27). Why did he join that stupid club?!" Sad, really. :(
98vfr: Stevie Ray Vaughn was one of the greatest blues-rock guitarist of our time. It was a big loss when he was killed in the copter crash.
Subject: Re: where were you when you heard about kurt?
I was never a big Nirvana fan, so I don't remember where I was when it happened. I do remember that I felt bad for his little girl.
Subject: Re: where were you when you heard about kurt?
I was never a big Nirvana fan, so I don't remember where I was when it happened. I do remember that I felt bad for his little girl.
End Quote
Same here dag...although I've felt bad for his little girl ever since they called her Frances Bean!!
Subject: Re: where were you when you heard about kurt?
Ironically enough, I was at a hospital visiting a friend that had just tried to kill himself by ODing on valium. My friend survived and is now quite successful and happy.
Subject: Re: where were you when you heard about kurt?
Same here dag...although I've felt bad for his little girl ever since they called her Frances Bean!!
End Quote
No kidding, saddled with that name and Courtney Love for a mom the poor thing had two strikes against her at birth. ;) ;D
Subject: Re: where were you when you heard about kurt?
Courtney killed Kurt ::)
Subject: Re: where were you when you heard about kurt?
Subject: Re: where were you when you heard about kurt?
Courtney killed Kurt ::)
End Quote
I can almost believe that :P
Subject: Re: where were you when you heard about kurt?
I was working for a small newspaper in Michigan and I saw the story move across The Associated Press wire.
Subject: Re: where were you when you heard about kurt?
check this out
Subject: Re: where were you when you heard about kurt?
I was at college, watching MTV i think. I was pretty pissed because I was really into them at the time.