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Subject: history/fads from 96,97, and so on
I have to do this big activity for my school b/c our 1st group of students are now 6th graders and will be leaving our school. We need any fads (kid appropriate), historical events, etc. for each specific year. If you know what year certain fads or events occured, you would be helping me a ton. We need things from 96, through current.
Subject: Re: history/fads from 96,97, and so on
Clinton's impeachment, Stock Market boom, BOY BANDS, Pokemon
Geeze it really has been a pretty bland 5-years hasn't it? I mean up until 9-11 anyway.
Subject: Re: history/fads from 96,97, and so on
Was Buzz Lightyear '96? also Teletubbies toys and 'Pogs'
Subject: Re: history/fads from 96,97, and so on
1996: baggy pants were in, 2 Pac got killed, the Ford Tarus was the #1 Selling car, "One Sweet Day" by Mariah Carey and Boyz II Men is no. 1 song, Chicago Bulls win NBA Championship, New York Yankees win World Series, Kentucky wins NCAA Final 4 over Syracuse.
1997: Hanson and Spice Girls start teen-pop trend, Toyota Camry is #1 selling car, Arizona beats Kentucky in NCAA Final 4, Chicago Bulls win NBA championship again. Notorious BIG gets killed.
Subject: Re: history/fads from 96,97, and so on
1996 or 97: Tiger Woods joined the PGA Tour and golf has never been the same. Interest in the game and the amount of money being thrown around compared to even say 20 years ago is unbelievable.
1997/98: El Nino hit the Southwestern United States. It seemed like it rained everyday where I lived. Anyone remember the hilarious skit Chris Farley did about El Nino on SNL just before he tragically passed away?
Sometime in the mid-late 90s someone out there had the brilliant idea of the taking a piss on Chevy/Ford car stickers. I'm a quasi motorhead(and have heard more Chevy/Ford arguments than one should be subjected to in a lifetime), but I never thought it would get to the point when it seems like 1 out of every 10 drivers has one of those stickers on their car.
Subject: Re: history/fads from 96,97, and so on
I can help so much. I was in 5th grade from 1996 to 1997 and 6th grade 1997 to 1998. I remember tickle me elmo one christmas. I think 1996 or 1997. Beanie Babies were so popular. I started collecting in 1998. Furbies were really big. I wanted one but luckily the fad died down before I got one. Giga Pets were SO big summer 1997. Everyone had them and some had more than 1. I was SO happy to get one but my pet would die during the school day cause we weren't allowed to bring them to school. I remember Princess Diana's death. That was a big shock right before 6th grade. I made a scrap book in memory. The impeachment was during 7th grade ( 1998 to 1999) but that was at a time when I could have cared less for politics. Butterflys and Dragonflys were so popular late 1998 into 1999 along with cargo shorts, capri pants and platforms. I remember the new VW bug in 1999. Everyone wanted one and they were so cute. I even remember the slogan " Less flower, more power". Even though I never watched it Dawson's Creek was a huge hit and so was 7th Heaven. Towards the late 90's everyone was freaking out about Y2K and that was a HUGE deal. Titanic was another big deal. Everone went to see it. Drew Barrymore, Ben Affleck, Liv Tyler, Matt Damon, Leonardo DiCaprio, Katie Holmes were all very big tv stars in the late 90s. and who could forget the Spice Girls. In 1998 they were very popular and tons of merchandise bearing their name. If I come up with more I'll add some more. I hope this helped.
Subject: Re: history/fads from 96,97, and so on
1997-America Online's membership grows substantially, helps bring WWW culture mainstream. In the next couple years AOL goes global.
also in 1997 the Playstation was the hottest selling video game system by far
1997/1998 Elton John rules the charts for 15 weeks with "Candle in the Wind 97"
Pop Music comes roaring back
1997-Spice Girls, Backstreet BOys, 98 Degrees, Hanson
1998-Destiny's Child, N Sync
1999-Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera, Enrique Iglesias, Ricky Martin, Jessica Simpson
in 1998/1999 Pokemon and Dragon Ball Z takes americas anime fascination to new heights. Pokemon becomes so big that Nintendo and McDonalds even have to capitalize on the craze. Pokemon single handedly resurrects the Gameboy.
Subject: Re: history/fads from 96,97, and so on
Don't mean to burst anyone's bubble, but 1996 was when the 90's turned sour.
its was the "in between year" that separated grunge (90-95) from the teenybopper era (97- now??? I don't know, I guess you can call teenyboppers dead right about now)
Subject: Re: history/fads from 96,97, and so on
Don't mean to burst anyone's bubble, but 1996 was when the 90's turned sour.
its was the "in between year" that separated grunge (90-95) from the teenybopper era (97- now??? I don't know, I guess you can call teenyboppers dead right about now)
End Quote
1996 was alright for music except for the Macerana. Stone Temple Pilots had a few hits off the "Tiny Music from Vaticitan Gift Shop CD" like "Lady Picture Show". Alice Chains had hits like "Its Over Now" and "Grind". "Insensitive" by Jann Adrden was another good song in 1996. "Rollercoaster" by Red Hot Chilli Peppers I liked as well(an old school funk classic remake".) Better Than Ezra had a hit with "Desperately Wanting". "In The Meantime" by Spacehog was another good song of 96. "I Was wrong" by Social Distortion" was another gem of 96. I think the best song of 1996 was "Stone The Crow" by Down. I haven't heard that song well since it was hot on rock radio in 96.
Subject: Re: history/fads from 96,97, and so on
I dont know how many of these will be "kid appropriate", but here's a few events from that time:
Duke and Duchess of York divorce in May
Prince and Princess of Wales divorce in August
Bomb explodes at the Olympics in Atlanta (July)
Clinton wins second term
TWA Flight 800 explodes; 230 die
Port Arthur Massacre in Australia; 35 killed by lone gunman
Kofi Annan becomes UN secretary-general
First cloned sheep
Tony Blair elected British PM
Hong Kong returns to Chinese rule
Princess Diana dies - 31 August
Mother Theresa dies - 5 September
Tiger Woods wins the US Masters
Clinton impeachment
Operation Desert Fox: 4-day offensive against Iraq military installations following expulsion of UN weapons inspectors
Death of Frank Sinatra - May 15
Pakistan nuclear tests
France wins World Soccer Cup
US embassies in Kenya and Tanzania bombed
Clinton acquitted
Death of King Hussein
NATO air strikes in Kosovo
UN peace keepers in East Timor
Russian president Boris Yeltsin resigns
Putin elected President of Russia
'Love Bug' computer virus
India's population reaches 1 billion
Concorde crashes in Paris
Bush becomes US president
WTO riots in Seattle
Milosevic removed from power in Yugoslavia
Subject: Re: history/fads from 96,97, and so on
Don't mean to burst anyone's bubble, but 1996 was when the 90's turned sour.
its was the "in between year" that separated grunge (90-95) from the teenybopper era (97- now??? I don't know, I guess you can call teenyboppers dead right about now)
End Quote
But wait, there were teenyboppers in the early 90s too, remember New Kids on the Block, and some others who I can't think of now ::) but I know there were more, and they were still around in 1990 and even 91.
Maybe you mean it in a way that I don't quit understand, perhaps :-/
Subject: Re: history/fads from 96,97, and so on
Thanks for all of yoiur suggestions! Keep em coming! ;D
Subject: Re: history/fads from 96,97, and so on
The Fugees take the rap world by storm
Oasis becomes the first British band in who knows how long to break the U.S.
Beck goes from loser one-hit-wonder to indie-rock darling
Jerry Maguire, South Park and Austin Powers introduce the world to a new generation of annoying catchphrases
Subject: Re: history/fads from 96,97, and so on
Princess Diana Dies/ Elton John Records Candle In The Wind '97
The Spice Girls get popular and put out their own movie,m Spiceworld.
Virtual Pets Get Popular
Notourious B.I.G gets killed
2Pac gets killed
Yankees win the World Series ( God, I hate them) >:(
Clinton Wins..... Again.
N Sync Bursts onto the scene
Poke'mon bursts onto the scene
Catdog premires ( Not a big thing, but I used to love that show)
Subject: Re: history/fads from 96,97, and so on
I was 16 in 96, and 23 today, so I know a bit about these years quite well. I'll go at it one year at a time. Feel free to quote me and add to the list.
BTW: Toy Story was 1995.
Movies: Hunchback of Notre Dame(Disney's darkest; they actually swore, but it was more artistic)
Independence Day
101 Dalmatians remake
Comic books:
Spiderman Clone Saga(not a favorite)
X-Men Vs. Onslaught(a classic In My Opinion)
"One Saturday Morning" on ABC
"Kablam" on Nickelodeon
"Quack Pack" and "Mighty Ducks" in syndication
"Hysteria" on WB
I wouldn't know.. I was sort of on a brief pop music hiatus then...
Nintendo 64, with Super Mario 64
Tickel Me Elmo
Clinton Beats Ross Perot and Bob Dole in the 1996 election
Next up: 1997
Subject: Re: history/fads from 96,97, and so on
Pogs was 1995, and maybe some of 96.
Again feel free to add to this.
Men In Black
Spice Girls
Hanson(who I actually consider a rock/pop group)
Backstreet Boys
Angry Beavers(Nickelodeon)
Thunderbolts(Marvel Comics)They've changed dramatically this year..
Princess Diana dies in a car wreck.
1998 is coming soon..
Subject: Re: history/fads from 96,97, and so on
As far as games go even before pokemon there was "magic the gathering"
Subject: Re: history/fads from 96,97, and so on
Ah, the year I graduated HS..
The Truman Show
A Bug's Life
The Rugrats Movie
Seinfeld's final episode(NBC)
Superman was given a new look temporarily.
GameBoy Camera
Brandy & Monica team up for "The Boy Is Mine"
Britney Spears "Baby One More Time"
Faith Hill "This Kiss"
Natalie Imbruglia "Torn"
Clinton and Monica Lewinsky have an affair
Subject: Re: history/fads from 96,97, and so on
Ah, the year I graduated HS..
Brandy & Monica team up for "The Boy Is Mine"
Britney Spears "Baby One More Time"
Faith Hill "This Kiss"
Natalie Imbruglia "Torn"
End Quote
Other Songs:
Jennifer Paige-Crush
Next-Too Close
Ki Ci&Jo Jo-All My life
Usher-Nice & Slow
Montell Jordan/Master P-Lets's Ride
Can I Get A..-Jay-Z
Are You That Somebody?-Aaliyah
The Way-Fasball
Sex and Candy-Marcy Playground
Offspring-Pretty Ply For a White Guy
Feels So Good-Mase
Nice to see somebody graduate the same year I did.
Subject: Re: history/fads from 96,97, and so on
Likewise, Tv; thanx :) There are a few others though.
Blair Witch Project
Star Wars I: The Phantom Menace
Family Guy(FOX)
Spongebob Squarepants(Nickelodeon)
Who Wants to Be a Millionaire(ABC)
Home Improvement's final episode(ABC)
Mario Party(N64)
Sonic Adventure(Sega Dreamcast)
Super Smash Bros.(N64)
Livin' La Vida Loca(Ricky Martin)
Kiss Me(Sixpence None The Richer)
Everything You Want(Vertical Horizon)
If You Had My Love(Jennifer Lopez)
Something Like That(Tim McGraw)
Breathe(Faith Hill)
Almost Doesn't Count(Brandy)
Woodstock 99 becomes a disaster.
Columbine shooting.
Y2K bug threat.
2000 is up next
Subject: Re: history/fads from 96,97, and so on
Tickel Me Elmo
End Quote
Tickle Me Elmo was 1996? I thought it was newer than that...
Subject: Re: history/fads from 96,97, and so on
Nope, 1996. I was there.
Fantasia 2000
Emperor's New Groove
Playstation 2
Will Smith "Freakin' It"
Christina Aguilera "I Turn to You"
Baha Men "Who Let the Dogs Out"
No Doubt "Simple Kind of Life"
Elian Gonzales
George W. Bush wins the election, even though people voted for Al Gore.
Charles Schultz, creator of the comic strip "Peanuts", dies
Subject: Re: history/fads from 96,97, and so on
Wow! You guys have great memories! I really appreciate all of the help!