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Subject: 80s vs. 90s: Which decade was better?
I was born in 1988, so I missed out in the 80s. I've been doing a lot of research on it, and all I can say is, they were AWESOME! I remember almost everything from the 90s, although I'm really a child of the 2000's. The 90's were great, and the 2000's are good so far. But if I could go back and live the 80s, I'd be there in a second.
Subject: Re: 80s vs. 90s: Which decade was better?
I don't care for the 00's. The 80's up till 1998 was fun than you had the reality shows, teen pop. WTC, and wars breaking out. George Bush calling out names like a wild man. Today's stuff its just too off the wall.
Subject: Re: 80s vs. 90s: Which decade was better?
well, they can't stay "off the wall" forever, things will settle down.
90-95 was probably better than the entire 80's decade.
Subject: Re: 80s vs. 90s: Which decade was better?
too bad I was only 2-7 from 1990-1995
Subject: Re: 80s vs. 90s: Which decade was better?
The 80s, for sure...although to be honest, 1992-1995 were not bad at all. It all went downhill after that (and 1990 and 1991 were AWFUL years culture-wise, except for Nevermind by Nirvana).
But so far, this decade is by far the worst of them all. Every new show is American Idol or Joe Millionaire or some other stupid reality show, and the music is not what it used to be (although I enjoy listening to John Mayer). Not to mention "9-11" and the angst that followed.
Subject: Re: 80s vs. 90s: Which decade was better?
I was in my 20s during the 80s and my 30s during the 90s. The 80s were fun-I lived in Hollywood during the middle portion of the 80s and it was fun.The ninties were settled, however and that was the most important thing, I think. I still feel settled into the 2000s and that's great. I think that the 90s had too much exposure of crimes and law suits and was a bit more hectic than the 80s, though.Can't say one was better than the other - they were different.
Subject: Re: 80s vs. 90s: Which decade was better?
The other day I was crazy. After exploring www.inthe80s.com I was seriously pissed that I wasn't born like 1970. The 80's just seemed so fun and cool. But I'm better now, because I've realized that kids in 2010 and 2020 will wish they grew up when I grew up.
Subject: Re: 80s vs. 90s: Which decade was better?
Enjoy your youth now.
You will always have the 80's and 90's around in reruns, CDs, and the internet. It's not like that pop culture is gone forever.
You also still have your 2000's today. Just enjoy your youth now. You won't always have it.
Subject: Re: 80s vs. 90s: Which decade was better?
I was 23 in 1990, and lived in bars up til 1995 or so. Who ever said 92-95 was better than the entire 80's decade, you havent got a clue. It does not even compare to the 80's. Music as well as society lost all of its fun in the 90's and became depressing and angry.
Rock bars all but disappeared in the 90's, and were replaced by "clubs" which drove that monotonous beat into your head. It was just plain gross and lacked any imagination or talent. All the bands of that period forgot what it was like to have a shower. Kurt Cobain has to be one of the most over-rated musicians of all time. Had he not blown his brains out(a true sign of the times). He would have faded away just like the rest of Seattles "grunge" scene.
There is nothing memorable about the 90's that was positive. All I do recall is the gang violence, high-lighted by rappers themsleves killing and being killed. An over rated rock star blowing his brains out. Video games replacing "real" childhood activities. The controversial death of a princess. A president getting a bj in the oral office and an ex-football star charged for murdering his wife.
The only positive thing I care to recall would be Seinfeld and the WWW. And the jury is still out on the WWW. The decade came to a close with the fear of the W2K crash which was closely followed by the media frenzy of the Metallica vs Napster incident in early 2000. The 90's was finally laid to rest by a distinct event brought on by the world wide anger that had built up through that decade and came crashing down on the north eastern US on 9/11.
Subject: Re: 80s vs. 90s: Which decade was better?
I was 23 in 1990, and lived in bars up til 1995 or so. Who ever said 92-95 was better than the entire 80's decade, you havent got a clue. It does not even compare to the 80's. Music as well as society lost all of its fun in the 90's and became depressing and angry.
Rock bars all but disappeared in the 90's, and were replaced by "clubs" which drove that monotonous beat into your head. It was just plain gross and lacked any imagination or talent. All the bands of that period forgot what it was like to have a shower. Kurt Cobain has to be one of the most over-rated musicians of all time. Had he not blown his brains out(a true sign of the times). He would have faded away just like the rest of Seattles "grunge" scene.
There is nothing memorable about the 90's that was positive. All I do recall is the gang violence, high-lighted by rappers themsleves killing and being killed. An over rated rock star blowing his brains out. Video games replacing "real" childhood activities. The controversial death of a princess. A president getting a bj in the oral office and an ex-football star charged for murdering his wife.
The only positive thing I care to recall would be Seinfeld and the WWW. And the jury is still out on the WWW. The decade came to a close with the fear of the W2K crash which was closely followed by the media frenzy of the Metallica vs Napster incident in early 2000. The 90's was finally laid to rest by a distinct event brought on by the world wide anger that had built up through that decade and came crashing down on the north eastern US on 9/11.
End Quote
That poster didn't say 1992-'96 was better then the 80's, he simply said it "wasn't all that bad", and he admits that the 80's were better.
The 90's were not all that bad. Quite a few people who were fans of the 70's found the 90's a refreshing change from the glossy, manufactured studio feel of many 80's bands and singers.
Did anyone even play instruments in the 80's? Or was it all done on soulless synthezizers? Many musicians lost their careers in the 80's because of the birth of MTV. MTV stressed beauty, glamour, and glitz. There are quite a few people that feel that the 80's destroyed something, and that for a brief period in the early and mid 90's, that rawness and earnestness was brought back. Too bad it didn't last.
Subject: Re: 80s vs. 90s: Which decade was better?
Enjoy your youth now.
You will always have the 80's and 90's around in reruns, CDs, and the internet. It's not like that pop culture is gone forever.
You also still have your 2000's today. Just enjoy your youth now. You won't always have it.
End Quote
I was going to type something along those lines, but I like the way you put it.
Subject: Re: 80s vs. 90s: Which decade was better?
umumum, it sucked for you, so what? A lot of people had a great time in the 90's, the earlier part of the decade was better than the latter.
Remember the Berlin Wall come down the winter of 89-90? The ending of the USSR and the "cold war"? Remeber the 1st Gulf war and how it was so well recieved by the nation, heck even Seattle didn't protest that. Also, the 92 election was a very exciting time politically when it was taken by a little known Governor from a small southern state. There was a lot of hope that great changes were going to come. (Unfortunatley, they did not). You weren't a fan of the grunge scene so I'm not going to go there with you but I was happy to see the hair care products get tossed and wearing comforatable and affordable clothes into the clubs. Yeh, and it was good to hear music talent be the center for band appreciation. I don't hate the 80's, this board has reminded me there was a lot of good stuff, I just didn't care for the way they ended up just as I didn't care for the way the 90s ended either.
And Fernando, you should go the membership route, you sound like and even thinking thougtful individual.
Subject: Re: 80s vs. 90s: Which decade was better?
actually the post I was referring to was from jj65...
""90-95 was probably better than the entire 80's decade""
The Berlin wall came down in 1989 I believe, which kinda makes it one of the final events of that decade.
did anyone even play instruments in the 80's? Or was it all done on soulless synthezizers? Many musicians lost their careers in the 80's because of the birth of MTV. MTV stressed beauty, glamour, and glitz. There are quite a few people that feel that the 80's destroyed something, and that for a brief period in the early and mid 90's, that rawness and earnestness was brought back. Too bad it didn't last.End Quote
With the end of disco, came the resurgence of rock once again. Including Heavy Metal, which by the way were bands who actually played instruments. Along with it came the British new wave invasion, who accept for very few, were also bands who played their own instruments. Even boy bands like Duran Duran played instruments. Unlike boy bands of today and of the 90's.
This comment you made of no talent, non instrument playing bands of the 80's is clearly false.
The real Synth, music became popular in the early 90's, which was quite apparent in all the clubs at that time, who began playing nothing but house/techno etc.
The "hair" bands you speak of, actually spilled over into the early 90's. And in the early 90's bands like Metallica(an 80's band) became even more popular and bridged Metal to the commercial zone. This is why nu-metal and punk etc. get the airplay it does today.
I didnt hate grunge by the way, the music wasnt bad. It was the style or lack of it that was gross.
I'd also like to point out that the 80's were MTV's birth and best years, when they actually played VIDEOS. It has since turned into a piece of garbage, and the fashion show you suggest the 80's was, is actually todays problem. can you say Spice girls? Britney? JLO? and all the other manufactured bands that appeared in the 90's to the present.
If the question had of included the 70's or the 60's. I'd likely not comment so much about it since I was barley aware of what was going on. But, the 80's and 90's I was very much aware of, and the events of both have shaped me into the adult I am today.
Subject: Re: 80s vs. 90s: Which decade was better?
^The 80s were blasted pretty heavily by the "adults" of the time back in it's day. "All style and little to no substance", yeah I remember those complaints about the 80s. Remember, this was the decade that gave us stuff like Rambo and Married with Children.
Like Fernando said, I've also met a lot of people who love the 70s say they prefer the 90s over the 80s. For the obvious reasons ofcourse, the asthetics of grunge were straight out of the 1970s. In the end, everyone has different tastes.
Subject: Re: 80s vs. 90s: Which decade was better?
Music as well as society lost all of its fun in the 90's and became depressing and angry.
The only positive thing I care to recall would be Seinfeld and the WWW.
End Quote
I have to say I agree w/alot in these statements. It's funny cuz I LOVE Seinfeld (has to be my favorite ever show), and I think, too, overall the Internet is a positive thing. But mostly I've seen the decade as depressing as evidenced by the "clothing" and other "styles". Which still haven't really left, BTW - and it looks like boys mite be getting worse, if that was possible - look at the hair (top and facial) on these dudes in the commercials now! Yikes!
Subject: Re: 80s vs. 90s: Which decade was better?
happy to see the hair care products get tossed and wearing comforatable and affordable clothes into the clubs.
End Quote
The hair doesn't much matter to me but at least boys had neater hair than the disheveled dirty-looking mats that have been around since.
As far as clothes, I tire of the "comfortable" excuse. How about dressing up a little for the benefit of others? Looking nice for them, showing them respect by caring about appearance and making the effort? (The same principle as going on a 1st date looking neat and clean.) Not to mention who doesn't feel better in truth knowing they look good rather than looking like dregs in slouch clothes?
I still don't know what everyone was/is wearing that nice clothes are "uncomfortable", anyway. I can hardly tell the difference. Or unaffordable. I've bought lots of nice primary apparel thru the years no more than $20 a pop.
OK, off my soapbox for now.... ;)
Subject: Re: 80s vs. 90s: Which decade was better?
""^The 80s were blasted pretty heavily by the "adults" of the time back in it's day. "All style and little to no substance", yeah I remember those complaints about the 80s. Remember, this was the decade that gave us stuff like Rambo and Married with Children. ""
Every generation gets blasted by the adults of its time. This is nothing new, it goes back as far as time itself.
My parents grew up in the 50's and 60's, and their parents hated rock n roll and thought Elvis moved his hips too much... omg blasphemy!!! The flower chilren annoyed their parents, get a job , cut your hair blah blah blah....etc. See what I mean?
"What is wrong with the youth today" is likely the most common phrase used by parents in every generation and decade.
As for your comments on "married with children" and "rambo"....I'm not really sure what your point is.
Subject: Re: 80s vs. 90s: Which decade was better?
It's hard to say, each era was cool in it's own way, it's unfair to compare one to the other. The 60's were cooler than the 50's with new british rock and roll and everything, but the 70's weren't better than any era, the era in excess, it was the backwash of the 60's with drugs and everything up through disco. Strings, horns and everything else were popular in music. The 80's were cooler than the 70's with the new sound with synthesizers and everything, but the 90's were cool too since they went back to real instruments. I can't say today's stuff is better than the 90's though, after 1998 it went downhill.
Subject: Re: 80s vs. 90s: Which decade was better?
The 80's! The 90's sucked, and I think the 00's are going to be way worse. What id this decade so far? People dressing like hippies, new reality shows every week, cell phones everywhere...it just sucks!!
Subject: Re: 80s vs. 90s: Which decade was better?
I think the 80`s were better, thats when all the new breakthrough`s in things were being made, but, for me personally my best decade (10 years) was 1985-1995. I was 16-26 & these were the party years.
To be old & wise is good, but AAHHH !!, to be young again,
( ::)Not that i`m that old ::))
Subject: Re: 80s vs. 90s: Which decade was better?
I definitely preferred the 80's, I was only born in '82, so I look back on my young childhood with great nostalgia and affection.
However, I do think the 90's improved as they progressed. The early 90's was all doom and gloom, with the Gulf War etc. Also, I don't think the music was very good, the only highlight here in Britain was some of the cool, old school dance stuff. I really like Nirvana now, but was too young to appreciate them at the time.. The early 90's fashion wasn't to my taste, either, all baggy pants and grunge, long flowery dresses and woolens, etc. I much preferred the late 90's when men became more groomed!!
The 90's improved for me in about 95-96, when the new cool Britannia / Indie movement music started, and I was reaching the end of my school days!! ;D
Subject: Re: 80s vs. 90s: Which decade was better?
I'm a child of the 90's but seriously I hate it. I mean I wish so many times I was born earlier. The 90's didin't have much good music/movies atleast IMO.
There are no classics anymore altough most people have considered Pulp Fiction to be one I thought it was good but nothing special.
Subject: Re: 80s vs. 90s: Which decade was better?
I was a child in the 80s and a teen in the 90s. I prefer the 80s - I loved the music and the sense of fun it created. For me, nothing was the same after 1991.
Still, I'm liking the 2000s right now, regardless of the world's political turmoil. :D
Subject: Re: 80s vs. 90s: Which decade was better?
To me both the early 80s and early 90s were quite magical.
The mid-part of both decades pretty much blew but I'd have to give the late 90's the nod over the late 80's.
Subject: Re: 80s vs. 90s: Which decade was better?
Personally, I absolutly hate the 80's. The 90's were so much better. This is from someone who doesn't remember the 80's (born in 87) or the early 90's. To me, the 80's were too conservative with big hair, big glasses, big shoulderpads and boxy cars. However, I have to say the early 80's were okay.
This is just my opinion while looking at history.