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Subject: Why isn't there a "Why I love the 90s" topic
There is a "Why I love the 80s." The 80s was some good times but the 90s have some good time too especially 1990-1993, I know thats when people stop wearing those sudden hairstyles and clothes but still there was some good times in the 90s too.
Subject: Re: Why isn't there a "Why I love the 90s" topic
I believe this website is primarily devoted to the 1980's. The '80's being the favorite decade of the webmaster of this site. So the '80's portion of this site will obviously have more depth to it. The '70's and '90's were probably added in because they are also the late 20th century and the two decades surrounding the Eighties.
And the present '00's are in for the obvious reason of just discussin what is going on now.
Subject: Re: Why isn't there a
There is a "Why I love the 80s." The 80s was some good times but the 90s have some good time too especially 1990-1993, I know thats when people stop wearing those sudden hairstyles and clothes but still there was some good times in the 90s too.
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You just need to start a "Why I love the 90's" thread. :D
The 90's was when I became a mother for the first (only) time so obviously for me the 90's was very memorable. I had some good times and bad times in the 90's....just as I did for each decade. Every decade is different for different reasons. The 80's for me was more about fun, going out and getting drunk. While in the 90's all that changed....well the first couple of years in the 90's was still about having fun and getting drunk. ;) My daughter made me grow up, :-/ but I like to be reminded of those more carefree times.
Subject: Re: Why isn't there a "Why I love the 90s" topic
There is a "Why I love the 80s." The 80s was some good times but the 90s have some good time too especially 1990-1993, I know thats when people stop wearing those sudden hairstyles and clothes but still there was some good times in the 90s too.
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Go to the 90's board and start one...it is quite simple....
Subject: Re: Why isn't there a "Why I love the 90s" topic
For me the eighties had a special "magic" to it, that the nineties lack. If I see eighties paraphenilia (a magazine, video game system, commercial) something clicks, and I think how cool it is. If I see something from the nineties, there is no clicking, and no feeling of how cool something is. I don't know why, it just happens
Subject: Re: Why isn't there a "Why I love the 90s" topic
For me the eighties had a special "magic" to it, that the nineties lack. If I see eighties paraphenilia (a magazine, video game system, commercial) something clicks, and I think how cool it is. If I see something from the nineties, there is no clicking, and no feeling of how cool something is. I don't know why, it just happens
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I feel the same way. I actually gradutated high school in 1996, and as nice and OK as the '90s were, it never had the magic and charisma of the '80's. The '80's truly were magical and special.
Subject: Re: Why isn't there a "Why I love the 90s" topic
the 90's were a great time....especially the music of that time
Subject: Re: Why isn't there a "Why I love the 90s" topic
I agree with Screwball and Tim. The 80s had character that the 90s didn't. Everytime I see anything to do with the 80s I immediately think of something to do with my childhood. The 80s were awesome, and the 90s...well, lets just say they were there and leave it at that.
Subject: Re: Why isn't there a "Why I love the 90s" topic
The 1980's were fun and excitement. It was fun, full of bright, bold colors, arcades, discotheques, great fashion and charisma. A totally awesome decade, In my honest opinion.
The 90's were just dull. Bright, bold colors, arcades, great fashion and charisma were all but extinct. Discotheques became Night Clubs, many men began to wear their pants below their butt cheeks and became slobs, women began to wear pants that drag all over the floor/road/ground, no more make-up, no more style, no more decent sensuality, crass and distasteful were the new way to go, cursing was steadily being allowed into the radio and TV, decent music declined rapidly,...
...can't go on. :P
Subject: Re: Why isn't there a "Why I love the 90s" topic
COuldn't have said it better myself!
Looking back, I just can't help but think how unoriginal the 90s were. It seemed like most things were just really bad knockoffs of things that were great and original in the 80s.
And I agree with you about the men's pants hanging down below their tush. If only they knew how STUPID they looked, maybe they would reconsider?
Subject: Re: Why isn't there a "Why I love the 90s" topic
And I agree with you about the men's pants hanging down below their tush. If only they knew how STUPID they looked, maybe they would reconsider?
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I'm glad finally some others here have stated how awful this "fashion" is.
I have always wanted to sit at the mall, cup my hands around my mouth toward the caches of young guys passing by, and say "YOU..............LOOK...................STU-PID!!!!" in hopes of pounding some revelation in them. But I'm not that brave - nor that rude to others having to hear me yell. ;)
Subject: Re: Why isn't there a "Why I love the 90s" topic
Well, lucky for us, like most fashions, it will pass eventually. Give it a few more years and those guys with there pants down to their knees will realize how moronic they really look. I shutter to think what will replace it though!
Subject: Re: Why isn't there a "Why I love the 90s" topic
why do i love the 90's? the first time i had a crush and got my heart ripped out(no wait...that was kindergarten...so that was also 1989 hehe, but oh well i had that happen plenty of times in the 90's too) it was some girl named lynn and after halloween found her in the backpack section grabbin other peoples candy...but she got sick anyways ;D lesson learned no? for both of us hehehe
hmm the 90's i purchased my first album
-Sonic, Super Mario 3, John Madden '94, Mortal Kombat, Final Fantasy 6, Chrono Trigger, NFL2K(all video game systems i owned were bought in the 90s except my Dreamcast which was 2000)
-began high school in 1998
-i was already girlcrazy by the start of 6th grade in 1995(i found out from my grandma it was in my genes ;) )
-Boyz II Men, Jodeci, Nirvana, Busta Rhymes, Biggie, Tupac, Outkast, DMX
-Glory, Boyz in the Hood, Clueless, Independence Day, Men in Black, The Waterboy, rebirth of original Star Wars brought back to movie theaters
-my cousins in 1996 and 1999
- 1991-1999 the longest period weve spent in 1 house and so thus thats when all my most important bonds were formed.
-which would be Jeff Danny Josh Jessica Jenevieve Christine
- Gimp, Pogs, Keychain necklaces
-BET was still owned by black ppl
-Ren n Stimpy, Rugrats, Doug, Aah Real Monsters, Lil Bits, Beavis n Butthead
-Famous Jett Jackson, So Weird, Family Matters, Fresh Prince, Blossom(hey even i was crushin on Six lol), Step by Step, Different World, Pete & Pete, Alex Mack
-MTV up to 1997(only TRL/mtv jams/real world after that)
-My obsession/love for the University of North Carolina Tarheels @ Chapel Hil lbegins
-The solid color shirts with the stick figure guy with sayings like "im just better than you are" and such
-the tail i used to have til like 1992
-the time i lost my voice in 2nd grade while we were doing rehearsals for our big class play :(
Subject: Re: Why isn't there a "Why I love the 90s" topic
I think the reason why there is such love for the 80s here is become, yes, it is primarily an 80s site. Also though, a lot of the people on here were teenagers in the 80s, and you get the nostalgic feel from them.
Personally, I don't really like the 90s. The grunge movement annoyed me (OT a bit, but Kurt Cobain was on the cover of Rolling Stone wearing a 'Corporate America Sucks' T-Shirt, am I the only one who sees the hypocrisy of that situation?), although the early 90s rock revival was alright.
Personally, I am in love with the 60s, that is the decade that I feel as though I would loved being in. I didn't live in the 60s, but everything about it, the music, the movies, the fashion, the idealogy all clicks with me.
Back to the point, I think there aren't too many Why I love the 90s topics for two reasons. On a personal note, a lot of people here were growing up, experiencing all the highs and lows of the world, letting go of their childhood, so the 80s (their childhood) would have been better looked upon by them. On a less personal note - the 90s didn't seem to have a defining factor to it - The 50s had the outbreak of rock and roll, the 60s had the hippie culture and rebellion, the 70s had glam rock and disco, the 80s had *shudder* hair bands, and a weird kind of individuality that made it stand out. The 90s may have had grunge, hip hop or whatever, but it didn't really define the decade, like the previous things have.
Subject: Re: Why isn't there a "Why I love the 90s" topic
I loved the '90's!
I was born in '66 so I can clearly remeber 3 decades and can participate in 4 boards here. The '90s was the 1st decade in a long time without living under the threat of the cold war. Also, hair and fashion became simpler and more comfortable again. US job and wealth growth was incredibly high. Technowlsy grew at an amazing rate. US automakers finally started doing some things right. Women quit wearing that gawdawful neon and sparkel makeup and let there hair fall naturally. '80s had some good music but it was great to hear real bands that can play there own instruments agian, I was glad to see British angst exit and good American Anger come through (ie Grunge) '90s were great, I choose to look back honestly and say good times but not the best.
Subject: Re: Why isn't there a "Why I love the 90s" topic
I loved the video games in the 90's. I love the Super Nintendo!!!!!
Subject: Re: Why isn't there a "Why I love the 90s" topic
The reason why there isn't a "Why I Loved the 90's" is because we haven't had enough time to put it (the 90's) into perspective with were we are now.
It’s hard to be nostalgic about events less than 4-5 yrs ago. It takes a while for us to romanticize about those things in the past we remember, and forget the bad things.
If you notice the retro trends, it’s always a 20 yr gap before a past decade’s fads, fashion and the like, "come back".
The children of one era grow up and start to feel nostalgia for their childhood and things of the past. Once you hit your 20’s or 30’s, and past your teens, maturity sets in. It’s easier to look back and look to the past with rose colored glasses.
At least you knew what was going on then, right? Felt more secure, when you were a kid didn’t it? …Not like the uncertainty of the present.
In the 2000’s, that's what’s happening right now for the 80's.
In the 70's, the 50's had a comeback with Happy Days, and Grease..
In the 80's there was a retro/60's "hippie" thing going with beads, tie-die shirts, bands like Phish etc.
The 90's gave you a 70's revival, disco music revival, bell-bottoms..
Just wait until 2012 or so and you'll have a flannel and grunge think happening all over again, give it time.
It's all in the timing folks...
Subject: Re: Why isn't there a "Why I love the 90s" topic
Quoting:Just wait until 2012 or so and you'll have a flannel and grunge think happening all over again, give it time.
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Oh please spare me....the first time was bad enough... ;)
Not again, anything but that :'( :'( :'(
Subject: Re: Why isn't there a "Why I love the 90s" topic
LOL ;)
I'm not looking forward to a Paully Shore film fest/retrospective either..
Subject: Re: Why isn't there a "Why I love the 90s" topic
I wouldn't mind seeing kids wearing "Ren & Stimpy" or "Beavis & Butt-Head" shirts in the next decade. 8)
As long it's not "Barney" nor "Pokemon". :P
Subject: Re: Why isn't there a "Why I love the 90s" topic
I've already met plenty of middle school aged kids born in like 1991 or 1992 that think the 90's should be a retro decade right now. Put the 1990's on the old fart shelf next to Elvis and the Beatles. To those kids the 90's are ancient history, a decade they have vague and hazy memories of, but never really lived through.
Subject: Re: Why isn't there a "Why I love the 90s" topic
The 1980's were fun and excitement. It was fun, full of bright, bold colors, arcades, discotheques, great fashion and charisma. A totally awesome decade, In my honest opinion.
The 90's were just dull. Bright, bold colors, arcades, great fashion and charisma were all but extinct. Discotheques became Night Clubs, many men began to wear their pants below their butt cheeks and became slobs, women began to wear pants that drag all over the floor/road/ground, no more make-up, no more style, no more decent sensuality, crass and distasteful were the new way to go, cursing was steadily being allowed into the radio and TV, decent music declined rapidly,...
...can't go on. :P
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Wow Spray' you said a mouthful! ;D
Subject: Re: Why isn't there a "Why I love the 90s" topic
I personally think the both the 80's and 90's had same great stuff. The 80's had stuff like the Cosby's, Who's The Boss(well it was cool at the time), Three's Company, Different Strokes, Perfect Strangers, and Magnum PI. The 80's I like the New Wave Music like Duran Duran, Depeche Mode, and New Order. The 80's also had good Pop/R&B like Janet Jackson, Taylor Dayne, Lisa Lisa, Anita Baker, and Jody Watley.
The 90's had shows like Fresh Prince, Hangin With Mr. Cooper, Step By Step, ER, Home Improvement, and In the House(the show LL Cool J starred on.)
Music was good I liked the rock music bands like Live, STP, Pearl Jam, Alice In Chains, and Nine Inch Nails. Also good R&B with with artists like Aaliyah, Monica, Brandy, SWv, and PM Dawn. Also had some good progressive rock bands like the Gin Blssoms, Soul Asylum, and Collective Soul.
Music started to become stupid around late 1998 with the whole teen-pop thing exploded. It was just falt out image over substance. Then people driving the SUV's. I mean in 1990 it was the whole coupe thing that was hot with cars like the Mazda MX-6, the miata just came out, the Mitsubishi Eclipse came out that year too(well it was 89 because in the states a new model year for cars like in September of every year.) The whole reality TV thing started to get big. The 00's I just don't like them. I graduated high school in 1998 and after 6 months after I graduated everything pop culture wise just went downhill I feel. Our values went downhill I feel.
I can't stand the whole Michael Jackson case and Jennifer Lopez every time I come home at night they are always on the TV. Its too much overexposure on these 2 people. The same with Britney Spears for a few years there every time you would turn on the TV she was there. I do not like celebrities being in my face all the time on the TV.
Finally, We have lost our way as a society(value's wise)I feel like. We need to get with reality a little and I don't mean reality TV.
Sorry for my venting. Since 1999 we seem as a culture so focused on celebrities and reality TV.
Subject: Re: Why isn't there a "Why I love the 90s" topic
I was born in 1985, so I pretty much came of age during the 90's. I LOVE THEM!
The 90's were my decade...the post-grunge, Abercrombie and Fitch look that started late in the 90's is still pretty hot to look at now. Guys were so much hotter in 1999 than they were in 1989, in terms of how they dressed and they're bodies...more guys worked out and took care of themselves in the 90's than they did in the 80's.
Then of course, the TV....Buffy the Vampire Slayer was THE show of 1990's. Dawson's Creek was cool, so was Felicity. And then there was the stuff that didn't last, like New York Undercover.
The music was great, too...Oasis, Smashing Pumpkins, Bush...that music was the soundtrack to my growing up.
The 90's isn't gelled over enough for a full-on nostalgia trip, but I think for people born in the late 70's to late 80's, they're a special time.
Subject: Re: Why isn't there a "Why I love the 90s" topic
My favorite 90's shows are Beavis & Butthead and South Park.
Subject: Re: Why isn't there a "Why I love the 90s" topic
My favorite 90's shows are Beavis & Butthead and South Park.
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Ditto :D
Huh Huh Huh
"Beavis & Butt-Head" will be shown (about 20 episodes) on MTV2 this weekend. :D Starting Friday Feb. 6th to early Sunday morning!!! A good time to use blank tapes. 8)
Subject: Re: Why isn't there a "Why I love the 90s" topic
Ditto :D
Huh Huh Huh
"Beavis & Butt-Head" will be shown (about 20 episodes) on MTV2 this weekend. :D Starting Friday Feb. 6th to early Sunday morning!!! A good time to use blank tapes. 8)
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That's Kewl! uh-huh-huh "You said Blank".... ;D