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Subject: Class of 1993
Just wondering how many of you are from the class of 93.
Subject: Re: Class of 1993
Me!!!!!!! 10 years, isn't it unbelievable how much things have changed in the world(music, fashion.......)
Subject: Re: Class of 1993
I'm Class of 1993.
I can't believe it's been 10 years either. Feels like yesterday that we were a bunch of no good 90210 kids.
I'm also feeling VERY OLD at age 27. I turn 28 at the end of this year. I don't like leaving my youth behind, too often I feel like such a relic of the 80's and 90's.
How many of us still look like teenage kids? People still think I'm 18, and they are shocked when I tell them I'm really 27. Others tell me I'll start looking my age/old in about 7 to 8 years when we get to 35.
Subject: Re: Class of 1993
Me!!!!!!! 10 years, isn't it unbelievable how much things have changed in the world(music, fashion.......)
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Yup. When we were in high school, Bill Clinton was just starting out as President. Kurt Cobain was still alive, the internet was in it's infancy and not yet a true household word. The 70's were making a surprsing comeback, the 80's were too recent to be called "retro". And Britney Spears and Chelsea Clinton were like 12 years old. My nephew was negative 4 years old in 1993. Yikes, we are getting old. :(
Subject: Re: Class of 1993
If we feel old now, imagine what it will be like in another 10 years. YIPES!
My class isn't even having a 10 year I don't think. Noone wants to organize it. My wife and I organized the 5-year and aren't doing that again.
I still have a very hard time believing that I'm 27. I always thought of people that were 27 to be so much older than I was. It was a very signifigant year for me because Kurt Cobain was 27 when he killed himself. Billy Corgan, who was my guitar hero was 27 when he broke big. Jim Morrison was 27 when he died, as was Janis and Jimi, I think. I always thought I would be so incredibly different yet I don't look or feel any different than I did at 17. I do feel alot wiser but my personality is still pretty much the same. I don't know if that is bad or good but can only say that I was always accused of being so "mature for my age" back then. It's irony because when I was 17, people thought I was 20 but now I am 27 and people have mistaken me for 17! I definitely feel lucky in that regard. I have run into some people I graduated with that looked soo completely old. I can still skate and wear the clothes I've always worn and not feel like a creepy old poser. I'm just going to enjoy it while it lasts.
Subject: Re: Class of 1993
I graduated that year. I was looking at some pictures the other day from a Halloween Party I was at back in '96, I couldn't believe it had been 7 years since then. It just didn't seem that long ago at all. Time has definetly seemed to move much faster since I've been out of college.
Subject: Re: Class of 1993
I graduated that year. I was looking at some pictures the other day from a Halloween Party I was at back in '96, I couldn't believe it had been 7 years since then. It just didn't seem that long ago at all. Time has definetly seemed to move much faster since I've been out of college.
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Subject: Re: Class of 1993
I graduated in 1998 and everything is different: Music, TV. You name it its different. 1998 seemed like like the tail end of the real 90's. When Britney Spears hit the music world at the tail end of 1998 that was the end of the real 90's.
Subject: Re: Class of 1993
id say Puffy & Badboy killed the 90s musically.
Subject: Re: Class of 1993
id say Puffy & Badboy killed the 90s musically.
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Puff Daddy didn't come out until 1997. He did produce for Notorious BIG, Faith Evans, 112, and Mary J. Blige when Puffy was working at Uptown/MCA Records around the 1993-1994 era before he released hiis 1st album in 1997. How can you say he ruined music when he came out so late in the 1990's? Maybe sampleing older songs killed music creatively in the late 90's. I just think music has been down in the last few years because of clear channel owning alot of radio stations, alot of the radio stations have the same playlists, MTV playlist is very very narrow and there's only a few major record labels so there is not alot of competition between different labels. I don't know I could feel when Britney Spears came out the music world became about what kind of clothes you wore and how good you looked.
Subject: Re: Class of 1993
MTV has totally become non-music centric. Whatever happened to big block shows of music...that totally focused on certain types of music? Yo! MTV Raps? Headbangers Ball? 120 minutes?
Subject: Re: Class of 1993
MTV has totally become non-music centric. Whatever happened to big block shows of music...that totally focused on certain types of music? Yo! MTV Raps? Headbangers Ball? 120 minutes?
Subject: Re: Class of 1993
MTV has totally become non-music centric. Whatever happened to big block shows of music...that totally focused on certain types of music? Yo! MTV Raps? Headbangers Ball? 120 minutes?
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MTV played music video's in 1998. In 1999 they stopped playing music video's. You have to watch MTV 2 now to catch anything good.
Subject: Re: Class of 1993
MTV played music video's in 1998. In 1999 they stopped playing music video's. You have to watch MTV 2 now to catch anything good.
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I don't know about that. I remember through most of the 90's, people said they weren't playing music videos, but instead had stupid volleyball beach parties and reality shows like Real World. You say the good times ended for you in 1999 because you graduated high school the previous year. Probably because you were raised on the harder 90's sound of grunge, and when you were finally out of high school this new style of lighter, fluffy Britney Spears styled bubblegum teen pop became popular right? That happened to me. I graduated in 1993, and I remember thinking the good times ended in 1992. Hey I was still in high school and I remember thinking that!
Sometimes, your opinions can change though. I graduated high school in 1993, and I distinctly remember thinking that pop culture had gone down the toilet in 1992. Right when I was around 17 and coming out of high school in '93, most of the stuff I had grown up with in the 80's was GONE. When I finished high school in 1993, no one was listening to the type of music, or wearing the style of clothes that were popular when I started high school in the fall of 1989. There were few or no hair metal bands around. The 80's power ballads were gone, replaced by alternative music and 70's retro clothes. Everything was so different. Just imagine that, you're finally 17 years old, still in high school though poised to become a legal adult, but most of what you grew up with is out of style and replaced with a new style that you hate. In my senior year of 1992-'93, I remember kids in my English class were talking about the grunge scene and 70's making a comeback. I still remember these girls in my English class saying something like, "Did you know the 70's are coming back in style? Platform shoes!? Eeeew!!" When I started high school in 1989, you couldn't give that shit away, but when I graduated in 1993, that was the new ugly style. No one saw that coming.
I remember the stoners thought grunge and 70's retro was cool, but the vast majority of us who were raised to hate the style of the 70's in the 80's were utterly shocked that such ugly clothes could possibly come back in style. I mean I was a high school kid, I was the target deomgraphic for what was going on. But the grunge scene and gangsta rap that had taken over at that time was hard change for me. Sure I kinda liked Nirvana, but I remember thinking it was all too much and too unpleasant for my ears. I guess I was so used to the style of the 80's or very early 90's. I even remember having long conversations with a friend of mine when we were around 18 or 19 in 1994 and '95---about how the 90's sucked and the 80's were better. We both felt like we were robbed, since we wished we had graduated high school in 1985 or 1986 instead of being forced to come of age in the dreary 90's. But now I look back, and even though I still don't like it that much, the grunge scene from that time has grown on me. Like it or not, that time was still a part of my youth, so I guess I look back at it with more fonder eyes. Go figure. Plus the early and mid 90's do hold my last memories of being a kid. But at that time, when I was a high school kid, and/or an older teenager of 18 and 19,-----I HATED IT. I couldn't stand it, and it's not like I was 35 years old back then, I was still a teenage kid! I guess the point I'm making with this ultra long post is that everyone feels that whatever pop culture they grew up with was the best ever. Sometimes like in my situation, even if you were still in high school and still "growing up" with what is going on, you can still despise it because it's so different to what you were used to.
Subject: Re: Class of 1993
I don't know. I actually got pretty excited when the grunge stuff started happening. I was so sick of pop culture in 91-92. I mean everything was so slick and bland...sortof like 98-99. The "alternative" shift was so fresh for me at the time. I gobbled up every bit of pop the 80's had to offer from the time I was 7 on so I was onto something new and digging it. I started to miss the 80's in about 95...really bad. I had always been "nostalgic" about the 80s, even as early as 1990 but 95 I really started to get sick of what was going on and started to miss my Van Halen's and Def Leppards. Only in the past year or two have I started to wade back into the pop culture again. I have really started to like some of the Hip Hop and true rock that is out there now. I HATE the Nu-metal stuff. Rap and rock don't mix at all, IMHO. I remember hating that even when Anthrax and Public Enemy got together for "Bring the Noise". It annoyed me. Never sounded right together.
Subject: Re: Class of 1993
^^You know what, I do know what you are talking about in bringing up the other side of it, about needing to move on and wanting something fresh and new. You're right, there was clearly an "80's fatigue" among a lot of people in 1989 and 1990. I think that's what did the decade in, there were enough kids that just got sick and tired of it. A lot of kids didn't even want to talk about or be reminded about the 80's anymore by 1989/1990. And a kid certainly weren't safe at school if he was walking around still saying something like "totally radical!" or using any other type of stereotypically corny 80's lingo in 1989.
But me personally, I was getting into the hair metal of 1988 and 1989 when I was like 13 and 14. So I was devastated that it was all essenitally gone by 1992 when Kurt and Eddie came down from Seattle. One of my good friends from back then felt the same way. But I do remember that there were good number of people our age who wanted good riddance to the 80's. Though I bet if you poll most people our age now in 2003 as adults, and have them compare both decades, they will say they prefer the 80's over the 90's. I know I do. Me personally, I got bored and really sick of the 90's quick, while I was still in high school. The 90's were OK, but in my opinion it's not a contest when comparing it to the 80's.
Subject: Re: Class of 1993
Me!!!!!!! 10 years, isn't it unbelievable how much things have changed in the world(music, fashion.......)
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I know. Please don't remind me. How time flys. :'(
Subject: Re: Class of 1993
If we feel old now, imagine what it will be like in another 10 years. YIPES!End Quote
Dude that's what I keep wondering!! If I've been feeling this bad about getting older the past few years, my God how will be in another 10 years!!? We're still so young at 27. Think about how bad it will be when we're 50.
My class isn't even having a 10 year I don't think. Noone wants to organize it. My wife and I organized the 5-year and aren't doing that again.
I still have a very hard time believing that I'm 27. I always thought of people that were 27 to be so much older than I was. It was a very signifigant year for me because Kurt Cobain was 27 when he killed himself. Billy Corgan, who was my guitar hero was 27 when he broke big. Jim Morrison was 27 when he died, as was Janis and Jimi, I think. I always thought I would be so incredibly different yet I don't look or feel any different than I did at 17. I do feel alot wiser but my personality is still pretty much the same. I don't know if that is bad or good but can only say that I was always accused of being so "mature for my age" back then. It's irony because when I was 17, people thought I was 20 but now I am 27 and people have mistaken me for 17! I definitely feel lucky in that regard. I have run into some people I graduated with that looked soo completely old. I can still skate and wear the clothes I've always worn and not feel like a creepy old poser. I'm just going to enjoy it while it lasts.
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I didn't even know schools had 5 year reunions. People think I'm still 17, 18 or 19 all the time. A couple of years ago when I was 25 this UPS guy came to my place and asked me if my mom and dad were home. LOL. I'm often tempted to exploit this and go undercover as a high school kid. Mind everyone I would never do it, but doing something along those lines is an idea I've had for the past few years. I feel the same too. I suppose I'm more mature and wiser, but essentially my personality is the same as it was in 1993.
Subject: Re: Class of 1993
I don't know. I actually got pretty excited when the grunge stuff started happening. I was so sick of pop culture in 91-92. I mean everything was so slick and bland...sortof like 98-99. The "alternative" shift was so fresh for me at the time. I gobbled up every bit of pop the 80's had to offer from the time I was 7 on so I was onto something new and digging it. I started to miss the 80's in about 95...really bad. I had always been "nostalgic" about the 80s, even as early as 1990 but 95 I really started to get sick of what was going on and started to miss my Van Halen's and Def Leppards. Only in the past year or two have I started to wade back into the pop culture again. I have really started to like some of the Hip Hop and true rock that is out there now. I HATE the Nu-metal stuff. Rap and rock don't mix at all, IMHO. I remember hating that even when Anthrax and Public Enemy got together for "Bring the Noise". It annoyed me. Never sounded right together.
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I was glad that the 90s happened too. I got into grunge, it was something new and different from the gaudy 80s. As much as I love the 80s, it was time for it to go. I think it would have been terrible if we were wearing cheesy looking spandex and neon forever. Dressing like a homeless lumberjack was the new style of the 90's and I admit that I really liked it and got into it. But like Rick says, if someone put a gun to my head and asked me to answer truthfully which decade I thought was overall cooler the 80's or 90s.....I guess I would have to answer the 80s. My personal enjoyment of the 90s ended a few years after high school, like around 1996 or '97, whenever year it was that Pearl Jam was no longer thought of as cool. I know I didn't like the Late 90s at all, I guess I was too old for the Late 90s. Man this whole conversation is yet another reminder that we're not as young as we used to be. People are talking about what was cool and not cool 10-11 years back!! (and we weren't little kids 10 years ago) hahaha lol
Subject: Re: Class of 1993
Like some other people when the grunge stuff stopped I started to Listen to 80's music. It was kinda scary. I just graduated high school a few months before and already I was back to music that took place when I was 4-10 years old. Kinda scary. I started to discover 80's pop: Tears For Fears, Duran Duran, Def Leppard, Depeche Mode and The Police. Even 80's Pop/R&B like Sheena Easton, Taylor Dayne, and Jody Watley I started listening too. If you told me I was going to listen to the 80's in 1997 I would have laughed at you. In 1996 it was all about Collective Soul, STP, Counting Crows, and Sheryl Crow. I still like that music though and still listen to the 80's stuff. Maybe I just missed my childhood with the 80's that I wanted to go back and listen to some of the songs that were hot then.
Artists I listen to now are Norah Jones, Alicia Keys, Usher, R. Kelly, and rock bands like Queens of the Stone Age, and The Strokes. Whatever happened to the Deftones? "Digital Bath" and "Change" were nice songs a couple years ago.
Subject: Re: Class of 1993
I'm a little younger then you class of 1993. I was a fish when you guys were seniors, I graduated high school in 1996 so I have a 10 year reunion coming up in a few years. I'm sure my reunion in 2006 will be the same old dumb people acting the same way, just all grown up and older. I just know that a lot of them will still be masquerading as teenagers, I met a chick I knew from high school a couple of months ago and she was acting like she was still 16. About growing older and the age thing, oh man I can totally relate to that. I turn 25 this summer and I know I certainly don't feel like a spring chicken young kid anymore. A lot of it has to do with knowing you're now closer to 30 then 19 or 20.
Subject: Re: Class of 1993
I'm a little younger then you class of 1993. I was a fish when you guys were seniors, I graduated high school in 1996 so I have a 10 year reunion coming up in a few years. I'm sure my reunion in 2006 will be the same old dumb people acting the same way, just all grown up and older. I just know that a lot of them will still be masquerading as teenagers, I met a chick I knew from high school a couple of months ago and she was acting like she was still 16. About growing older and the age thing, oh man I can totally relate to that. I turn 25 this summer and I know I certainly don't feel like a spring chicken young kid anymore. A lot of it has to do with knowing you're now closer to 30 then 19 or 20.
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On the high school reunion thing I think I'll skip mine. There were a few people that were cool to me but they were some plastic people too that I didn't care for too much. I tried to be nice to everybody back then but some people were just mean and the "plastic people" just didn't want to give you the time of day even if you were nice to them. I never got why they were like that. I guess its the "cool crowd", "middle of the road crowd", and the "nerd crowd". in high school. Somehow the "cool people" thought they were very above the "middle of the road crowd". I have seen a few people from high school but luckily I haven't seen any of the "plastic people" that were in my high school since I graduated. "Plastic People" made my life bad during high school. Today if I saw any of these people I don't even think I would even say anything. They are not worth my time. The people that were nice to me are worth my time. You treat people the way they treat you. Its give and take.
Subject: Re: Class of 1993
I have yet to receive an invite to my 10-year, and i'd prefer to keep it that way. I like to hide. Besides, what's the point to a 10 year? It would feel like you just left those people. But i shoulda graduated in '92, so maybe i won't count.